Michelle the Globe.

In Sylvie the Second Star System, Hera the Ring Exoplanet.

This is an extremely high-ranking economy at a planetary level, in the entire Sylvie Great Star system inside, it can be ranked up to the top ten positions, just michelle planet business tax collector, can compare a little sub-star system overall GDP!

Michelle is a huge ten-point planet, can contain several hundred million people, a wide area, there are twenty-two continents, one continent of area, which is equivalent to seven Asian planets, over a hundred Blue Stars!

It was the seal that came off, the realm extended through The Blue Star!

According to The Divine Zhi Sun sound, spreading throughout the entire Universe, each of the spirits also boiled, at the warlike Michelle planet above, the more it was in a frenzy.

Michelle who has always been belligerent, every one of the participants in the Universe of War Genius, is the most powerful Sylvie, the most terrifying, the most numerous!

The Four Great Divine Palaces academy one of the Amir Royal Academy, immediately at the First Heavenly Court, Pula Tianzhou.

At this moment, in Michelle, the universe was deep, pitch black, and a deep blue image suddenly jumped out, screaming and screaming.

The lens looks down to this atmospheric sphere below, a sea of people crowded into the city, a house inside a store.

Covering the cloudy eyes that suddenly dissipated, a magnificent building painted the peak.

Oriole! Oriole!

One by one, there was a sound, followed above the low voice, this sound where it came from, it was obvious that according to a young man, it was like he could have a fast rush, there was Lei Oa at oa ming.

The young man was Su Ping.

His upper body was naked, the lower half of his body was a bronze crab that gave Diamond Immortal Shorts, a well-proportioned physique, symmetrical muscles but no feeling bulges, filled with deep inner sense force.

At the middle curls, the lightning and the leaping fire, the whole body is also covered in the energy field singularity.

In the distance, the daoists stood at a palace above, looking at Su Ping.

“Your Highness, is Su really just about to attack the Heavenly Destiny?” Firstly, the Divine General, whose eyes carried suspense, refrained from asking.

It wasn’t just him, the other God Generals were all looking in the middle of the young woman, Joanna.

These Spirit Generals Do not fight the battle force, and the upward direction is to compare the Spirit Master Scene.

But at this moment, they but from this highness, who have not yet reached the Divine General of the Su Realm on their bodies, feel the terrifying feeling, this kind of pressure yields to them, these Spirit Realms, also feel a shudder.

“um . . .”

Joanna let out an unconscious sound, her ten-point eyes stopped, let alone beside the God General, it seemed that the Half God battle had been on her for many years, now there was also a slight feeling of numbness in her scalp, she felt the types of Su Ping attack later, by itself, this person will not necessarily be Su Ping.

Unless, she let out a bit of forbidden jutsu, but this kind of forbidden jutsu, would let her this transform her body to die!

“This introspection, it seems that I Titan Divine Body has no way of receiving . . .” Joanna’s eyes shook slightly, Su Ping’s internal energy was too terrible, and he didn’t say Naughty Scene, and it seemed that Su Ping was also very uncomfortable, but Su Ping tried to bear it, he had the energy to stop practicing to the extreme!

Joanna felt that this was also the same Su Ping cultivating the exercises, and the other Gu Adept Physical Arts had a relationship.

Su Ping on Gu Jinyu’s body, Joanna was deeply impressed, this is the time to disappear the battle body, I don’t know where Su Ping is from, it is also this battle body, for Su Ping brings a huge amount of capacity.

In addition, Su Ping practiced the exercises, she also had a little uncomprehending, feeling that compared to herself practicing the exercises, she also wanted to be magical.

“It’s over a hundred rules, and it’s just The Realm . . .”

“I Zhi Chen, if I don’t see it with my own eyes, I don’t believe it.”

“It’s impossible to stand with Your Highness in the same place . . .”

The God Generals were all complex eyes, vibrating and feeling, in terms of jealousy, they would not be so self-humiliating, the same kind of monsters compared, for themselves in the suffocating heart.

They were seriously skeptical, this person Su was also a certain Order God, even The High God cultivating body.

At this time, there was a sudden movement above the god of paint.


After an hour, at Su Ping, the force field suddenly became violent, each force rule was around, these rules carried the Primordial Rule of Character, there was corruption, fire, lightning, welding of all kinds of elemental rules, causing Su Ping’s surrounding space to be distorted, like the unnatural chaotic Big Bang Universe.

“Want to attack!”

Everyone who saw this place was happy.

