Super Finding App

Chapter 874: Zhao Guoqiang

The scene of the annual meeting of the First People's Hospital of Xihai City.

Zhao Guoqiang was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and his hair brushed with brilliance. He was handsome and personable. He was holding a glass of red wine and was surrounded by people with a smile. Wherever he looked, he could clearly see the hospital Several wonderful-aged nurses and female doctors secretly sent Qiu Bo to him with affection.

It ’s just a pity that the eyes of these affectionate models were immediately shocked by a powerful and lethal look. The nurses and female doctors of these wonderful ages retreated, because there was a beautiful figure and skin next to Zhao Guoqiang. As beautiful as white paper, she is full of feminine charm and intellectual beauty.

The failure of many wonderful nurses and female doctors is not because of self-assertion, but because of this intellectual beauty, who has an extremely lofty identity. He is the granddaughter of Xihai City First People's Hospital-Xiyue!

The famous medical surgeon who returned from studying abroad.

"I'm really envious. Look at this Zhao Guoqiang is the pinnacle of life. Not only is he so young, he has received the attention and attention of the dean, and has become the surgeon director of the First People's Hospital of Xihai City. The subject is still so beautiful, a pair of long legs is enough to play for a year ... "

"Speak well, talk well, I said if you drink too much wine, and the wine started to talk nonsense. If you believe this, the sentence is heard by the lady, it will pass to the ears of his grandfather's grandfather. You fired ... "

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I drank too much, I drank too much, but I am really envious. Think about Zhao Guoqiang not only becoming our physician's director of surgery. We will have to listen to him when we see him in the future. It was so uncomfortable that we had entered the hospital in front of him! "

At the venue of the annual meeting of the First People's Hospital of Xihai City, several young doctors in suits and leather shoes gritted their teeth and drank red wine as they stared at Zhao Guoqiang, who was as bright as stars. The light of jealousy in the eyes was nothing. Don't hide it.

"Okay, okay, calm down, what's so jealous? Who told him to look handsome, and his youngest grade in medical school has entered our first people's hospital in Xihai!"

"The first of the medical school, I am awful. What ’s so great about the first of the medical school, even if it is the first, the hospital has the first person of the medical school to join every year, but any young person like him has become a surgeon. Director? It ’s not all because you found a good woman! "

"You're right, but there's nothing you can do. Who made the dean's granddaughter, Miss Xi Yue, like him? The backstage is very hard. To put it bluntly, maybe the whole hospital will talk to him except the dean. Believe it or not? This year, he is the chief physician. He will continue to raise it in a few years. If it is not good, he may become the director of the First People's Hospital of Xihai City.

"No, how is this possible? What qualifications does he have and how can He Dehe become the president of Xihai First People's Hospital?"

"It's impossible, you don't want to think about it. Today, the director of the First People's Hospital of Xihai City is over 60 years old, and her granddaughter is a daughter-in-law, and he values ​​Zhao Guoqiang so much. Did you pave the way for me to say that we can't compare? I know you are unwilling to come in with Zhao Guoqiang in the first batch, but there is no way, who will let the family have become the granddaughter of the vice president? "

"Yeah, I want to drive a little, I want to open a little, the old saying is good, the current affairs person is Junjie, we must be respectful to him in the hospital in the future, do n’t let him wear small shoes for us, then it will be troublesome ... "

"That's true. In today's tight medical environment, if we offend the attending doctor again, our lives will be impossible ..."

At the annual meeting of the First Hospital of Xihai City, several young doctors talked cautiously. The eyes shot absolutely envy and envy. In their opinion, Zhao Guoqiang became a director at a young age, plus one The object is beautiful and beautiful, the background of the object is so deep, and the white Fumei is a proper one.

Just a winner in life!

"thanks, thanks…"

"thanks, thanks……"

At this moment, Zhao Guoqiang, the winner of their life, was smiling and pushing a cup to change a cup. It seemed that some people physically refused to plan to continue drinking, but later they went to the balcony, blowing the wind on the balcony, their brains were slightly Come clear.

Zhao Guoqiang was blowing the evening breeze, watching the endless stream of people outside the balcony, the stream continued, the mouth slightly jumped up, please raise your hand, shook hands, and made a fist.

"I finally succeeded ..."

Zhao Guoqiang murmured to himself that no one knew better than him how difficult it was to be an orphan.

The world says that reading is useless.

But that's just because they didn't read the books well enough, they didn't read them well enough, and they didn't read them hard enough.

After learning that he was an orphan, Zhao Guoqiang knew that no one could rely on him. Others had parents crying, tired, injured, aggrieved, with a strong backing, and a warm home as a safe haven for him, and Zhao Guoqiang knew he didn't.

The only thing he had was his own life.

So he can only fight!

No one knows that Zhao Guoqiang reached 12 hours a day while studying.

Suspended head, pierced feet, he also tried ...

As an orphan when he was young, he did n’t have the money to buy some teaching materials. He even went to the trash dump to read it secretly, or hid after graduating from the previous graduate. These graduates threw away all the books they did n’t use. Dropped, and these books that students sniffed are useless, whether they are in elementary school, high school or university, have been carefully collected by Zhao Guoqiang and studied little by little.

Learning is the only thing he can do.

Zhao Guoqiang succeeded.

Zhao Guoqiang knew that he had no backing, he had no family and no money, so if he wanted to change his destiny, he could only learn, and he had to learn well and learn. Only in this way can he get a scholarship, and can he get a scholarship. Continue to study, continue to study, and even change your destiny.

It was with a spirit of death that Zhao Guoqiang broke through one difficulty after another, and graduated from medical school with excellent grades all the way to this first hospital in Xihai City!

Zhao Guoqiang, who came back from his thoughts, exhaled a long breath, took out the red wine in the wine and drank it. The spicy taste stimulated his body, raised his eyes and looked, but not far away. With a bright smile on the road.

The father and mother each held the child's hand, and the child showed a bright smile, which deeply hurt Zhao Guoqiang.

"My Zhao Guoqiang, even without parents, can live well, good!"

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