“You’re still a good person, don’t come back.” said Emperor Qing dryly, but in his heart, it was a warm battle, the Jin Wu tribe was naturally the Heavenly Tribe, Su Ping heard the Heavenly Tribe, and could say something like that, This piece of heartfelt had a bit of a crush on her.

Su Ping laughed, and said goodbye to Emperor Qing.

He also had no concealment, at the call to return to the dao, disappearing at Emperor Quynh with him.

The bird’s nest inside, The Great Elder’s eyes were profound, like a lake penetrating the Red Wild Universe, saw the outside of a screen, his eyes were a little paused, and he said to himself: “It is possible that from Xue Lai to the native, it must be the Force-level Water Ancestor, I don’t know that behind you hidden is the other Yu Ancestor . . .”

. . .

Xiao Tao’s aura spread inside.

Su Ping’s body appeared in the inner room, his consciousness stretched out, and immediately saw in the scene shop, the people were all lined up, this scene was like yesterday, every day also reappeared.

But the difference was that Su Ping found out that these teams inside the battle master, all of them were Spirit Masters, including many Feng Chen.

“More than a month, I don’t know what the situation is like.” Su Ping’s eyes blinked, and he brought the customer to the inner room, pushing the door to enter the shop.

Su Ping appeared immediately attracted the eyes of the people, behind the counter Joanna and Bich fairy saw Su Ping, immediately ignored, suddenly rushed together.

“Are you okay?”

Joanna’s eyes flashed with agitation, although her expression was relatively calm, Su Ping could see that she was full of emotion.

“Let you guys worry.” Su Ping said indifferently.

He had never been in the world for so long, she insisted she would be worried.

“Nothing good.” Joanna was reassured, this time Su Ping had not returned, she was also afraid every day, Su Ping could go to the Ancient God Realm, she could also go to another world power, she was really worried Su Ping hundred hundred times easter, at some point the world met some super powerhouse, deleted by the enemy.

Under her gaze, Su Ping behind the whore, it must be the Divine Nest that exists.

This was her awareness inside the peak powerhouse, which she couldn’t meet.

Taking Su Ping’s own personality, teasing to the Divine Nest of existence, the probability is extremely high.

“You’re a mess!”

At this time, a sobbing sound provoked the sound, Tang Yan rushed over, directly kneading Su Ping in his chest.

Su Ping was stunned, it took two seconds to react, feeling the stabbing in his soft chest and the tip of his nose hearing the beautiful shoulder, he paused for a moment, and said: “Don’t bring my clothes to cry.”

Tang Xiuyan let go of Su Ping’s body, and Su Ping’s head and shoulders were already wet, and she quickly lost her tears, gritted her teeth and said: “You have been gone for so long, because what does not tell us the sound? If something happens to you, you’ll let us go find you!”

“He insisted that something unexpected happened, not intentionally.” The fairy prince helped Su Ping explain.

Tang Yan didn’t know that point, it was just an agitated emotion, wanting to reveal.

You let our group go looking for you . . . My cause in your heart is so important . . . Su Ping heard Tang Xiuyan, there was a little tremor in his heart, he rolled his eyes over the eyes of the girls, suddenly transparent, on his body was inanimate, there was too much worry, too much constraint.

He reached out and stroked Tang Yan’s head, saying: “Good point, you are not small, I will not happen, considering that this is what happened, you also want to survive.”

“Don’t you say deer say ape!” said Tang Yan dismissively.


Joanna to Su Ping glanced at her and said, “You are the heir whore, I will not allow you to speak this kind of words!”

“Are you or are you not aware of any danger?” The elf asked.

“Just kidding.” Su Ping took her seriously, couldn’t help but smirk, suddenly noticed in the queue shop, also looked at this place, coughed slightly, and said: “Before business, turn your head to talk again, say, nearest this time, What’s the situation outside of?”

“This you go to ask the master, our group is also in the shop, not paying attention to the outside, the knowledge outside the battle is tense, after all, the closest Feng Chen comes here to foster beasts, they are all from the front line.” Joanna said angrily, turning around and returning behind the counter to continue her work.

The fairy prince nodded and said, “I heard that there are many localities, specifically the situation, you asked the master more clearly.”

Su Ping thought to himself, seeing that he wanted to say it again, Tang Yan smiled and stroked her head, and said: “Good, go ahead of your work, I’m going to find the master to take down the situation.”

Tang Yan lifted his mouth and said nothing.