After a moment, this all the rules of force, all came to Su Ping on his body, like a silk thread wrapped around him, at the same time, behind Su Ping’s back, there appeared a fiery Dao Of Heaven, flapping his wings screaming, clearly nine.

This Jin Wu raised his wings and screamed, bringing all the energy to the four heavenly surfaces, turning into a violent dao of pillar energy, swept back to cover Su Ping.

“He can absorb . . .”

“. . .”

They all didn’t speak, Joanna was dumbfounded.

At the silver energy below, Su Ping’s body began to transform, the whole cell body was vibrating, each characteristic rule, flooded into each cell, his body suddenly split into Primordial Blood and bones, looking like it was torn by energy, but the bones and blood, the meridians in the middle, peeled off to be extremely clean.

The bones were as white as snow, not half a point of blood.

The meridians are also floating trees, like flexible locks.

After a moment, these scattered blood and bones, suddenly rebuilt, this time rebuilt, like seals, bringing around the energy all pressured, sucked into the body.

The four energies all disappeared, rebuilding after Su Ping revealed his body, his physique was much more resilient than before, there were nearly two meters about a tall body, proportional body, proportional physique that could be said to be golden, flawless perfection, The skin was as white as snow, like a white maiden, but rich in force, containing the divine force.

Su Ping opened two pupils, his eyes seemed to have a thousand Thousand Spirits appearing, there was a mixed fire, making his eyes extremely bright and clear, even the person with supernatural courage appeared, as if independent of the external mortal, not at secular Fairy!


Su Ping gently let out a breath, feeling the inner body full of energy, refraining from raising the corners of his mouth, he slowly raised his hand, clenched five fingers, facing the sky suddenly exerted.

A Divine Power Dao suddenly swept across, straight through the void thousands of meters later, suddenly the heavenly realm shook, the divine seal of the battle was shaken, smashed to burst!

One of them, far away from Joanna, the God General rolled his eyes.

This is but that they are a large number of God Generals combining all the Angels, including Joanna also participated, combining the peak of the divine injection of the battle, and then considering that the ten peaks of the Divine General injection appeared, they all had to waste a power of ability to open, Su Ping at this moment, and a right cracked?

Is this still just Heavenly Destiny? !

“. . .”

Joanna also saw that she didn’t say anything, her eyes broke into the god of battle, looked towards Su Ping, a little clenched her fingers, she silently reassured herself, she was the Divine Order herself , the kind of Su Ping fulfilled the promise, she could go to the Ancient God Realm, then there was hope of entering the High God Realm.

She walked at Su Ping too far ahead for too long, this . . . Momentarily chasing not up here, a?

“The bridge party — the heavens, this kind of feeling . . .”

At the top of the mountain, Su Ping looked over and broke the god of battle, on his smiling face, he felt that he and the heavens were tighter, this feeling was very dissimilar before.

He was present, with his hands on the lake, able to enter the depths of space, as if lifting a simple uniform.

Having just entered the Heavenly Destiny Realm, Su Ping was now also the Peak Heavenly Destiny, the most extreme realm.

Can it even be called a half-step!

A lot of Heavenly Destiny, once they vaguely understood the rules of force, could immediately call half a step.

But these days, the scene is mostly based on the Heavenly Destiny scene and the heavenly realm, the sense of energy increases, only vaguely feel the rules, just enter the Heavenly Destiny scene at the moment, and there is no such depth to integrate with the enlightenment.

“The feeling that at any time you can enter the Void Realm, with the rule of enlightenment, is as easy as turning a hand.” Su Ping smiled at the corners of his mouth, over a hundred Dao Fruit rules, this one was a lot of force rules that yielded to him to the “Rules of Force” this object of view, also arose.

How are the rules of force?

The rule is the order, which is in the midst of the heavens and everything that operates the wire!

This rule is like the depths, the structure of this heavenly existence, the way out.

Everything wants to follow its own way forward, the world of any thing has its own actions, such as plants wanting to absorb sunlight, humanity wants to eat and drink with, this is the most basic rule.

Su Ping soon heard that the Spirit Master could create a sub-world, gather force beliefs, take all kinds of beliefs to kill enemies, transcend rules.

But at this time, Su Ping couldn’t help but exude a bit of a bizarre idea, a little rule, if he used it, what would arise? Is destruction, still a different kind of morphology appears?

Su Ping wanted to immediately taste it, and when he sensed the distance, he turned to look at Joanna, his body flashed, and then came to Joanna in front of him.

