Opening her eyes, Joanna saw a piece of jungle green grass.

At the same time, her mind was deep, with herself in the middle of the connection, in the blink of an eye becoming tight.

At countless in the far and far place, a pair of bright eyes, suddenly opened.

“It’s time . . .”

He whispered softly.

At the same time, countless inside and outside stretched endlessly green grass in the jungle, the graceful figure in her eyes flashed through a ring of light, this situation was familiar, she felt that the whole body of cells was vivid, in the body of the divine energy was slightly expanded.

It was as if he had dried up later, suddenly drinking his full stomach.

This feeling hadn’t been there before, this was what she should be in the world.

As for the other one, what the hell, the air was extremely broken!

“Really back . . .” Joanna pleaded, without thinking of a blink of an eye, herself immediately moved from Su Ping inside, moving to her in the world, although for the surrounding circumstances there was no careful investigation, but she knew, this was the God Realm.

Thinking of the moment before the transmission vortex, she in her eyes suddenly flashed an aura.

He had thought that returning to the Divine Realm, there would be something extremely strange, even a huge movement, but he hadn’t thought about it with her before.

Could it be that in Su Ping behind the mysticism that exists in front of him, entering the other desolate world, following into the Divine Realm is no different?

This conclusion, she internally did not submit.

This is the God Realm.

Countless sub-worlds of races, all came to the court.

Is there a lot of world-centricity where, is this normal world comparable?

“Let you come pick us up?” Su Ping sounded.

Joanna turned her head to look back, saw Su Ping with a relaxed face, said coldly, and said: “I have no way to leave arbitrarily, and I signed the treaty with you, I have no obligation to serve you!”

Su Ping was stunned, not thinking of her, but understanding these things.

Apparently, he wanted to sway to the point of his mind.

“Wait and see, I’ve already informed a god master, very quickly.” Joanna said coldly, looking for the lava, sitting down at will.


Su Ping squeezed his mouth.

Hearing this name is also very **, no tiger is Zhi Gao God below a, the xia is all Level God Master.

“Again, what is the division of the God Realm, the god above is yours? A little taller is The High God?” Su Ping asked curiously.


Joanna frowned, patiently said: “We are the heavenly god race , normally mature pure blood god, then the True God Realm, the same me as now the realm, is the angel, the god general, then the god master, then the god master above, it’s the Divine Order, the Divine Order above, it’s the Divine Order!”

Su Ping stretched out his finger to count, from Chen Chen to Zhi Chen, a total of six realms.

Joanna, who is the Level Qi, said so, at the Upper Qi, there are at least five realms.

Besides, this is nothing more than this Half God Realm division, at higher than the Ancient God Realm, guessing that The High God Realm does not count as anything, there is even more power over there.

“That being said, I just took off?”

“Pure blood god matures is True God Realm, so I strive until now, the combat power is not even equal to something that is not equal to that of mature pure blood god?”

“Wait a minute . . .”

Su Ping was deep in thought.

He turned his head to look at Joanna, “You are so strong, you say so, you this incarnation should not be so weak, you are also close to five, say so, are you not the same pure-blood normal as the god of war?”

Joanna saw Su Ping questioning with a strange look in his eyes, a little angry, and said: “I cultivate is the mind, you understand, if you want to cultivate the battle force, I have soon arbitrarily cultivated to the god scene!”

Su Ping saw that she was angry with her breasts, and shook her head and said, “I don’t understand.”

This kind of mentality, he really didn’t understand.

“Huh, ignorant fools, not understanding is normal.” Joanna huffed, turning her head to move to the other side.

Su Ping didn’t join her in twisting her strength, asking: “Are you ready?”



The silence didn’t last long, and suddenly, the surrounding space became bizarre.

Su Ping suddenly felt a sense of danger, after a moment, he saw the front of the space collapse, from the inside came out a long slender figure with shiny blonde hair, this was a blonde young man, who came like a sculpture.

Su Ping’s eyes were closed.

From this place, the blonde youth on his body, he felt a machine that far exceeded Wang Beast countless times.

Regardless, he was in no hurry to kill himself.

“Your Highness.”

The blonde youth walked out into space, his gaze fell on Joanna on his torso, immediately turned around, covered his chest with his hands, and respectfully said, “I’m coming to pick you up.”

Joanna had a cold expression on her face, stood up, and glanced at Su Ping’s side, saw Su Ping as if nothing had happened, raised her eyebrows, and in her heart was annoyed.

At first, she wanted to see Su Ping afraid to pee out of her pants, but she didn’t have the same desire to take the temple.

Of course, he won’t die, so what’s not even afraid of a.

“This is me, take him with you.” She said quietly.

The blonde youth was startled, turned his head to glance at Su Ping, not thinking of this damn thing, it was Joanna, too miraculous.

