Super Finding App

Chapter 996: Panic

Guo De stood blankly in the hospital morgue watching the white bones in the manhole cover inside the excavated cave. Police officers rushed out after the police had been called out. There will be a detailed investigation by the police at the scene.

The dean of Dekang Hospital wiped the sweat from his forehead and was stunned. He didn't expect that the bones of the corpse were actually found underground in their morgue. It seemed that the corpse had been dead for at least ten years.

When I remembered that I had transformed this Rainbow Hospital into Dekang Hospital, it was really creepy that no bones were found underneath, and looking at the appearance of white bones, it was still a child.

It's just making evil.

Who was so devastated that Tianliang killed such a small child and threw her into the manhole cover. If it were not for the arrival of the two police and criminal police who suddenly appeared today, I am afraid that No one will know for another 100 years.

Unless one day really excavates the ground completely, but really wait until then, all the clues will really disappear and disappear into the long river of time.

"Hello, you are the police legend Mr. Cheng, it is really amazing, it is really amazing, I just mentioned you to my dead party Guo De, but I really did not expect Guo De to come to you And you really found Zhao Kexin's body. This is Guo Dexun's case for 18 years. "

Jia Qiang, a bald dead party, was stunned and conscience. When he received a call from his friend Guo De, he really thought that Guo De was dreaming, but it turned out that he actually found Zhao Kexin's body. Although no forensic examination has been done so far, it is not yet possible to determine whether this corpse belongs to Zhao Kexin, but according to the current situation, it seems that Zhao Kexin is very serious.

What surprised Jia Qiang the most was that the police legend was still true. He and Guo De didn't know how long they had been working for Zhao Kexin's case. This is an old case that has been sealed for seven or eight years. It was so easy to find the police legend Cheng Yiping's hands. It can only be said that there is no other way to describe it except to use legend.

"Hello, I'm just lucky."

Cheng Yiping laughed and didn't care.

"Luck, luck, hahaha, you are really good. If you find Zhao Kexin 18 years ago, this is also considered luck. I really want that luck, no matter how long it is."

Jia Qiang shook his head deeply. He didn't believe it was just luck. This is not something that can be solved with luck. If it is really luck, heaven and earth conscience, he really hopes that he can have such a good one. luck.

"Jia Qiang, Guo De is here to chat. There is a nurse in this Dekang hospital. Her name is Han Ting. Maybe he is the murderer who hurt Zhao Kexin. Now please catch her immediately to assist the investigation!"

Guo De's face is extremely ugly. If it had been before, he would not have arrested Han Ting as he does now without any evidence, but everything that Cheng Yiping has done has clearly told him Cheng Yiping said Is correct

Cheng Yiping really found the skeleton suspected of Zhao Kexin in the Kant Hospital, so this Han Ting may be the white woman he saw in the playground 18 years ago, and took away Zhao Kexin's person, no matter how he first took it Caught over to assist the investigation.

"I see. Arrange arrests immediately. Dean, is Han Ting in the hospital today?"

The dean of Dekang Hospital was stunned, wiping the sweat from his forehead, and the conscience of heaven and earth. It was enough to find him a corpse in the morgue. It was enough to surprise him, but now it seems that the killer may be his nurse at Kant Hospital When he heard this, he was really frightened and said quickly.

"Head nurse, head nurse, check it out, is Han Ting in the hospital? If she is bringing him right now ..."

"No, the head nurse took us right away and now sends the police to follow you ..."

Bald head Jia Qiang said immediately, his eyes were shining with light. For eighteen years, the case for eighteen years had finally come to light. He must not make a mistake at the last moment.

While speaking, the police quickly rushed to the upper level of Dekang Hospital under the leadership of the head nurse arranged by the dean. As long as Han Ting was still in the hospital, she would be able to arrest her for assistance.

At this moment, between the third floor of Dekang Hospital, Han Ting is also patrolling with a medical chart.

"Han Ting, do you know Han Ting? Something has happened at our hospital ..."

A nurse wearing a nurse's suit, who was very gossip at first glance, ran over, her eyes flashed.

"What's wrong with you? It's such a bad job to go to work, there are gossips everywhere. If you do, your rating this year will not be rated again."

Han Ting sighed helplessly. This colleague of hers is okay. The only bad thing is that she really likes gossip. To be honest, if she goes on like this, it will have a great impact on her rating. Otherwise, It is also entirely possible for his colleague to be promoted to head nurse after so long at Kant Hospital.

"No, no, listen to me. This time it was really a big event. It was really a big thing. We got a lot of police in Dekang Hospital. I only heard about it through inside information. In A corpse was found in our hospital "

The gossip nurse's eyes flashed.


Han Ting's face suddenly changed slightly, holding the folder in her hand, taking a deep breath and holding it involuntarily, said.

"Are you kidding me, how could there be corpses in our hospital? Are you kidding me? Are you talking about the corpses in the morgue?"

"No, no, how could I be kidding me about this kind of thing, but what I said was true, telling you that I have a lot of connections in the hospital. Now many policemen have come to our hospital and heard that it is stopping. The body was dug up in the corpse room, or the horror of a child, it is really terrible. Who do you say would be so devastated to do such a thing? "

The gossip nurse shivered and said.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, whether it is true or false, the police have arrived so far. I believe the police will be able to find out the answer. So, I think you still have to do my own thing. Stop talking about some of these. "

"One of them is sick on the third floor. Now I have pressed the emergency call. Please go and see."

Han Ting took a deep breath, pretending to carelessly, after the nurse who watched the gossip left, his face suddenly diminished, then turned around, found a safe passageway on the third floor, looked around and pushed the door out.

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