As for Joanna with the Divine Generals, Su Ping could feel it, although the internal force, but had the courage to feel ten small points, it was as if lifting his own hand could suffocate the same.

Having just entered the Half God before, The Divine General for Su Ping said, is still untouchable, to admire.

“How long am I off?”

“Two months.”

Joanna regained her spirits, her face expressionless.

“That long?”

Su Ping was slightly startled, at the time the world immediately waited two months, this was like he waited once the longest.

“I don’t know if there’s no purpose . . .” Su Ping’s eyes blinked slightly, preparing to go out in front of him a little, and at this time, for Joanna to say: “Let’s go to the front of the store.”


Joanna contented.

. . .

One by one, the spaceships followed the Universe, flying towards Michelle.

According to the Universe of War Genius, the forces everywhere also flooded into Michelle the planet above, wanting to be here to participate.

“Finally start!”

“I can’t wait, if I can meet that Amir Royal Academy who is good.”

“Black, I also think I can meet, I was beaten down by the Academy Royal Amir before, I want to let them look, it’s not that I can’t, they can’t!”

“Not wrong!”

On a spaceship, seven or eight young people were talking, they were dressed in uniform uniforms, they were in the vicinity of a sphere above the high level of the Academy, this court was not equal to the four Great God Palace Academy, but the threshold was also extremely high, thousands of thousands of people choose one, inside are all elite geniuses.

“Look, what kind of toy is that?”

“I’m close? !”

Very quickly, someone noticed the starship outside, a huge expansive image that came.

Following the approach, everyone’s eyes widened.

This one is clearly a nuisance . . . Star!!?

Is it a planet or a meteorite?

Some people looked at it in disbelief, blinked their eyes, but quickly saw that this was a planet, above the great part of the sea, and could see humanity a little majestically.

It’s just, how did the planet become a meteorite?

But again . . . Want to touch? !


The people on the spaceship were all intimidated, especially seeing this planet without slowing down, rushing straight back.

At the spaceship above the masters, the expression changed, firstly, the five masters hurriedly shouted angrily: “Quick, redirect, go Michelle space battle, if it is launched to Michelle, there will be a powerhouse to beat it!”

The manned spacecraft was a little panicked, hastily manipulated.

Very quickly, the engine spacecraft erupted, quickly changing direction, but right there he hurriedly dodged, and the planet suddenly slowed down, taking a low speed close to Michelle the nearby space station.

After that, the planet stood completely still, with no rotation on its own, no further direction michelle the planet approached.

The lake-like planet did not receive Michelle’s binding gravitational force, on the contrary, followed michelle’s spinning planet, but slowly followed.

“What’s this situation?”

In the vicinity of space, many spaceships were also intimidated, at the other space stations the staff was also stunned, this kind of anomaly, they had never seen before.

. . .

Lei Ya planet above, the whole world countless people saw the top of the head of a huge planet.

This planet is so vast, it makes everyone look stupid too.

Where did the planet go this time?

Very quickly, Michelle sent out a powerful dao of ideas, covering the entire Lei Ya planet.

On Lei Yao, the people also felt this part of the idea, just like the person looking down, couldn’t help but feel fear and trembling, as if he himself became as small as an ant worm.

At the same time, at Su Ping in the shop, The Fairy Prince’s eyebrows raised coldly, also transmitting the idea of responding.

The other part of the concept asked coldly.

And The Fairy Prince replied coldly.

Sensing the First Prince’s thoughts later, the thoughts were quiet for a moment, and then retreated.

A Landscape God wanted to stop playing like that . . . It’s true that there’s no way to manage.

This is the God of Freedom and privilege.

If it is the Spirit Master, then it will have to educate the opponent a little, what is the rule!

A few days later, all of Michelle’s human planets, also paying attention to this one stopped close to the planet outside the planet, were a little strange, not knowing what the situation was.

There are also people speculating, whether or not Michelle is the planet above the lord, creating the Little Celestial Body.

Regardless, these speculations are curious, very quickly followed by the fascinating war genius, no one has the heart to pay attention to this monster.

This one day, Su Ping also followed Semi-God still back, returning to the shop.

“Come back.” The fairy’s gaze stopped, scanning Su Ping’s eyes, and his eyes immediately revealed a ring of horror.

After a short period of time, Su Ping had the courage to escape the feeling.

In the past, Su Ping was also a lover, that she met through the battle force and the cultivation of the fire family, but now, this fire family is more and more monsters.


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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