Su Ping’s body flashed, disappeared in the shop, he felt that the master of qi was right in the Dao Nhat street, the architecture building inside, at another building in the architecture, The Fire Zhi Sun and The Void Zhi Ton, they did not leave this road.


Su Ping’s body appears at this house in architecture.

The outer architecture has a battle god of the same realm, but taking Su Ping’s relief flowing in, he is now facing the dao, this kind of god battle rank in his eyes and fishing nets are not very different, there is no effect.


Looking at a place where Shen Ping pondered, suddenly appeared Su Ping was afraid to jump up , the kind of thing that saw Su Ping’s face at the moment, there was a ring of amazement on his face, looking around his eyes, he found that in the divine architecture, there was no emotion, couldn’t help but be dumbfounded: “How did you get in?”

“Just like that, this divine battle is so effective, it can only be in the same room as Zhi Sun, it doesn’t work.” Su Ping explained a question, and suddenly asked: “Master, what is the situation outside now?”

“Zhiyuan Uniform Room?”

Shen Sun was slightly silenced by Su Ping, he was just a fragment at the moment, and Zhi Sun was not, the current result Zhi Sun came to Su Ping inside his mouth, as if he was also a mouth that could be said to exist.

Regardless, he didn’t doubt Su Ping, this was very clear, Su Ping said so, he could only say clearly . . . This one itself becomes even more terrifying.

“When I heard you say, you disappeared, did it happen or didn’t happen?” Shen Sun asked.

Su Ping shook his head, “Meet a little grace, there is a harvest.”

Shen Sun woke up, if it was to achieve a predestination, once enlightened or secluded, a month’s cultivation could not be more normal, even if it was cultivation for decades, there was nothing.

“Outside now the situation is not so optimistic.”

Shen Sun also did not have a leisurely conversation, sighed, and said: “The Profound Sect has spread across the entire universe, in our group Golden Venus border line, 36 inner battle line crystals, comprehensively infiltrated, this time has 9 defensive lines destroyed, our group can’t help but withdraw the battle ring, currently the main line is arranged to us Shen Ting outside the ten spirit areas inside.”

Su Ping’s face changed, ten spirit areas, took Feng Chen, three days in a row can pass, this is basically considered as a door.

“The situation is so bad, we don’t have The Fire Zhi Sun and The Void Zhi Sun, don’t they have a player?” Su Ping asked.

Shen Sun shook his head and said: “It is impossible for them to come out, I told you earlier, this Profound Dynasty inside is mixed with a bit of monstrosity, there is no detection now, but having spent more than a month fighting, confirmed the previous speculation, if The Fire Zhi Sun comes out, there will be danger in the lead.”

“Monstrous force?”

Su Ping was dumbfounded.

“It’s not wrong, there are other submissive races in there, expert hunters.” Shen Sun said: “Your Great Brother was also a little in distress before, using me in the secret treasure to keep his life, but such an aura will no longer be available.”

Su Ping’s expression changed, not thinking of such a dangerous situation, he asked: “These hidden existences, are all Zhi Sun?”

“It’s Zhi Sun now, but compared to us, Zhi Sun is a little stronger.” Shen Sun said: “Half a month ago, Fei Tianzhi Sun was still lost, it was said that it was the great emperor, directly smothered, the image was lost inside, I still have it.”

As he talked, Shen Sun waved his hand.

In the immediate future, nowhere is stretched, according to the narrow spatial architecture, becoming incomparably vast.

But at this one, in the void, a virtual image appeared, obviously countless swarms, the Human Race controlled all kinds of beasts, and this one coincided with killing, blood and blood.

But at this person killed inside, a body suddenly burst out, tearing the tide, forming a terrifying attack.

But the more the former falls, the latter advances, right at the other body penetrates the inner tide, preparing to exert some kind of great force when, suddenly a daoist who follows the inner tide stretches out, grasping in mid-air.

After a moment, the other dao body was directly violent, like a crushed bullet, in nowhere transmitting terrifying shock waves, bringing the tide to erase the large array.

The giant hand, which also dissipated, shrank to the inner tide.

“This . . .”

Su Ping saw this scene, felt the vibration, and terrified him the most, the giant hand was incomparably black as ink, and he was in the universe in the slit to see the other, like a bronze cast!

“This is the same Ancient God Emperor fighting creature, it really sneaks into our group. . .” Su Ping was a little terrified, the opponent could join Gu Shi, although this ancient Shi did not resurrect before the force, but also a terrifying Divine Emperor, no doubt, this monster master more than half could also be Divine Emperor.