Regardless, he didn’t dare ask much, respectfully agreeing.

Su Ping felt a force enveloping himself, bringing him down to this blonde young man in front of him, then he heard a fragrant petal, from this place the blonde young man on his body came out.

“. . .”

Isn’t this little white man a crystal?

Su Ping’s face was monstrous.

Around the green grass the world suddenly changed, the types of Su Ping opened their eyes again, appeared in a vast piece of deep blue sky high inside, after a moment, the surrounding world changed again, appeared in another place above the mountain range.

“This is such a long distance . . .” Su Ping was a little terrified, but it was a secret, Lei Guangxuan relied on this secret, enough to kill with the seventh-level beast, the result was that the blonde young man in his hand, this became a skill path, with each time he moved long distances, completely beyond his awareness.

A few minutes later.

Su Ping appeared in an extremely lavish place of the inner rampart.

At the rampart stood a series of maids, and guards, this magnificent rampart stood, extraordinary aura.

“Isn’t this going to be you?” Su Ping looked over, turned his head to (to) Joanna said.

Joanna said coldly, “Of course.”

“Don’t you want to go to the local beasts?” Su Ping frowned, he didn’t have time here to rest.

“This place is.”

Joanna finished speaking, turning to the ramparts, “I have the god of the stream, you are the god of the beast, at the god of the inner spring, can wash the veins, greatly improve the quality, promote gnosticism and spirit.

Wanting to let them multiply their words, it is very simple, first in this place to improve physically, turn my head and send the person who brings them to this place the most cruel beast arena inside, in that place, even a bird, can train with teeth, not maturing with evolution, must die!”

Su Ping was stunned.

He suddenly seemed to be awake.

That’s right, go to the other side, you need him to lead the fostering team himself.

But this place has Joanna as an insider . . . Ah no, internally, take Joanna here as a noble person, where is the need for him to bring his own beasts to train?

Besides, except for cultivating external beasts, in this place, he can also greatly enjoy.

“Again, taking your identity, as a spiritual abyss, shouldn’t it be a problem?” Su Ping’s eyes shone, and he said to Joanna.

Joanna’s expression changed.


Besides the blonde young man who was also a mutant, a little angry looked at Su Ping.

Su Ping sensed that this God Master was a fellow assassin, slightly stunned, looked at Joanna with the wrong expression, suddenly realized that he didn’t have to say anything.

“Spirit, we’re taboo!”

Joanna had a deep expression on her face and said, “You already know, the Spirit Race is all the abyss of non-Spirit Race, eat all of us Spirit Race, just transformed?”

“Hey . . .” Su Ping wanted to say, I know a.

But looking at her with this expression, speaking out, would obviously anger her.

“This, so you guys here killed the void spirit abyss, how to deal with it in the Spirit body?” Su Ping coughed slightly, and asked crookedly.

Joanna said coldly: “These Spirit Realms will be brought into the Inner Shu World, the Shu World is us God Realm, we God Realm is not torn apart by nothingness, countless moons do not collapse, it is based on the Shu World, bringing the entire Earth God Realm into the same place, The Spirit can relax the Shu World, slow down the Shu World.”

The Shu World?

Su Ping in his mind appeared a tree towering in the entire Divine Realm inside the figure.

For him to feel a strange flash is, the World of Spiritual Needs, so to speak, the spirit abyss is not The Spirit Realm for (for) the Spirit Realm, is it not considered as a small Spirit transformation?

Regardless, this was like a sensitive topic, Su Ping was about to go back to the store to ask.

“Augustine, you go ahead.” Joanna for (to) follow the blonde youth out.

The blonde young man nodded slightly, looking at Su Ping a little, the bottom of his eyes was deep.

Seeing as Joanna was the guest above, he didn’t say anything, turned to leave.

“Spirit, it’s us God Realm that aches forever.” Joanna walked into the ramparts, waved her arms around the servants, and (to) Su Ping said.

“I don’t know, again, what the world is not deadly, only you die as a god, there is nothing wrong, if you are already dead, it is not equal to taking advantage of a little, you bring the Spirit to the World of Shu when the nutrients, is it not the same to take advantage?” Su Ping said.

Joanna frowned.

“The Shu World is extraordinarily meaningful to us, for the Shu World it should be.”

“The Shu World needs the Spirit to confirm no less, I don’t want that much, you give me less points, this thing I used to hunt and kill the Spirit Race at the time, did it a lot, was absorbed by me, don’t say you can’t touch me the other beasts on the Divine Power.”

Su Ping grabbed her, just before the face god master said that taboo is still possible, now this place is the two of them, he also does not believe in giving him the Spirit Point, this Divine Realm can even be broken.


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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