All the students rolled their eyes, this one was really too unimaginable!

The Feng DemonIc Beast, the five upper classes that existed, were defeated by a Lei Guangxue, moreover, it was a killing! !

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, who dares to believe that this is true?

This is the equivalent of an ant raised to an elephant, conveniently to the one thrown over the shoulder!

The whole school first reacted, was the referee.

He was also stunned, but awakened by a strong force.

When he saw that one was brutal and from the other, he was a little surprised.

Just seeing Lei Guangxuan’s whole body flashed, carrying closely, slowly approaching, he didn’t know Feng Ma Beast, as if he was about to add a final stimulus!

He wanted to kill Feng DemonIc Beast?

The referee was a little shocked, and immediately looked towards Lei Guangxuan, was it hers?

It must be known, in a malicious match to kill the opponent, to be deprived of the right to compete, and then to be severely punished!

When he saw this young woman on the one hand, the referee was stunned, a little mesmerized.

Isn’t this Lei Guangxuan’s the beast’s?

Was she so startled?

Could it be that she didn’t understand it to me?

Time was urgent, the referee did not think much, nor did he have time to call the province, clearly looking at the young woman, making him control himself Lei Guangxue.

His thoughts in the blink of an eye passed to the beastman, “Hurry.”

Obtaining the idea, in the air suddenly a wind path passed by!


A sharp whirlwind suddenly swept out, in the whirlwind in the middle was clearly an almost transparent one, it was flying at lightning speed, like a supersonic speed frame of a fighter.

When it flew into the arena for a moment, it was the slowly approaching Lei Guangyuan DemonIc Beast that suddenly stopped, it raised its head, bloodthirsty tyranny the pupils had fallen into the other hustling to the flying bird above.


The electric rage once again followed it in his body.



Whatever the intention is to attack it, kill it!

This is it going through countless times of didactic anguish, which has become instinctive!


Suddenly, its entire body suddenly jumped up and shot out, turning into a lightning bolt, rumbling and falling, infallibly hitting the whirlwind.

The College of Charisma, Ten Fang Lei Hell!


The lightning-fast lightning to the naked eye is difficult to distinguish, the other is a bit blurry, although it acts extremely fast, but it is impossible to react, it outside the body of the whirlwind in the blink of an eye is beaten, the wind power dissipates.

At the same time, it hurried forward to the body that was also shaken to the prongs of the creature stopped, wings flapping, feathers above glided through every fiber of electricity, showing very small burn wounds.

“Feng Chenyi!”

The referee’s pupils shrank rapidly, in his eyes astonished.

This Lei Guangxuan hurt him Feng Chenyi? !

Besides, how could it detect Feng Chen? ! !

It must be known, Feng Chenyi, but as a blood level of charismatic beasts, he Feng Chenyi has matured early – the level that reaches the lowest stage, is the extreme speed of the charismatic beast type, even if it is the same stage of charisma, it is not necessarily able to keep up with it, let alone the lower level than it.


Or is the class difference so much a Lei Guangxue!

“Ten Fang Lei Hell!”

Under the stage in the stands, the red-pink haired lady and Dong Tungming, all of them glared in surprise.

Having just met the current ‘Lei Shaan’ Eight-Stage Profound Sect, it exudes the Eight-Stage Charismatic College of ‘Ten Fang Lei Hell’? !

It must be known, this is no less than the other Luo Feng who realized the Extreme Sí Musk Line a!


Feng Chenyi stroked his wings, the green pupils stared in front of Lei Guangxuan, from the other one pulled electricity to the figure above, he felt a dangerous aura.

As a high-level charismatic beast, its intelligence has already compared to the human race, for Lei Guangxuan, this kind of low-level charismatic beast has already looked familiar, but did not think about this moment, this kind of low-level charismatic beast hurts himself!

Be indignant!

He felt like he was a sanctuary beast, provoked by ignorance!


In the arena, this wind is far away from the previous Feng DemonIc Beast forming energy, the more restrained, if Feng Chenyi wishes, it can in a blink of an eye turn the entire battle!

This is the force beast college!

Seeing Feng Chen’s indignation, the referee was startled, hurriedly used the idea of reassuring him, and hurriedly turned to the other side of the young woman and said: “Quickly stop your beast!”

Hearing the cry, Su Yanyue regained her spirit, this was all in the blink of an eye, she didn’t even have time to react.

“How did the referee come out?” Su Yanyue’s thoughts stopped at the referee at the moment, a little dim, but she didn’t think much, immediately brought the idea to Lei Guangyi, leaving it back to her side.

Obtaining the signal, Lei Guangxuan in the killing eyes gradually suppressed, and the figure quickly jumped up, reaching Su Yanyuan at his feet.

Seeing that this Lei Guangxuan did not lose control, the referee exhaled softly, immediately aware of himself, but was made so urgent by a Lei Guang Tri, couldn’t help but be silent, inwardly laughing bitterly.

“Compete, Su Yanyue won.” The referee coughed slightly, corrected his appearance, and declared the result.

There was no cheering, quiet, ten-part demonic.

Mostly this fight is too diabolical.

One Lei Guang tried, how could he defeat Feng DemonIc Beast, and fight with Feng Chenyi?

All students don’t even think well, don’t understand.

Seven or eight seconds later, not knowing who was leading, suddenly there was a round of applause, and soon after, there was a round of applause, and then the applause gradually became fervent, and at the same time there was a cheer.

Although there was no understanding, it was impossible not to say, this battle was so unique, unexpectedly transformed, surpassing everyone’s expectations, for them to open their eyes.

Su Yanyuan looked at Lei Guangyuan’s feet, a little dim.

Mature Feng Demon Beast is terrifying, she is extraordinary, the textbook is raised not once, but, this kind of terrifying beast, is defeated by Lei Guangxuan, moreover, in the blink of an eye!

Thinking of the previous time when he was trembling with The Seven Heavens, Su Yanyue looked back at the outside without any strange place Lei Guangxue, suddenly feeling a little incomprehensible.

This little fire family…

How strong is it?


She thought of the other house, and couldn’t help but tremble a little.

Is it possible to bring a Lei Guangxuan to this kind of situation, to the extreme, what kind of god?

She’d heard that a bit of a high-ranking person liked the great hidden in the city, could it be that she encountered such a nobleman?

“Is this really just Lei Guangxue?”

“Wouldn’t it be the same as Lei Guangxuan?”

Under the radio, the red-and-pink haired head and Vice Principal Dong Tung Ming, gradually regained their spirits.

Just thinking of the other girl at the foot of the beast, who had previously developed this kind of ‘Lei Shaan’ secretly, it also felt a little like a fantasy.

Even a charismatic college holding this kind of secret, it is enough to make people shocked and admired!

“This little animal, to the extreme, how many Charismatic Colleges?” Another one couldn’t help but ask.

The others glanced at each other, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly twice, including before Lei Xiu and Lei Xiu, and also the Ten Fang Lei Hell… This mother is wanting to play with heaven!

“It’s a pity, but at a Lei Guangyuan on the body, if it is in exchange for another charismatic beast, even if it is only the middle blood of the charismatic beast, it is enough to sell the heavenly realm!” the red-haired girl sobbed a little.

“Headmaster, let’s lend a step to talk.” Wu Wu said.

The others in a flash threw away their gazes, the red-pink haired girl said coldly: “The competition is not finished yet, so it’s urgent.”

“Guys, this person we The Battle Team wanted.” Another arm wrapped around the bandage the young man said coldly.


The others laughed, ignoring the question.


I also have to ask them if they’re responding or not, who’s afraid of who here?


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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