Super Finding App

Chapter 2164: Kind people (2)

Qingchun City!

Qingchun City is a second-tier city. It was originally only a small town on the third or fourth tier. However, with the development and location of Niuniang, the rapid economic development has gradually become a second-tier city today. Metropolis, but it is undeniable that second-tier cities living here are also quite economically developed. High-rise buildings are full of traffic, and it can be said that compared with decades ago, I am completely in a different world.

"So pretty, so pretty, amazing"

The eleven-year-old girl sat in the back of the black car, through the glass, and looked at Qingchun City, high-rise buildings, busy traffic, everything in front of the bustling life, this colorful world and her in The loess seen in the village is completely different from the low house. It seems to have entered a new world. Generally, a 12-year-old girl feels quite surprised and curious. He also talks to his father when he celebrates Chinese New Year. My mother came to the city to play together once, and every time she looked at the lights, making him feel very excited and happy.

"It's almost here. You're almost there at the corner of Guangzhou. You can rest assured. You can also go to work with peace of mind on our side. You can rest assured that although you don't pay any money, the money will not lose you. But, if there is anything from the Labor Bureau to ask, then you have to say that you are relatives and not come to work, understand? Otherwise, we will be fined, and you will also be punished. Repatriation to the original place, you need to pay attention to this "

Zhao Dazhen said it, while talking to the twelve or three-year-old girl, he said, after all, there is a labor law, although for many people, sometimes the labor law really does not work However, this is the bottom line of the labor law on the hospital bed. Hiring a minor as a success is definitely a violation of the law. Once found, the punishment is indeed damaging.

"I see. I see. Sister, I know. As long as there is a problem, I will say it is your relative."

The twelve-year-old little girl nodded heavily and said that although she was only twelve-three years old, after all, she was also aware of things and naturally understood what Zhao Dazhen was telling him

"Okay, you know just fine, you know just fine, the place in front is where you live, take you there in a moment, you can take a good rest in the shop here, um, you can start to work tomorrow You can rest assured that you can rest assured that if you have any future issues, you will look for me, Mr. Zhao, who will definitely help you. "

Dahao Zhao smiled grinningly, showing a kind-hearted smile

"I don't know your name yet. What's your name with your sister?"

"My name is Zhang Xue and my sister is Zhang Li"

Twelve-three-year-old Zhang Xue quickly said, holding her seven- or eight-year-old sister in her right hand, Zhang Li looked up. Lu Mou is a slightly mid-range hotel, and it looks pretty good. The staff are busy and busy. It seems that the business is quite good. The hotel looks quite good. There are some staff members who are busy and busy. It seems that the business is quite good.

Under the leadership of Ambassador Zhao, the two sisters Zhang Xue and Zhang Li were brought into the restaurant from the back door, passed through a narrow aisle, and entered the restaurant. A staff room on the third floor opened a room for two People live.

After the two sisters Zhang Li and Zhang Xue were settled, they turned around and left. The driver with a flat head and a man with a big belly in the lower part of the hotel were waiting there. When they saw Zhao Dahao down, the man with big belly was wrinkled. Brow forward

"Dao Zhao, what the **** is going on? Why did you get me two more people this time, this time is better, one is only 11 or 12 years old, and the other is only 7 or 8 years old, you are a child at all. What do the two of them do here, don't you think it's too dangerous to do so? "

"Lao Niu, I have told this Zhao Dazhen long ago and told him not to do this. After all, if you go on like this in the hotel, it may already be overcrowded, but if he is unwilling"

The flat-headed man exhaled for a long time, sent his shoulders from there, shook his head and said, it seems that he has become accustomed to such a move

"Oh, okay, calm down, this is nothing, the hardest thing is to bring them all into your 9 years, but you haven't lost, after all, if you marry one casually now If the workers come over, the five insurances and one salary plus the wages are quite expensive, but these people are not the same. Most of them want a foothold. They only have to work for a few months and leave. For you, Not only will it save the money of five insurances and one gold, but the salary will also be lower than that of other people. Don't you think this is a win-win situation? Not to mention that they are indeed poor people. "

Zhao Dazhen looked up and laughed

"Okay, okay, Mr. Zhao, what you said really makes sense, but the situation is completely different now, and the people you used to say are still some adults or debt-hiding people. , But today these two girls you brought, but one is only eleven or twelve years old, one is only seven or eight years old, there is no adult at all, you have to know that this kind of thing is better to call the police, otherwise stay with me In a restaurant, if someone is found, it ’s a crime. ”

The owner of the restaurant shook his head, frowned, and said word by word, his face had a solemn look

"Understand, naturally understand what you are doing, rest assured, these two sisters will not stay in your restaurant for a long time, up to a day or two, when I will take them away Yes, you are just a temporary sponsor here "

Zhao Dazhen laughed lightly and said, it seems that he has become accustomed to such a situation.

At the moment, in the staff dormitory on the 9th and 3rd floor, Zhao Xuedeng, eleven or twelve, looked curiously and looked at this small room, but it felt quite new to him, compared to his own home. For the houses inside, this place is really fresh

"Sister, do we sleep here? Do we sleep here? I miss home, I miss home"

The seven- or eight-year-old girl sorted out her grandmother grandmotherly and said that everything here is compared with her family. For a seven- or eight-year-old girl, it is too fresh. He is even a little overwhelmed. The only thing he can do is All I did was go to my sister

"I miss home too, I miss home too, but you also know that we spoiled the speed of speech, so if we go back, we will be beaten and scolded again. It ’s better to make some money here and stay with us when we go back Just stay with your uncle. When I see him, my father wo n’t regenerate and wo n’t hit us again. "

Eleven-year-old girl Zhang Xue said

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