Super Finding App

Chapter 2197: Survival (5)

Liu Hui gritted her teeth, her body trembled and looked aside, fell to the edge of the cliff, leaned against the wall, her legs were intact, but her right arm was paralyzed by the reward, in his left hand Holding their backpack. Liu Hui is very clear that all of their food and drinks are in this backpack. After all, the two are working in cooperation. Now this reward says that there is no food, and even a piece of chocolate is unwilling to give himself. What is he going to do? Does he want to swallow it alone?

How could this be

How could he do such a thing!

The reward was that he wanted to take food as his own, and survived by himself, even if he was starving, he was such a person from the beginning

Hakron University, as a second college in the southern part of the paradise country, although it is two, but it is also the top type in the two books, so some students who have failed the college entrance examination will enter this school for further studies, not to mention If you can get a certificate of academic qualifications, you will traverse many and fast in society in the future. Although many people say that academic qualifications do not have any effect, the main thing is to start interpersonal relationships and your ability to work, but not What is denied is that the door education in today ’s paradise is like a knocker. You can only step into the door if you have this knocker. Otherwise, there is no knocker. Even if you are strong, you cannot step into the door. Of course, there will be some special cases, but for rare people, for most ordinary people, education is really important

It must be just as people say, no matter if you go to a company or where you apply, other people don't know you at all. For you to be serious and care about being able to know and understand your situation, the only requirement is you. Education, you can know your basic situation through your education, and as an employer, under the same conditions, you must choose a high education. As for whether this person with a high education is really capable, only Only know at work.

Therefore, in the vast majority of the cases of Paradise International, it is still regarded as a slogan of academic qualifications, even in some companies. People with a high degree of education have many more opportunities for promotion than those with a low degree of education, or they must have a degree after reaching a certain level and level, otherwise they cannot be promoted, so the degree is really true in heaven. Very important, he is the equivalent of a stepping stone. You can say that he doesn't, but you can't.

Liu Hui entered this university and sat carefully in her seat. As a female, her academic performance was not considered to be very good. Therefore, in the new school, he was obedient. Sitting in a corner, like an animal entering a new territory, he was keenly observing for 4 weeks. He knew he wanted to have a good time in school in the next few years. We must find the strong in the class, and only follow the strong will not be subject to any bullying and bullying.

Although for many people, there have been no incidents of campus bullying in the school, it is undeniable that incidents of campus bullying often occur, and they occur quite often. The fact that they have not encountered does not represent the campus. The bullying world does not exist

He will be regarded as an invisible person in the teacher. The general careful class attendant, after one month, he has figured out the situation in the class, and in this class, the boys are not the most female members. Good or yes, and the most capable is reward, class leader Jiang Li!

"Hi monitor, there are some things in my study that are not clear. I don't know if you can teach me? You will pick up the notebook assignment and come to the reward, and ask carefully, OK, no problem , Of course, there are no problems, reward, recognized a pure face, a bright smile was revealed, the shawl's long hair chose him to work harder, and the disguised male classmates who were full of female taste looked straight eyes stand up

"It turned out to be such a problem. I immediately understood it when you said that. Reward the class leader. I found that the explanation you said is simpler and more straightforward than the teacher. Thank you so much."

It seems that after a simple explanation of rewards, you will suddenly have a feeling of openness, showing a grateful look

"Where and where not to use, this is just a simple question, not to mention that everyone is a classmate, and I am also the monitor. The reward for helping you with the shawl and long hair is like a gentle smile to a woman in Jiangnan Water Village.

"Nothing, this is just a simple thinking topic. The teacher speaks faster, so you may not hear clearly, but you only need to think backwards, not to mention we are all in one class. Classmate, I'm the monitor again, it should be to take care of you. "

"Thank you monitor, thank you monitor, so at noon we will go to the cafeteria for dinner, I treat you, I invite you to dinner, and let Jean be a thank you"

Liu Hui smiled brightly, and quickly said the fact, this is not necessary, how embarrassed, the reward shook his head gently, refused to fail the squad leader you must give me a good opportunity Thank you. Otherwise, I do n’t know what to do with this question. Thank you so much. Liu Hui's head shook gently, and he quickly said, the reward can only be agreed under the circumstances, but from the second day, Liu Hui began to find excuses and rewards from time to time and gradually integrated into the reward. Within the circle, the relationship between the two is also getting better and better. From the perspective of outsiders, they are one of the best girlfriends.

Three years later, the rewards and Liu Hui have already graduated and have set foot on society. Even so, they have also maintained contact.

Entering society is far from simpler than coming from school. The social mischief and miscellaneousness of the society make Jiang Li and Liu Hui unable to adapt at the first time. For Liu Hui, there is no reward shelter. As a result, It's really difficult for the newcomers to fumble around in society.

Although it was separated for a period of time at the beginning, at a class reunion, Reward and Liu Hui met again. In addition, the relationship between the two as girlfriends was very good at school. After the tour, they told each other about their current situation.

Compared to going to work from nine to five, the two girls hit each other at once, hoping to be able to do what they like to do.

For two beautiful girls, being able to work freely and being able to do what they want to do, the most important thing is that they both want to be stars, and the best way to become stars in the present era, That is to become a live streamer, as long as you can, it can be popular overnight.

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