“Primordial Chaos Clan?”

Su Ping looked suspiciously at The Great Elder.

“The chaos of birth has just begun, there are many DemonIc Angel Fairies, forming each tribe, there are also saints themselves.” Jin Wu the Great Elder carried an indescribable sentiment, looking at Su Ping and said: “But in it, there is the first group of Chaos divided at the time of the race, this is the Primordial Chaos Race.”

“Primordial Chaos Clan is extremely powerful, the internal energy body is mixed, containing Chaos plagiarism, rumors of cultivation to the peak of feng, can recreate Chaos, create a new Universe!”

“But in the Primordial Chaos Clan, the Chaos continues to divide, the splashing force in turn produces a lot of Ghost Angel Fairies, we Jin Wu tribe, this is the next one after the Chaos God Demon Race.”

“It’s just that, in our group, after the Chaos God Demon Sect, there is no plagiarism Chaos, in which there are only a minority of races, containing a little bit of speech, such as you were before the Water Ancestor bloodline, The Yu Clan, which contains the 12-mai plagiarism Fairy Tian, holds the original rules.”

“And you . . .”

Jin Wu’s inner eyes carried a complex and exclamation, and he vaguely looked jealous, “The inner body contains 108 Mai Tien Tian plagiarism, although it is also not capable of exerting force, but it is no different from carrying the golden paint itself , the kind you once held, bringing out the true Primordial Chaos Clan, in the same realm below, even if it is me, there is no way to compare with you.”

Su Pingling listened, a little surprised, did not think of the Soul Clan, the God Clan, the Ancient Fairy Clan of all kinds to increase the bloodline itself, but in the end, the Primordial Chaos Clan of this type was high in bloodline.

Hearing this, this is the Jin Wu tribe that also wants to scare the Blood Demon God!

“But considering that I don’t have the Primordial Chaos Bloodline, the same realm below, defeating you Jinwu tribe is like there is no problem a . . .” Su Ping in his heart quietly continued a sentence Kim O Great Elder, of course this can’t be said directly, after all, he accepted a part of the Great Mistress, and his face was a little unkind. . . .

“Hearing the Grand Elder say that, if I take the plagiarism completely, is it possible or not to unleash all the same life scene?” Su Ping asked.

“That’s basically it.”

Jin Wu the Great Elder sighed slightly: “In fact, you are a little bit of a minor, and I am not your opponent, unless I am an outstanding talent, like Emperor Qing, this kind of Water Ancestor, to be able to defeat you.”

“But now, waiting for you to hold plagiarism, it will be very fast to transcend Emperor Qing, the types you bring the inner body of nature 108 mai Primordial plagiarism holds, bringing enough to defeat Tian!” Kim Wu the Great Elder said.

Su Ping was slightly startled, in his heart, he didn’t understand the agitation, although he didn’t even know what Tian was, but the absolute feeling would be no less than Zhi Sun.

“But these plagiarists I don’t understand, there is no way to take advantage, can the Grand Elder give me a point or two?” Su Ping asked.

Jin Wu the Great Elder nodded and said: “You don’t understand it is normal, you can see the new understanding, I thought that you attacked the Blood Demon God later, let you enter the human race, two types of mixed bloodlines, see what realm you can reach, don’t think about . . .”

He shook his head slightly and said, “You are too low now, plagiarism, I will help you with two plagiarisms, the rest rely on yourself.”

Su Ping was stunned, and asked, “So I don’t need to participate in the ceremony now? Other than that, although I am currently the Primordial Chaos Tribe, my heart is still the same that we are the Kim O tribe, I was born as the Golden O Bird, the death is the Kim O tribe of dead birds . . . Whew, the Golden Soul Tribe!”

The grand elder gave Su Ping a look, and said: “It’s not that I don’t agree with you to participate, it’s that you don’t have the means to participate now, because in your body, the bloodline, has been absorbed by the Primordial Chaos Clan, at the fusion bloodline, becoming a nutrient burner, you’ve joined me in no relation whatsoever.”

Su Ping was suddenly startled, hurriedly looked at himself, very quickly found out exactly as the Great Elder said, he was in his body and did not find a trench of Golden Umbrella Bloodline, he tried to move the Golden Umbrella Demon Body, and did not react at all.

“In the past, Little Jin Wu . . .”

Su Ping recalled the bloodline of all kinds, vaguely saw a naughty Little Jin Wu dao screaming, it must have been the sacrificed Jin Wu bloodline?

It was hard to cultivate the Golden Void Bloodline, Su Ping in his heart more or less did not give up with regret.

“I don’t have The Golden BloodLine right now, Grand Elder for what is it that wants to help me?” Su Ping looked towards The Great Elder, the opponent was kind and kind, and Su Ping was a little disdainful and suspicious, and relied on the Heavenly Sun Birth Clan, so he sold him a little affectionately?


