Super Finding App

Chapter 2195: Survival (3)

"The biggest element of a person's survival is food and water. As long as there is food, water can stick to it. It rewards the laborious person to take his backpack and open it. There are some foods that he has spared. With some water sources, there are a lot of water. After all, climbing mountains requires drinking water. However, due to climbing the Qingyun Mountain, the physical exertion was too large at the beginning, and the water was also lost a lot. A little bit, the most is some food, but these foods are not for meals, and occasionally some snacks. The real staple food has already been eaten. Under such circumstances, it is not easy to want to stick to it. There are still some snacks in my package. If you take these snacks by yourself, you should be able to eat them for a longer time, but if you change it to me and Liu Hui, then The consumption is quite large, and it can only last for a day or two. Of course, the main thing is that there are water people who can not eat for three days. It is not possible to not drink water for one day. According to this, I can save some time and be able to persist for two to three days to four days. I hope that someone can come to save us and someone can save us. Reward while talking. He took a sigh of relief, moved aside from eating, and took out a piece of chocolate from the parcel, gently chopped it into two halves and ate half of it, and the other half gave Liu Hui hurry and eat it. No matter how you eat, eat a little chocolate to add blood and energy, this is the most important thing. As long as we have physical strength, we can safely survive. Only when we have a lot of physical strength, can we persist At the arrival of the rescue team, I believe that when the rescue team arrives, we will definitely come to rescue our rewards, saying word by word, his face is full of dignity, and it is clear that there is still hope for him to live. .

Liu Hui nodded heavily, with a grateful expression on his face, and carefully contained this half of the chocolate in his mouth. These chocolates melted at the entrance, leaving his eyes half closed. He never thought that it turned out that chocolate would be such a delicious thing, which was really beyond his expectation, while he was eating his face with a trace of worry and anxiety and anxiety, Looking up carefully. Rewards say, word by word, what should we do now? What should we do? Why do we happen now, what should we do next? Will anyone come to save us? I wonder if anyone will come to save us? Rest assured, rest assured, there will be no problem, someone will definitely come to our rescue. Just now I took a look. Although there is no signal on the mobile phone here, we have been broadcasting live for a long time, so I believe it is within the live broadcast room. The audience should be able to find out that the problems we have will be reported to the police at that time. As long as they report to the police, then someone will come to save us, and someone will come to save us. You must believe that you must believe. The reward keeps cheering on himself and gnashing his teeth, saying that when people are on the verge of despair, what they fear most is not threats, but hope. After all, only hope can persist, and if there is no hope, then everything All repairs.

"I understand, I understand, we will surely persist, we will certainly persist

Song Niu would bite his teeth and nodded heavily. Although his leg had been broken and it is quite painful now, he is not a weak person. He knows exactly what is going on now, only his own. Survive well before you can wait for rescue. The cliffs in the night are unusually cold and biting. This is something the cow clubs and rewards have never experienced. Even if they sometimes participate in the live broadcast in the wild, they have The existence of camping, but this recording tells the truth, compared to the cliffs and cliffs nowadays, after all, camping has tents, and the choice is some windy places, but the cliffs and cliffs are different. But it lives in the center of the cliff. In the center of this cliff, there are strong winds howling. These strong winds are mixed with a cold atmosphere, as if they are about to get into the mind of a person, and As bitter as cold inside the body

At night, the reward and flow of the cold wind tunnel, the two of them shuddered 14 times, couldn't help but hold my own clothes tightly, and some even took out clothes such as packages and put them on themselves But more people are panic and uneasy, because they do not know exactly what the development of things will look like. They never thought that it would become so cold at night.

"It's so cold, it's so cold. Sister Jiang Li is really too cold. It's really too cold. It's really cold." Niu will hold his clothes tightly, and almost he will It ’s the same as the ostrich, but even so, he can still feel the meaning of the icy bones from the piercing lungs. The severe cold wind seems to penetrate directly into the glasses. In their minds, they penetrate into their bodies, making them feel unusually cold and panic and anxiety. "Calm down, calm down, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, never be afraid, never be afraid, most The main thing is not to sleep, never to sleep. If we fall asleep, it is dangerous for me to think about the past, to think about other things at home. In short, we must be calm, we must be calm, and never sleep

Reward's head shook like a rattle, but he knew very well that in today's modern situation, he really can't sleep casually, if he really sleeps casually. It may not even wake up, although this is very cruel, but it is a **** fact.

"Eat something to eat, as long as we can eat something, I believe it will be able to get better by then, and the reward that will be able to get better is to quickly take out some food from your package and pass it on, and you It will be difficult to take these foods and eat them bite by bite. Even such an open mouth seems to have a violent whirlwind, and howling, it seems that only the opening can feel the meaning of low bones and cold biting.

"Sister Jiang Li, Sister Jiang Li, what should we do now? What should we do now? Will someone come to save us? Will someone come to save us?"

"Relax, rest assured, there will be someone to save us, there will be someone to save us, there is only one thing we need to do now, and he is to live, to live well, as long as we can live well If everything is worth it, I believe that someone will come to save us at that time, keep going, keep going. "

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