Super Finding App

Chapter 836: Stair city

"What Katerina, you have to be with me, no kidding, Styr City is now in the midst of a sea, and you also know that I am going to save people, not to travel, there must be danger on this road Even if there is a helicopter, it is possible that Zhang Xiaona was trapped in it and stopped to rescue her. It is very dangerous. If you go with me, what if it is dangerous? "

In the conscious space, Cheng Yiping has long been accustomed to flying a variety of aircraft, but in reality, this is the first time that I have seen the real aircraft. Touching the fuselage of the aircraft, the metal's unique texture makes Cheng Yiping Looking back on the experience of flying an airplane in the conscious space, she turned to look at Katlinna in a tight-fitting suit to show the figure.


Gorgeous and charming Katerina is wearing a tight-fitting pilot costume, showing her sporadic figure. Charming and moving, squinting into a level.

"Cheng Yiping, are you concerned about me?"

Into a flat black line.

"Well, Katerina, you are my friend. I care about you, too, shouldn't you? Not to mention I'm trying to save people and do business right now, so don't go with me, otherwise What if you say it's dangerous? "


Catalina chuckled after a loss in her eyes.

"Cheng Yiping, you are wrong. If it is dangerous, don't forget that I am the top security bodyguard of the Eagle Security Group. Do you think it would be more dangerous to rescue if it is dangerous?"

How did I forget Katrina's career?

Cheng Yiping's aggression suddenly came to his senses, and when she was about to speak, she saw the other Katrina continued.

"Not to mention Cheng Yiping, do n’t forget, this aircraft is leased in my name, that is to say, the assets of the Eagle Security Group are for me, not yours. If you do n’t take me, then I ’m sorry, I ca n’t lend you this helicopter, after all, this song belongs to the company ’s property. ”

Well, the last road is blocked.

Cheng Yiping looked at the smiling Katerina, and a warm current surged in her heart, saying that it was impossible to not touch, but Cheng Yiping and Katerina were very clear. Cheng Yiping wanted to find someone who could live and work in peace, marry a wife and have children. The wife, and Katrina, is more passionate, and wants to maintain a lover relationship.

The two people's lifestyles and ideas are completely different, which is doomed. Even without Zhang Xiaona's existence, Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona cannot walk together.

"Okay, I see. Katerina, you'll be with me, but let's talk about it first, you will listen to everything in this way!"

Cheng Yiping sighed and looked helplessly at Katerina.

"Rest assured, no problem at all"

The pretty and charming Katerina smiled brightly, and then turned around, a faint scent came, and jumped lightly into the rescue helicopter.

Zhang Xiaona was very scared.

She is really scared.

At this moment, she was hugging each other in the room on the floor submerged by the sea.

"Relax, everyone, don't be afraid, everyone is upset. Although we are trapped now, it doesn't matter. We must believe that the Italian government will come to our rescue!"

The sloping of the dilapidated building and the floor-to-ceiling windows are surrounded by various high-rise buildings buried by the ocean. The debris floated on the ocean surface, and a middle-aged man with a ragged cloth and dirt on his face shouted loudly, cheering loudly at the people present.

"Bruce, do you think it's still useful to say this? It ’s true that the government is here to send people to rescue, but you see what's the use. We are now in the building. The helicopter rescued by the government has been acquired three times, no matter how we shout After all, we didn't find us, and the sea water is constantly spreading. We have already climbed to the top floor of this building, and then climb up to reach the roof of the building. If even the roof is submerged, we must no doubt ! "

Another man in a shabby dress narrowed himself in the corner, and the man raising his eyes sighed.

"Calm down, calm down, guys, Bruce is also good for us, right? Although we are trapped now, but compared to other people, we are a lot luckier, at least we are alive now, I believe as long as we can Alive, we have hope! "

"That's what it says, but the situation is now at its most dangerous. We don't know how long we can hold on, even if the seawater is not submerged. Do we need to have something to eat? Have something to drink? Without food, can we really drink it? Can't the sea water? "

"Calm down, calm down. We have to believe in the strength of the government. I believe the government will definitely come to our rescue. Everyone must help each other. Only in this way can we survive here!"

The original handsome Relos was now full of dirt and shaved hair, and his handsome face became embarrassed in the past.

"Zhang Xiaona is really sorry. I did not expect to encounter such a danger. Originally, we came here to discuss the import of marquee lights, but we did not expect to encounter a tsunami that is rare in this century. The cities are trapped in a sea of ​​oceans, and even other people may be fierce at the moment! "

Zhao Gaoming, a staff member of the Tiantang National Flower Breeze Association, exhaled a long breath, leaning his body against the mottled walls with a bitter smile.

Originally, I thought that people who could follow the Lantern Association to come to Italy to discuss business would definitely be a peak of his career. If this business is completed, his status in the association will be greatly improved. Therefore, it can be said that the task this time was simply pursued by many people in the Lantern Association. He also passed various relationships. He finally became one of the people who negotiated this time. You will encounter a tsunami that is rare in this century.

"It's okay, we must stick to it. I believe the country will send someone to save us. As long as we live, we have hope that we can go out alive."

Even though the clothes have become tattered and full of dirt, Zhang Xiaona with a shawl still exudes intellectual charm and leans on the wall. The beautiful pupils reveal the hope for life and the desire for the future. She still Did not give up.

"That's what it says, but now it's full of oceans, and God knows how long we can hold on ..."

Zhao Gaoming smiled bitterly. Suddenly the entire building shook violently. The crowd panicked and looked up, but they saw a larger tsunami coming from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the sea water inside the building began to grow wildly.

"Hurry, run! Run to the top, this layer will be flooded by the sea!"

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