An Imperial God exists, subdued here in the universe, like a Sardine’s head burrowing into a sardine.

“This is a heterosexual.” Su Ping’s face was unsightly, if the reign behind him was the Divine Emperor, then this battle would only be on one side of destruction.

In the human race Zhi Sun came out, will only be suffocated.

“You recognize this hand?”

Shen Sun saw Su Ping, immediately made a judgment, and couldn’t help but ask.

Su Ping nodded, told him once, suddenly poured out a little doubt, and asked: “This creature is the Divine Emperor, according to the theory that can sweep us across the universe, why hide?”

“It’s definitely from the alien heavens.” Shen Sun had found a lot of information before, there was a place to speculate, Su Ping let him gain verification, now brought his thoughts to say: “This object can directly suffocate Fei Tianzhi Sun, our group estimates that the real power is the peak of Zhi Sun, or the Hegemonic Universe.”

“The enemy is sneaky, doesn’t dare to show up, more than half of them have something attached to him, or they don’t want us in the universe to have a few objects.”

“Abstinence? Binding?” Su Ping was startled, and he could only explain it.

But this in the universe, what is it worth that a Divine Emperor exists?

“Isn’t it Primordial Glass above, the other Primordial Heavenly Master?” Su Ping asked speculatively.


Shen Sun shook his head, sighed, and said: “I haven’t even told you yet, Primordial Glass has disappeared, Primordial Heavenly Master more than 20 days ago, used to want to gather in the universe all forces, the same line, he actively came out to attack the same tide, this same tide inside the heterosexual race exists, killed by the enemy.”

Su Ping’s pupils shrunk, the other person who had never met was hailed as the universe of the First Heavenly Primordial Powerhouse, dead?

“There’s a time when there’s no picture?” Su Ping hurriedly asked.

Shen Sun shook his head and sighed, “They are not the same as Fei Tianzhi Sun, bringing the four universes to destruction so thoroughly, there is no image, only a previous battle segment filmed to the scene, Primordial Heavenly Master joined the war, behind him the war later, i put in the Primordial Glass inside you, you are a brother, transmitting the news, the Primordial Heavenly Master is still lost, he sees it with his own eyes.”

“In the Primordial Heavenly Master still lost later, the Primordial Glass on the false mind and the remaining Saint Saint, carrying the Separatist Primordial Glass, brought above all the other people, all of whom were destroyed, did not know where to go.”

“This . . .”

Su Ping didn’t think about it, Primordial Glass at this moment was unreliable, and ran away.

Where will the universe run away?

Su Ping immediately thought of imprisoning the other Primordial Saint Maiden by himself, achieving the Ancient Emperor of the Kaya Frey Lineage, in his heart moved slightly, bringing the opponent with himself the Inner Cosmic Chaos.


Kaya Frey suddenly appeared in the outer world, immediately stunned, all kinds of people saw clearly around the situation, her expression turned slightly, and she looked at Su Ping, and said: “What do you want to do?”

“You Primordial Primordial Heavenly Master are dead, the outer gap universe infiltrated, now the universe is full of war, you Primordial Crystals the rest run away, where do you feel they will run away?” Su Ping coldly looked at her and said.

Kaya Frey glared, stunned in place.

The news was too much, giving her a hard time to digest.

The Primordial Heavenly Master died . . . She was a little dreamy, but the master also served as a god, bowing her head to listen to the command to exist!

“Not likely, this is not likely . . .” Kaya Frey refrained from shouting.

Su Ping slammed a hand on her face, immediately broke her agitation, and said: “Interrogate you, there is no way for you to cry.”

Kaya Frey was a little dreamy, besides Shen Sun, her eyebrows were a little agitated, she didn’t think of Su Ping against The Holy Maiden, she could say to fight, the current opponent was nonetheless a Zhi Sun lineage.

“You . . .”

Kaya Frey regained her spirit, thinking of anger, but seeing Su Ping’s eyes, her anger stopped inside her mouth, reason told her that she could not tease Su Ping, Su Ping gave the old master a picture of the beast, she still had fresh memories.

Instead, she was imprisoned by Su Ping first, and also saw the universe outside the scene, covering the War Emperor in the same heaven outside the great war.

The Celestial Celestial Sect could kill with the War Emperor, thus defeating the Primordial Heavenly Master. . The title also speaks for itself.

She was dumbfounded for only a moment, saw Su Ping again raised to the chancellor, and hurriedly said: “Don’t hit me, I say, no matter what, I tell you, you can’t find them.”


Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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