Yu Yuanyuan agreed to look back, when he saw the shelf above the listed goods, he couldn’t help but wink, doubting whether he was or was not, looking at many odd ones.

Su Ping stood up and greeted the guests, “What do you want to foster?”

Yu Yuanyuan from the shelf above recovered her gaze, looked at Su Ping, if it weren’t for the big guts, even thinking of running away from her sandals, she lifted her chest, let herself show her aura a little, and said: “We want to ask you to foster the beast but hung, I don’t know if you here can or can’t foster, and yes, how much do you here foster, how do you calculate?”

“Low-level beasts 10,000, middle-class 100,000.” Su Ping said with a smile.

This smile fell in Yu Yuanyuan’s eyes, it was ten parts of laughter.

Regardless, the opponent quoted the opposite price as exceeding Yu Yuanyuan’s expectations, looking at the shelf above the price, she also thought that fostering costs at least tens of thousands, not thinking of fostering middle-class beasts is also 100 thousand.

She immediately asked, “So how much do you cultivate the other Lei Guangxuan, how much money?”

Su Ping pulled the corners of his mouth, his smile was unseen, and he said: “At least 1 million.”

“1 million?” Yu Yuanyuan was slightly startled, besides another young woman who also rolled her eyes.

Yu Yuanyuan came back very quickly, this price is high, which takes Lei Guang Try the value, it is also worth it, even charging a comfort fee, it’s just, she is suddenly a little skeptical, this shop is really fostering Lei Guang Try store a, don’t want to unilaterally, riot the Great Oolong.

“You know what I said Lei Guangxuan is, you know what its owner said?” Yu Yuanyuan asked.

Su Ping’s eyes were low, glared at her a little, and said: “I have an obligation to make sure that you are fengshan academy, Su family, right?”


Yu Yuanyuan exhaled softly, it seemed that the other party knew Su Yanyuan, this opponent was all confident, she asked: “That 10,000, what works?”

“10 thousand?” Su Ping frowned, asked so much, just wanted to choose one thousand?

“The specific effectiveness will be difficult to say, but the charisma will definitely have room to increase, not the level is the combat experience, in short, the stronger it is compared to the previous one.” Su Ping returned behind the counter, once again sat back in the chair, and said coldly.

Seeing Su Ping in the blink of an eye, the two women were a little surprised, this is also too realistic?

Suddenly, thinking of Su Ping, in their hearts, there is a little expectation, the 1 million fostering flower is Lei Guangyuan, for them, the resources are too difficult, the two of them can not come a little, but the fostering school is still payable.

“Then I cultivate a charismatic middle-class beast and a low-level charismatic beast.” Yu Yuanyuan immediately decided to speak.

Besides the relatively terrifying personality, the short-haired young woman also said weakly: “Let’s foster the other Mother Zhou.”

Su Ping couldn’t help but look at this young woman a little, look at this weak coward, but it was Bai Zhou who was so fierce? Wouldn’t this little girl be a schizophrenic personality?

Regardless, this was irrelevant to him, saying, “All twenty-one thousand.”

“Mmm.” Yu Yuanyuan nodded, and the two women quickly paid.

“Old man, how long do we have to arrive?” Yu Yuanyuan finished handing over the money to think of this point, and hurriedly asked.

“I’ll go tomorrow.” Su Ping collected the money, smiled and said, thinking that the two women are only low-level cultivators, do not think about the two middle-class ones, this 210,000 exchanged for energy, it is 2100, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to earn, Compared to a few days ago, this is force propaganda a!

“That fast?” Two astonished women, short of a day in a row, can foster well? You’re not joking!

Or is it to say, light takes money, also does not work, arbitrarily cheats one?

Seeing that the two women’s faces were a little unsightly, Su Ping had no way to explain, he could only say: “If you get the favor tomorrow, you are not satisfied, you can withdraw.”

“Really?” The two women hurriedly relaxed their auras, in fact, they wanted to retreat now, always feeling the same pit, whenever they saw Su Ping so confident, in their hearts, they all aroused a little curiosity.

“I’ve brought you back down, old man, until then you’re not playing bad.” Yu Yuanyuan shook the phone and said.

Su Ping was a five-stage Demon God after all, his eyes were sensitive, he knew that she basically didn’t take notes, just deliberately scared him, he didn’t expose it, and said: “Because of you guys, I’m not even to the point of playing badly, if nothing else, Take you out of the summons, we won’t entertain you.”

The two women also saw that the old man was angry, and they said the foreword was a little too much, they were all a little too good, but they were also worried about being deceived, reluctantly. They brought their own part to foster the charisma, they did not leave Su Ping, there was always so much worry in their hearts, but in the end, they still bit their teeth, ruthlessly left, after all, they would meet until tomorrow.

The two females left, Su Ping brought the three charismatic beasts to the beast temple, the Nurturing Place was filled.

Seeing the inside of a Nurturing Place inside Zi Yuxiu, Su Ping was a little silent, this dog owner had already missed the appointment, he couldn’t come, he couldn’t contact him, this kind of situation, or it was Zi Yuxiu who was in distress, or it’s the discarded dog.

Regardless of the type, this dog seemed to be about him.


Su Ping bit his finger with his hand, trying to sign the Spirit Beast Contract with him.

Very quickly, the contract formed, a machine of consciousness immediately took it, Su Ping was silent, but the contract was successful, this made it clear, in front of him the speculation was completely correct, the result could only be in it one type.

“Whoa.” Su Ping in his heart secretly lamented, touched Zi Yuxiu’s dog head, got up and went to the front of the store, signed the contract, he was also lazy to explain, one head Zi Yuxiu did not have much spirit power, waited for the latter to conveniently cultivate one, promoted the battle force, it is also possible to stuff it into the rental shop out, or wait for what the time when the service sale has begun, sell out again, until then it is also a small amount of energy.

Back in front of the store, Su Ping continued to choose to cultivate the position, and it was not long before there was FengShan academy again.

These practitioners have a rich background of ordinary practitioners, there is a warrior on the cadet board, they are all curious attitudes here, have heard Su Ping’s quotes, are directly afraid to withdraw, have a little mentality, choose to send and foster service, as for the charisma of selling, on the contrary, it became the coldest door, there were no shoppers, after all, this group of practitioners was mainly because Lei Guangxuan was attracted to come here, the main craving was Su Ping in the great master’s training shop, with the purchase and sale of Su Ping at a price that surpassed their mentality, The vast majority of them were food beasts, and they didn’t have this kind of beast.

By noon, except for Jiang Hanyu and the young woman, Su Ping behind him had collected more than five thousand energies in turn.

Su Ping for the first time in a day earned so much energy, he didn’t say two words, directly spent 10,000 energies to bring Chaos Lingzhi to the third level.

Third-level Chaos Lingzhi, but there is a fairly low probability of creating a Beast King!


Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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