This part of the celebration is obviously beyond the average person.

The Great Elder shook his head slightly, his face showed some mourning, and smiled, and said: “Bet a future, just hope for success, in short, I will help you solve the two plagiarisms first, so that you can be enlightened, about the future you can go to any step, See you.”

While talking, Su Ping felt that he and Kim O the Great Elder walked into a place around all the golden world, this world is extremely vast, stretching infinitely, not seeing the boundary.

The two of them positioned the ground, like the quiet golden lake above, reflecting the two relatives.

Jin Wu the Great Elder raised his hand, according to Su Ping, the inner 108 mai plagiarism inside, immediately there were two vibrational plagiarisms, floating in Su Ping in front of him.

“Before this plagiarism begins, this plagiarism is inflammatory! But for you to understand the difference, it covers the universe of nothingness, space time, everything!”

“We can bring it down to 18 plagiarism, temperature discrimination, division, paralysis, Kim Inflammation . . .” Kim Wu the Grand Elder mobilized, letting Su Ping stop acting.

This plagiarism encounter gradually rotated, from which each plagiarism was released, turning into a plagiarism complex, each plagiarism head magnified ten thousand times, could be seen inside the infinitesimal secret of the countless rules hidden in it.

Pure temperature plagiarism, hidden temperature time, temperature space, temperature void, temperature ice welding of all kinds of warm and cold things.

A plagiarism in Su Ping’s inner eyes reflected, Su Ping felt a little dumbfounded, he had never thought about it, the world rules were more complicated, so complicated, this 18 heads plagiarized inside, there was one that included all kinds of characteristics, remaining 17 heads, the more the rule characteristics.

Seeing these plagiarisms, Su Ping suddenly felt that he understood it himself, like a child’s play, basically unable to be considered consummated.

Just furry skin!

“Initiation . . . Consummation . . . The so-called consummation, the fullness of the rule, the consummation of itself, can be absorbed into the plagiarism within, become part of it.”

“The 18 plagiarism heads, which contain tens of thousands of prescriptives, can only end up creating a plagiarism . . .”

Su Ping was surrounded by 18 plagiarized heads, looking at flowers with all his eyes, although it was only 18 plagiarism heads, but Su Ping could see thousands and thousands of condensation rules.

Su Ping suddenly could understand, because what said three thousand dao, could cover the Universe all.

After the first Great Dao, which contained endless wisdom and rules, Su Ping suddenly had the courage of intense desire, a kind of hunger to seek lust, to understand all the Great Daos, to hold the Secret High Universe.

Kim O the Grand Elder mobilized, brought plagiarism slowly, gave Su Ping the rules to start acting, countless rules of division, gathering, plagiarism, each head plagiarized at the reconstruction and division, finally gathered into Primordial plagiarism, contains endless characteristics and transformations, obscure illusions, extremely intellectual.

Extremely fast time.

As The Great Elder stopped performing a plagiarism later, brought it to Su Ping, and said: “How much can you be enlightened, see yourself, you can’t completely understand it, in the future within a hundred years, you can also be completely enlightened.”

He buried the seed, which could always germinate.

The Su Ping types hold a plagiarism later, can slowly hold the second, the third . . .

“The Jinwu Tribe, heaven is born . . .” Su Ping muttered to himself, there was a sense of inspiration in his heart, his whole body suddenly burned into a golden flame, in his body, the plagiarism lit up, radiating a bright aura, all kinds of characteristics took Su Ping’s inner energy as diesel to burn, manifested as Kim Ozhi!

“. . .”

Jin Wuyi the Great Elder opened his mouth a little, a little dumbfounded, although he expected to be considered by Su Ping, but did not think about it, once he stopped acting, Su Ping was able to stop half a plagiarism, holding nearly ten plagiarism heads!

He was suddenly a little heartbroken, if he took the ceremony to help Su Ping, this kind of love, it would probably become the Jinwu tribe that slowly flew to New Star!

According to Su Ping, around the time of no twisting, all kinds of plagiarism appeared, around Su Ping’s side, containing extremely strong forces, rules and he could not collide, there was absolutely crushing the Spirit Master force.

Su Ping felt that these plagiarists could join Feng Chen in the feng feng rules, not even falling into the lower realm!

“Rule-making plagiarism . . .” Su Ping thought of the time before The BloodLine when he created the rule himself, at this time, bringing plagiarism to rotate, each other interacting, from the inside pulled out a little characteristic, hit the other plagiarism inside, very quickly, a plagiarism arose, inside there are few rules heads!

Although they are all common rules, plagiarism brings a bit of heterogeneity.

