Super Finding App

Chapter 2174: ‘Goodwill (2)

"Misunderstandings, misunderstandings. This is really a misunderstanding. This is really a misunderstanding. Please calm down and calm down."

When the situation in the Fortune Restaurant started to become more chaotic, the owner of the big-bellied Fortune Restaurant and Zhao Dazhen rushed from behind and hurriedly inserted into the waiter and middle-aged rural man Zhang In the middle of the wait, I raised my hands and quieted my emotions.

"Calm down, everyone, calm down. I'm the owner of this Fortune Restaurant. You can tell me anything. We also know what you want to say, but the main thing is that this is really a misunderstanding. Is a misunderstanding "

The owner of the pot-bellied Fortune Restaurant said word by word

Although he was very dissatisfied with the middle-aged rural people in front of him, he was also very clear that if he changed to himself, there was really some overwhelming, even more excited like this

It's not the first time for the owner of a pot-bellied Fortune Restaurant

"Misunderstanding, you tell us what this misunderstanding is, what exactly is this misunderstanding, you are traffickers, you tied our daughter away, and now we will not let our daughter return, I tell you we have reported to the police, We have reported to the police "

The middle-aged man in the countryside said with an angry temper, he gnashed his teeth and clenched his fists.

Although at home, he seems to have some patriarchs

Think girls are not heavy

Yes, but in fact Lao Zhang still treats her two daughters as a baby girl.

"Wait two, wait two, I think one thing we want to ask now is very simple. You say your two daughters are with us. Then, are your two daughters called Zhang Xue and Zhang Li?"

Facing the situation like this, Zhao Dashen has long been accustomed to it, and immediately said that he was clear that only after distracting the attention of this group of people and being able to communicate can continue to communicate, otherwise the situation caused by this impulse continues, That must be an unthinkable thing, yes, yes, our daughters are Zhang Xue and Zhang Li, and you really knew you tied them away, and it really turned out that you tied them to the middle-aged rural women who were tied up. He said that his eyes were wide open. There was a gripped arm of Zhao Dazhen, who said excitedly and answered, "Where is my daughter? Where is my daughter?" What kind of place did you hide my daughter in? "Calm down, calm down. In fact, we met your two daughters while we were on the road in the wilderness, and they heard that they seemed to have stolen one. Gua runs away from home. Although I do n’t know if this is true or not, a 11-year-old girl and a 7- or 8-year-old girl run away from home. This is a very dangerous thing. Bring them into this restaurant together, stand and rest, in order to keep them safe, we have not done anything, please rest assured, to be precise, we have saved you even more Daughter, otherwise, if he meets a bad person, he will lose more. You should know how dangerous it is for a 11-year-old girl and a 7- or 8-year-old girl to walk on the road. As parents, do you have nothing at all? Blame and thoughts? "

Faced with Zhao Da's aggressive words, the middle-aged woman who had been emotionally absentminded suddenly, and Zhang, a middle-aged rural man with a hint of panic and anxiety, also quickly said, What is this? This is my business with me and my daughter. It has nothing to do with you. Hand over my daughter and hand over my daughter. Calm down, calm down. We really are It ’s a good thing, we have n’t done anything to your daughter, and we ’ve driven people away and sent your daughter home. I believe that now you should be able to see your daughter when you return home, right in your home. Waiting for you in the room, you can say it in a big way, look at the middle-aged man Zhang and her wife, the middle-aged woman, but I still want to remind you that children are very rebellious. In the end, we must be patient with our children, not be able to beat and kill casually, and not be able to arbitrarily rough education, otherwise they will run away from home. If such a thing really happened and there was an accident, then even if you regret it, it will be too late. What do you say, you sent our daughter back home and back to the village, really still fake? You didn't lie to us, the middle-aged rural man veteran said verbatim, frowning deeply, his eyes filled with skepticism, and the people in the village behind him were talking babblely. Obviously, they really did have some unexpected things about their development. They found Zhang Li and Zhang Xue. They really stayed here, and they were really taken by them. In this Fortune Restaurant, Mr. Chen ’s Super Hidden Object App is really amazing.

Yes, yes, this super basalt app is really amazing, but the main thing now is not whether this super basalt app is really so amazing. Now the main thing should be these two little girls, Zhang Li and Zhang Xueba didn't expect that they were really stayed here, and listening to them said they seemed to send the little girls Zhang Li and Zhang Xue back to the village, would they be so kind? Is it possible it is possible? If you think about it, now that we have all found it here, if they have not returned the little girls Zhang Li and Zhang Xuesheng to the village, they can completely say that they do not know, and may not admit it. After all, such a lie, we As long as you return to the village, you can be dismantled at once. Yes, yes, yes, yes, others say there are no good people in the city, but it does n’t seem to be the case now. There are still good people in the city. There are good people, right, right, I believe this, I believe it, the people in the village are obviously stupefied by the interlocutors, and they really feel strange and confused about what is happening in front of them.

"You are telling the truth, you are telling the truth, did you really send our daughter back home? You really sent our daughter back home, but you did not lie to our middle-aged rural women , And a middle-aged rural man veteran, the two can't wait to ask their eyes, their wide bodies are constantly shaking, for them, as long as they don't see their daughter with their own eyes, they will never relax and give up, After all, this is their biological daughter. They are really very nervous and worried. "


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