Super Finding App

Chapter 955: accident

"Calm down, everyone is calm down. First of all, I'd like to tell you the good news. We are indeed a rescue team. This one is Mr. Xue Honglei who was invited by Mr. Xue Honglei from Dongping International Flight. Pass the road and enter the Devil's Zone by breaking the wind, just to find you, please rest assured that we will bring everyone out of the Devil's Zone safely and back to reality. Please believe that Dongping International Airlines will never give up everyone And won't give up anyone! "

The blonde, drunken captain Benus said at this moment that he was very clear-cut and had a loud voice. He even took care of all the people present, and said it again in Chinese, and again in the Mandarin language. All the people around him were immediately boiling. When he got up, his face was surprised.

"Rescue team, rescue team, really rescue team, great. It was really a rescue team sent by Dongping International Airlines. I knew that there were more than 1,200 people on our plane. It ’s absolutely impossible for the outside world to bring What we give up will be sent to rescue teams. Great, we can be rescued! "

"It's great, it's great, it's been a whole week, a whole week, I thought I would live on this land in my life, I didn't expect that I could really go back home and really go home Up "

"Rescue team, it's really the rescue team, we are finally going to do our best."

"Everybody, everybody, good news, good news, the rescue team is here, the rescue team is here, we can be rescued, we can be rescued!"

One word provoked thousands of waves.

The arrival of Cheng Yiping was like an atomic bomb, which instantly carried the Dongping Flight 7348 among the many trapped people. The crowd began to rejoice and talked to each other. More people who did not see Cheng Yiping far away Swarm crowded over.

Everyone hopes to see Cheng Yiping earlier and be able to board the Eagle earlier and leave this terrible and dangerous devil's area.

"Calm, calm, everyone is calm, even if there is a rescue team, don't you think this rescue team can really take us out of this devil's zone? Don't forget it, everyone, this is the devil's zone, Except for the land under our feet, there are sea beasts in other places, even if there is a so-called eagle ship, what do you think this eagle ship can resist the attack of sea beasts? Let me say Now we are going to die! "

Unexpectedly, not everyone on Dongping Flight 7348 showed a cheerful look, but saw dozens of men with blond hair and black pupils wearing suits and shoes Wu Yan turned away from the crowd, his face was low and blue, and he spoke loudly, and instantly suppressed all the lively atmosphere on the scene.

"What do you mean? Anyway, I'm here on behalf of Dongping International Airlines to rescue you. Do you still want to stay in this devil zone, aren't you afraid of death? Or do you live too much here? It ’s comfortable, so you do n’t want to go back to reality? ”

Although he has been talking with Captain Benal since landing, Cheng Yiping keeps his eyes on thousands of people on Dongping Flight 7348 to see who is Zhang Xiaona ’s mother. Suddenly

In the ear came the aggressive voice of this group of blonde trapped people, who frowned. He had some incomprehensions, but he and others had tried his best to rescue them in this devil zone. These, How can people behave so aggressively, and it still seems unwilling.

"Did I say wrong? Dear friends, think about it, where are we now in your place? It belongs to the Devil's Zone. I don't know how to get to this devil in a ship. Zone and found us, but we all know that there are huge sea beasts hidden in this devil zone. We have also experienced that if we did not meet the great gods of the east, all of us would die here, or say you guys Believe that they can take us out of the devil's land safely by steamship? If you encounter terrible sea beasts, do you think we can survive without a fairy? "

"This is really too risky. Instead, what we should do is wait for the immortal to come and ask the immortal to rescue us!"

The blond man's voice instantly resonated with many people present, and the ecstatic expression on each face slowly calmed down, whispering, and talking babblely.

"Fairy, what a joke? Are you all in a collective fantasy? How could there be a fairy in this world? Are you too superstitious?"

Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona, drunken Captain Alcoholic Benaz, and sailors such as Robert and Rockmore, Anthony looked at each other. They never thought that after entering the devil's zone with thousands of shares, they finally followed Yiping, Mr. Cheng found the trapped on the plane Dongfeng Flight 7348, and they even said that there are gods here, and they are unwilling to leave. Is there anything wrong? Is it a collective illusion?

"Wrong, wrong, I know, you definitely do n’t believe it, but what we said is true. If we had n’t met the legendary fairy, I'm afraid we would have already died in this devil's land, why? May find this safe area, so I can tell you that we will never trust you. Even if your rescue ship leaves here, you will only be buried in this devil zone. The only thing we can believe is the great gods. , I believe Lord Fairy will take us away from here! "

"I will never leave here!"

The blond man's voice was aggressive, and what he said made people feel confused.

Cheng Yiping was very puzzled, but it also resonated with many other trapped people on Dongping Flight 7348, and his original eagerness to leave also changed.

"It's true. Carlock is absolutely right. This devil zone is very dangerous. If we just go out on the Eagle, we may be buried in the deep sea of ​​the devil zone and become the food of sea beasts. "

"Yes, yes, Carlok is absolutely right. Compared to this eagle, the so-called Dongping Airlines International rescue vessel, I think we still pray for the most practical thing."

"Yes, yes, Lord Fairy has a kind heart and can definitely save us from going out. If he can be valued by Lord Fairy, let Lord Fairy teach us that we are apprentices, maybe we can still be gods!"

"This is an opportunity. We must not leave. We have to wait for the Lord God to come."

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