Seeing this scene, The Great Elder couldn’t help but glare, the chancellor trembled slightly, he didn’t make a sound, he didn’t bother Su Ping, just had the courage to feel a little blood in his heart.

“Is it really heaven? Maybe… He could really be like the Human Race that exists, ending this war!” Kim O Great Elder was complicated, quietly did not speak.

After a long time, Su Ping stopped acting, Su Ping was a little excited, and directed the Grand Elder to ask: “Can you look at me like this?”

“. . . Go.”

After that, The Great Elder continued to impart Su Ping the second plagiarism.

At the end of the performance, Jin Wu the Great Elder said to Su Ping: “Take you now, start the two plagiarisms is already extreme, the rest say self-propelled literature, is liu in my clan, still return, can also follow you, if you stay, and I will let Emperor Qing arrange for you to be based.”

Su Ping was slightly startled, thought for a moment and said: “I think this one continues to cultivate for a while.”


Kim O The Great Elder nodded, around the vast golden color of the world disappeared, and came to the hollow of the tree, Kim O the Great Elder waited in the hollow outside Emperor Qing, waved his hand and said: “Arrange for him a place to cultivate, lead him down.”

Emperor Qing said incredulously: “Grand Elder, are you okay, how do you look like you are very tired?”

“Let’s go . . .”

The Great Elder waved his hand, he was not tired, he was tired.

Emperor Qing was a little suspicious, but didn’t ask much, looked at Su Ping, and immediately felt a little strange feeling, from Su Ping’s body, she secretly felt a flash of threat, as if she had met a heavenly enemy.

But, which Jinwu tribe has natural enemies?

The kind of secessionist hollow, Emperor Quynh evaluated Su Ping, saying: “Your lifeblood . . .”


Su Ping said with a smile, and at the same time, he controlled his body to restore humanity’s appearance, his physical condition also followed eight meters to two meters, looking over at the handsome, white man.

“I know what’s done, what’s the lifeblood?” said Emperor Qing incredulously.

“Didn’t tell you.” Su Ping smirked.

Emperor Qing was immediately angry, stomped his feet and said: “Who is rare, not equal to me anyway, huh!”


Su Ping laughed, there was no debate, this time it was possible that the bloodline would attack, it was still thanks to the Jin Wu tribe’s support, he naturally wouldn’t argue with the Jin Wu Tribe.

Waiting for Emperor Quynh to arrange the accommodation later, Su Ping called out to Xiao Xiu and The Two Cranes, he was in no hurry to leave this place, it was also because the plan was to stay here, conveniently, there were many things to do.

It’s like bringing the little world rules, passing it on to the Little Dragon, so that they can also open the world.

Su Ping was not afraid of Xiao Xiu’s rebellion on their own, and in the same place where they had grown up for so long, Su Ping soon brought them as human authors.

In addition, Su Ping also planned to stay here to stop practicing the eighth realm!

It was not wrong, at the time of ascending to the Primordial Chaos Bloodline later, Su Ping felt that he had found the eighth direction on his own.

The seventh precept is the precept.

The eighth realm is the Chaos God Demon Realm!

“Waiting for the eighth realm to be opened, you can consider attacking the Divine Landscape, with my force now, at any time, you can create the rules yourself, but before you created the rules yourself, you can’t let me break the Divine Landscape . . .”

Su Ping’s eyes blinked, for himself Feng Chen had a flash of anxiety.

In return, the Spirit Master form, at the creation of the rules later, will immediately affect the heavenly life, from which the Feng Chen life!

But he created the rules himself, there was no matter what heavenly life touched, Su Ping felt that he Feng Chen path, maybe there would be an event, normally Feng Chen, to him, it was probably useless, so it must be before the preparation time.

“Is there anything else that needs my support?”



“Help me guard the gate.”


Emperor Quynh felt that he was still blind-eyed, but for this kind of person, he was benevolent, breathing heavily, saving the two Jin Wu guards.

Extremely fast time.

Su Ping first gave Xiao Ping a long lineage, through the spiritual transmission of dharma fostering, bringing himself to understand the rules from the beginning to the end passed on to them, this is the system that gives dharma fostering, the effectiveness of the human experience, Su Ping is strong, the beast is strong, homogeneous, if the beast master understands the object, Su Ping can also return the loan.

The types of Little Dry Long and Two Cranes, Zi Qingguo, they all understood later, Su Ping began to close, stopping the eighth precept.

This eighth precept takes the Primordial Chaos into the dao, 108 mai Primordial Plagiarism is the basic world, Su Ping a little bit creates the world, the eighth gender is open and the front of the seven realms is different, nor is it based on a rule point is the original form of expansion, the more like using a multitude of materials to frame one than the world.


Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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