The men walked into the barracks, staying in the unblemished crystal below.

“You chase.”

Lin Moyu did not turn his head, let go of the jumper, directly jumped to the top of the vortex, the body disappeared in it.

Fang Yujing said: “Brother Su first came, you are good at him.”

After saying that, he also released the person who jumped into the unblemished crystal.

Li Ye followed closely behind.

Su Ping said, “You go in first.”

Su Ping looked closely at this tearless crystal, confirmed that there was no danger later, and let the jumper in.

Entering the vortex, Su Ping felt around the time of space, this kind of feeling was extremely similar to him every time he entered the position of feeling.

Straight to the light body, suddenly falling to the ground, Su Ping clearly saw around the scene, where there were no tears behind, there was back and forth, there were other warriors False Reclaiming.

Su Ping raised his head and looked back, the top of his head was transparent, in the outer atmosphere, there was a large and small uneven sphere shape, obviously Fan Yujing said that he did not know the crystal.

But the surrounding circumstances, relatively murky, are also nighttime.

Fortunately, Su Ping was nonetheless the War Master, his vision was higher than ordinary people, thirty meters of the range inside the object, it could be clearly seen, but a little further, it was relatively vague.


The aura rear flashed, Fan Yujing appeared.

Meeting the people who had already arrived, Jiang Jiang flipped out a map from his backpack, “This is the latest exploration of the map, last time we explored the area, it was in this place, the blood lake is also in this place, we go ahead here to search.”

Their gazes fell on the bridge above, quickly taking notes on the news.

Su Ping knew that this piece of map was more than half the price, he looked closely a few times, and above the curve of the route was all written down.

How vast is this tearless inside the world, temporarily no one knows, if it is not necessary, Su Ping does not want to get close on the map of the other ones without exploring through the dark area.


“Li Ye is in charge of the investigation?” Lin Mo didn’t ask.

Li Ye nodded slightly, summoning the previous one to investigate the flying bird, letting it sneak forward in the night sky.

“How many miles can be investigated outside the situation?” Lin Mo didn’t ask.

Li Ye said, “About fifteen miles away.”

“Fifteen miles . . .” Lin Mo didn’t frown slightly, this distance from the team inside the investigator was far behind, the opponent was only a Mid-Level War Master after all, the requirements could not be too high.

He turned his head to look at Qin Chen, and said, “We open the way?”

“Mmm.” Jiang Chen also had this idea, summoning a black body, this is the Blood Demon Beast bloodline, suitable for night combat, extremely strong attack, looking at it, it is obviously also mature, but not in the academy, those practitioners possess mature beasts.

Lin Mo didn’t catch a glimpse of the Blood Demon Lang Beast, extended a hand, from the space summoned a ten-meter-long one, this is the Department of Beast Ginseng, which is also a kind of beast, although it is a kind of ginseng, but there is a poisonous drama, at the inner stage of the beast belongs to the extremely difficult type.

Seeing this beast, The people in his eyes all showed a flash of respect, especially Li Ye and Fan Yujing, who were a little reluctant, did not want to go near this place.

Normally, this kind of bloodthirsty beast, easily loses control, takes their strength, if this one loses control, in the blink of an eye, it can kill them.

Although, they felt that lin Mo was powerless, they couldn’t let a disgrace lose control, but the relationship was small, who would dare to be subjective?

It is impossible not to say, the Department of Beast Power is extremely powerful, at this moment, the other warriors False Reclaim, also unconsciously avoided a path.


Jiang Xiang said in a low voice.

The Blood Demon Lang Beast and the Multi-DemonIc Beast Department started in parallel, and a one-wolf quickly rushed to the front in the dark.

The farther the distance from the door to the place where the troops were stationed,

The deeper the darkness sank, the firelight was completely unseen.

At this place, Su Ping’s expression became extremely serious, so he wanted to pay attention, he brought a great sense of force along him, the feeling around him was calm, and he was not completely in the Li Ye team.

“There’s one ahead that doesn’t know The Charisma.” Li Ye suddenly said.

He could only go from flying birds to the finish line in the news, knowing the Number of Charismas and volumes, but not what kind.

Jiang Chen didn’t want to complicate things, and said: “Is there a way to go around a?”

Li Ye closed his eyes and opened them a moment later, “There is a Spirit Of Grace in the vicinity of the other route, and there is not only one.”

“So let’s get close first, if it’s The Charismatic College that retreats.” Lin Mo didn’t immediately say it.

There was no dissent, at this kind of simple judgment above, he and Lin Mo didn’t think in the same way.

Very quickly, the people inched closer, and found that in front of a place by the lake forest, there was a large and small statue of The Charismatic, on the side of the lake drinking water.

Xue Xiangxue came out from the hook in his backpack with the same kind of night look at the object, glanced at it, and immediately exhaled softly, “It’s just The Tiger Lan Mo.”

“Directly kill.” Lin Mo didn’t decide quickly.

Su Ping nodded, he wanted to act, Su Ping frowned slightly, suddenly felt a little wrong, saw that he wanted to act, said: “yes.. Van, wait a minute.”


Su Gang turned his head, looking suspiciously at Su Ping.

Lin Mo didn’t raise his eyebrows, and looked at Su Ping, for this one there was nothing to reclaim the new person’s experience, there was no sympathy in his heart, if the other party didn’t talk about anything important, he would offer to keep his mouth shut behind him.

Su Ping said, “You just saw clearly, this thing is really Tiger Lan Mo?”

Jiang Chen was startled, frowning and said: “Although it is night, I see it very clearly.”

“Show me a little bit.” Su Ping directed him to ask for the other one like a night look at objects.

“You’re here trying to cause trouble, still afraid of death?” Lin Moyue’s face was cold, and his ice-like gaze looked directly at Su Ping.

Besides Li Ye, who was also a little disgruntled, Su Ping was obviously worried that this was not Tiger Lan Mo, but another beast, this one couldn’t help but be too cowardly! Besides, he knew the captain had never lied, nor talked without a firm grasp, otherwise he wouldn’t have known how many times he would have died!


Fan Yujing was extremely awkward, and said in a low voice: “Brother Su, the captain is not mistaken.”

“Not wrong.” Su Ping believed that he had just seen the object, and he did not think that his vision compared to Su Ping was poor, if he was all wrong, Su Ping was even more incapable of seeing clearly!

Hearing them, Su Ping immediately slammed his face.

With his life, he wouldn’t have half the temperament.

His gaze was deep, without any emotion, staring at Lin Moyu, saying: “Afraid of death? Isn’t the False Reclaimed all of you idiots rushing forward?”

Lin Mo’s expression changed, “What did you say?”

If it weren’t for seeing Su Ping’s eyes so that his heart was a little afraid that his heart would vibrate, he would want to draw his sword.

Su Ping’s icy eyes did not have a flash of temperature, “You carefully feel a little temperature around, in this place, if I remember correctly, Tiger Lan Mo will not come out easily.

Besides, Tiger Lan Mo himself has extremely little water to drink, mainly relying on eating small insects to supplement the level, at the extraordinary thirst under the situation, will also eat plants to supplement the level, which is omnivorous Charismatic.”

The men were immediately startled.

Feeling the breeze around them, carrying a cold sense, the people were both afraid and suspicious.

Su Gang stared at Su Ping, “Are you telling the truth?”

“You feel I’m going to joke with you?” Su Ping looked at him coldly.

Su Ping’s eyes met, his heart did not understand a few beats, he felt that Su Ping’s body was like turning into someone else, at the base was ten parts calm, but at this moment, his eyes were cold like looking at a corpse, is this really not involved through reclamation of human action? !


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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