Super Finding App

Chapter 879: I'm so easy to cheat?

In front of Xihai Police Station.

"The police have found out the results. These two people are not your biological parents at all, but scammers who cheat exclusively!"

"Their main means is to collect information about various rich people on the Internet, especially orphans, and then pretend to be their relatives to deceive!"

"The police have found from their bags paternity tests and various fake materials that have been prepared for a long time. They will find missing orphans to deceive their loved ones to deceive, one falsely claiming to be their biological parents, and one falsely claiming to be looking for In the process, my father got cancer, and then let these wealthy people spend money on treatment for their affection, but the cost of these treatments turned out to be in their pocket. "

"These two are just using the orphan to miss their parents' mindset, it is too vicious!"

Wearing an evening gown, Xiyue, who was beautiful and moving, was still dazzling even in the police station. At this moment, she was holding Zhao Guoqiang's wrist slowly.

"So they only collected news about me on the Internet, and also knew that I was an orphan, after careful arrangement and then posing as my parents? Huh!"

Zhao Guoqiang was once again infected by the evils in this world. As an orphan since he was a child, he has seen a lot of messes and abductions in reality when he was a child. I really didn't expect that there were still some people who were posing as orphans' biological parents. Money for orphans?

This is literally spreading salt on the wound.

"It's true, but they never thought that the seaside city that you said in the TV report was nothing. The fake is ultimately fake and can't get on the table ..."

Xi Yue, who was wearing an evening dress and walking on the road waiting for the car to pick up, said excitedly.

"How do you know they will be fake?"

Zhao Guoqiang was in a very bad mood. For a long time, he thought that even if he found his biological parents, he would only resent them and would not recognize them at all, but this time the appearance of the fake biological parents let Zhao Guoqiang know that Deep down, he still thought of his parents.

"Of course I know. There is no such thing as a coincidence in the world. They don't show up when you are in hardship. As soon as you become famous, your biological parents run out. This is also a coincidence ..."

Xi Yue smiled slightly and said casually that he hadn't told Zhao Guoqiang about his father and grandfather already had someone find out the details of Zhao Guoqiang.

Of course, at most, only Zhao Guoqiang's records in the orphanage could be found. There was no news before the kindergarten.

Zhao Guoqiang nodded softly. It was impossible for him to be fooled so easily. In the final analysis, it was because of his deep heart that he still thought of his biological parents.

"Son, son, you are my son ..."

"You are my son, are you really my son? ..."

Zhao Guoqiang's mood was very bad, and anyone who encountered such a thing would become very bad. Suddenly another old couple rushed over and grabbed his arm and said excitedly.


Zhao Guoqiang got angry, and Wen Zhibin was always more annoyed. He just met a liar, and now he just walked out of the police station. Another old couple came to pretend to be their biological parents?

Is it really so easy to cheat?

"Sufficient, shut up for me. You have the wrong person. I have no parents. I am born in Zhao Guoqiang. You are not my parents at all. If you dare to entangle me, this is the police station. I will go immediately. Call the police and catch you! "

An angry Zhao Guoqiang drank. With a big wave, the middle-aged woman who grabbed his hand was pushed away. A black car was parked in front of them. Zhao Guoqiang snorted and took his girlfriend straight. The car, then went away.

"The hearts of the people are really too bad now. I didn't expect you to meet with your biological parents who are posing as your biological parents twice in a row. It seems that after Zhao Guoqiang became famous, many people came to you ..."

On the back of the car, the beautiful and joyful Xi Yue laughed lightly, and then the voice became gentle and melodious. It is really interesting today. Two old couples came to find their boyfriend in succession, and also said that it was his relatives?

"It's all a group of guys who are dazzled by money. If they really lack the money, won't they earn it by themselves? Impersonating their biological parents is simply a sin!"

Zhao Guoqiang gritted his teeth, his gaze involuntarily fell on the car's rearview mirror.

The rear-view mirror clearly shows the old couple shouting in a panic behind, and a young man next to them slowly walked towards them.

how? Is this still a gang?

"I said Wang Hu and Wang Cuilan, although I know that the two of you have seen your own children, very, I hope you can understand this, can you pay attention to some strategies? If you don't have any evidence, you just run out and say I am his biological parent, and even if I were to change, I would not believe it ... "

Cheng Yiping reluctantly walked towards the panic-stricken Wang Hu and Wang Cuilan, and sighed slightly, but his heart was full of joy.

"That must be our son. He must be our son. You look at him exactly like your husband when you were young!"

Wang Cuilan said in excitement, tears were streaming down, her heart was beating violently. Since the moment she met Zhao Guoqiang, she had a feeling, it seemed to have some kind of connection with the person in front of her. She, this is their son, the lost son.

"Calm down, wife, calm down, as long as we can find him, we will not lose him again, master, what do you say we should do now?"

While comforting his wife, Wang Hu excitedly set his sights on Cheng Yiping. His eyes were full of admiration and happiness.

The master is really a god-man.

"What else can I do? Although I have great confidence in my tracing, and you also believe that he is your biological son, in the final analysis, this is just a subjective imagination. What we have to do now is to find a way to get him. DNA, even if it is spit, as long as the paternity test is made and a certificate is in hand, you will go to him with the certificate and he will not deny it! "

"But he seems to have some bad feelings just now ..."

Cheng Yiping said after thinking for a while.

"It's okay, understandable, I can fully understand that my son must think that we will be full of resentment because we abandoned him. As long as we do a paternity test, we will tell him that the parents never give up She never gave up on him from start to finish! "

"Yes, yes, we do a paternity test, we must do a paternity test, husband, we find our child, we finally find a child who has been lost for a full ten years!"

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