“You don’t need to worry, my sister and we are not with you, she is low, she can only stay outside the Training Area, with a protective team, there is no danger.” Fan Yujing said with a smile.

Su Ping was startled, and immediately asked curiously: “Normally studying at the student academy, can’t you just go to the C-level Training Area?”

Pham Ngoc Kinh was very good, and said: “My sister’s performance is not so bad, and studying at the academy is not bad, so she was directly nominated to go to the B-level Wilderness Zone, the academy on this side specialized in thinking of an equally incompetent genus of the battle team, an escort, following her at the Outer Edge.”

“So it is.”

Su Ping understood.

This is the inner city of prestige and welfare, compared to him, the academy is much stronger.

Although they are all nominal names, one is to become a nominal area, in the whole of Long Giang, the base area is illustrious, another is the lower inner city, the name is limited to the lower inner city and the poor neighborhood.


Fan Xiaoyu’s face was full of arrogance, and said: “Don’t look at me or at the school, you are already the four upper classes of The Charismatic Master, besides, I have two five-stage charismatic beasts, as long as you don’t meet the six stages of Charisma, under the vast majority of situations, we can all tell you to escape!”

“The other one isn’t bad.” Su Ping nodded.

This strength at the inner student academy was definitely top-notch, and he encountered the other Lei Guangxue, the master was not very different, and this Fan Xiaoyu was a little stronger, taking a step forward was the five-stage War Master.

Fan Xiaoyu frowned slightly, seeing Su Ping so calmly reacting, a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Suddenly, thinking of Su Ping earlier at the exhibition shop, she immediately had a kind of feeling of failure, although she was already very elite, but the opponent was a rank monster.

Obnoxious a!

Internally she silently bit her teeth.

“Xiao Fan, this is you bringing new friends?” Besides the bearded hat, he looked at Su Ping and Fan Xiaoyu arguing, waiting for them not to protest, before opening their mouths to ask.

Fan Yujing hurriedly said: “Captain, this is me referring to you to the other genius, Su brother, this is us captain, The College of War Master.”

“Of course the hero is a teenager, Brother Su is so young, just twenty a?” Jiang Xiang’s voice was rough, also very gentle.

Su Ping said, “I’m only eighteen.”



Pham Ngoc Kinh and Pham Xiaoyu’s side were all stunned.

Eighteen is so strong?

The bigger Fan Xiaoyu is, she is only eighteen this year, saying the same with Su Ping is the same year, but is the real power so big? !

Jiang Lie and Li Ye were also a little surprised, thinking that Su Ping was young enough, did not think about it, and wanted to be young, this was already considered as a junior disciple.

They’d let the same small, tearlessly probing?

Su Ping saw them react like this, frowned slightly, he was just coming to complete the task, he didn’t want to complicate it to prove anything.

“This . . .” Qin Wentian looked towards Fan Yujing, and there was a flash of suspicion in his eyes.

He had heard from Su Ping before, but now he saw himself later, but it was a little unbelievable.

Eighteen years old is able to bring Fan Yujing to defeat people, this is not the great forces that can cultivate the peak of seed injection, how can such a person go with them to reclaim?

Fan Yujing regained his spirit, saw the captain next to Li Ye throwing a look, naturally knew in it, to tell the truth, his heart was also a little hesitant, was it not Su Ping who came out, but a completely different person?

If he said that, the one that invited Su Ping to come was a black algebra.

Looking at Pham Ngoc Kinh’s dilemma, Qin Gang opened his mouth, he did not directly question, the way to do so was too foolish, EQ was not talented to do.

He said: “Brother Su, this time you go without a dangerous ten-part tear, you want to join us in the battle, you need to register your identity first, on the other hand,

Let’s fight together, hopefully you can summon your beasts, let us get to know you a little bit.”

Through the control beast, it was possible for Su Ping to actually solve one or two.

Su Ping naturally looked out at Su Xiang, knowing that this was already a flexible expression, he thought troublesomely, but he could only coordinate, he said: “Maybe, whatever I want to say clearly, I don’t have to join you in the army, I’m just coming to help, help you find the other one later, I’ll leave, I don’t have a False Reclaimant intended.”

If it wasn’t for the mission system, he wouldn’t have thought about reclamation.

Sitting in the shop to make money, why run to the front line to tease Death?

Su Ping was stunned, but quickly understood, if Su Ping really had the power to speak, taking this form of genius, it was really contemptuous of a False Reclaim.

“No problem.” He agreed and said: “Regardless, the Federation above has rules, entry and exit without tears, it must be False Reclamation, Su brother can first register, join the False Wilderness temporarily on the inside, although temporarily staffed a little, but basically the other one has objects.”

“Temporary payroll?” Su Ping frowned.

“It’s not wrong – wait a minute when the inner treaty says, you can look.” Jiang Chen’s eyes showed some seriousness, and said: “At the moment, first of all, please let us see if you are interested.”

Su Ping glanced at the people, and they all showed a little pause, obviously more concerned about whether or not their strength could be qualified, in order to avoid Fan Yujing empty-handed, they were also expectant.

“Good a.”

His thoughts moved slightly, and the mysterious space beast manifested.

Long dried pee the figure fell out from the inside, rattled for a while, and fell on the ground.

“. . .”

The scene was a little quiet.

But very quickly, the skeleton quickly rebuilt, the long-dried pee touched the head, bowed his head to check a little plug in the hip bone inside the sword, the perfect kind of confirmation later, then slowly ran to Su Ping on the leg, left and right looked around, investigated the enemy.

“. . .”

Still quiet.

Looking east and west, the faces were a little shaky.

After a long time, the first Fan Xiaoyu opened her mouth, and she asked in a low voice: “This is yours?”

“Isn’t it?”

“. . .”

Fan Xiaoyu almost choked.

It’s a long dry one, what are you here for?


Fan Yujing is also full of black lines, if it is Su Ping who has a problem, the biggest mistake is him.

“I . . . Old man, you’re here for a favor?” He asked persistently.

Su Ping nodded, “One in front of you.”

Pham Ngoc Kinh felt like he was being aggressively fanned by an ear.

“Don’t you have to open a shop, how can you be like that?” Fan Xiaoyu couldn’t understand and looked at him.

“Do you have to get married every day?”

Su Ping habitually refuted a sentence, but knowing that the opponent was not this idea, he turned to look at the side of the empty ground, the idea passed on to him: “Middle level of swordsmanship.”

Xiao Dry long understood, quickly withdrawing his sword.

Probably not paying too much attention to this little thing, except for The Outer Snake, the rest of the people didn’t see clearly what it was like to draw a sword.

Even if it was Jiang Xiang, he only saw a ruined dao, waited for the god to come, and saw that Xiao Dry had already held a sword.

One moment this pose, let one not understand the vibration!


Peng! !

The sword core suddenly burst out, a violent sound sounded, a dark dao of qi secreted, the ground suddenly broke into a deep dao!


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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