Super Finding App

Chapter 2153: Prayer System (3)

"It's interesting, it's interesting, it's really very interesting, but if you didn't think of it, there would be this so-called prayer finding object. Since then, I really want to know if these 7 systems are true So effective, let me see if there is a suitable person who can help him find people and find things. "

Chen Yiping touched his chin, murmured to himself for a moment, raised his eyes, and turned on the prayer system. In his mind, there seemed to be countless thoughts, and countless voices. In his mind, although quite a lot, it was weird that Chen Yiping was able to hear everything clearly. This state was very strange and strange.

This feeling is really a wonderful feeling to Chen Yiping. Although I haven't seen anyone at all, it seems that I can know the prayers of these people in my mind, and it is endless.

"This is really a very wonderful feeling. Let me think about who is the most important to me and what kind of prayer requirements are the best for me. Maximum Faith Points "

Chen Yiping is very clear that the prayers of this session sometimes disappear suddenly, sometimes they may find what they are looking for, or maybe they have given up the so-called search, just like they used to be If you ca n’t find something, you ’ll find a sentence for ten minutes. Forget it, you ’re full of desires and thoughts that you have n’t found, and the lost desires and thoughts are like stars. The flames are normal, appearing from time to time, and then disappearing, they ca n’t burn the earth at all

What Chen Yiping is looking for is the fire that pays attention to the whole earth can be burned

[Where where? Where is my daughter? Where are my two daughters? Where are they? 】

A thought full of hot prayer appeared in Chen Yixun's airway system. The red light, unusual eye-catching and dazzling, instantly caught Chen Yiping's attention

"Interesting and interesting, really interesting. This one is quite good. Although there are some bad things to say, it is undeniable that tracing people can indeed bring me a lot of faith points, and I still lose them all at once. In the case of two daughters, this is indeed quite good. "

In a group of men and women, and then frowned, he found the problem that he hadn't always found.

"Wait, wait, I need to wait, I need to wait, although these 7 systems allow me to hear other people ’s prayers, but how do I find them? It ’s possible to know where these prayers are. If I do n’t know, these channel systems have no effect at all for me. ”

Chen Yiping was stunned. He knew that all he had to do was very simple, that is, if he wanted to be able to obtain faith points, he would need to find the object, that is, the subject who needed to find the object.

If you ca n’t find the subject of the seeker, what else are you looking for, just like you have n’t found your boss at all? It ’s useless and useless!

Thinking of Chen Yiping's confusion here, when I was just thinking about what should be done now, suddenly the goal within the shards of faith that called the patrol app was constantly changing, and a line of text appeared.

[Prayer mission is locked. Do you accept it? 】


Chen Yiping's abusive hesitation and then clicked heavily to accept what he wanted to know after accepting

The next moment he was searching for something superbly in his mind, the level of APP's belief was constantly changing, a bang like a firework bloomed, and a deep and gorgeous monopoly in Fujian. The light of this Indus tree is constantly shining on the sky that envelopes the whole sky. In the next body with a bottle of mind, a red light soars into the sky, and the light red light of the soul's due diligence reaches the sky. From mid-air to mid-air, the sound of crossing the sea of ​​clouds crashed quietly into a farmhouse with the red light inside the farmhouse.

"So it is, so it is, it is the same thing"

Chen Yiping gave a smirk, and immediately responded immediately, showing a bright smile. It turned out that once this prayer task was accepted by himself, it would show the position of the seeker he was looking for, and what the location was. Place, this is really quite awkward for Chen Yiping

The next moment Chen Yiping immediately began to shrink and pull up in his mind. He wanted to know what the place of the two people he was looking for was. Of course, Chen Yiping noticed more behind this task. There is also a word of giving up. In other words, if you do n’t want to do it, you can give it up without any punishment.

Everything as you want!

"Is the city of Anhuai? This is, you will prove that it is not too far away, all belong to the same province, it seems my luck is good, or these 7 systems can only be covered for the time being The scope is, is one or the whole country? "

Chen Yiping touched his chin, and analyzed it carefully, word by word. Although he didn't know exactly how, but finally knew what the role of this airway system was, it seemed quite useful and convenient.

Chen Yiping took a long breath and closed his mind. The belief of super pp is too late today. I am going to look for tomorrow to see if these 7 basalts are really so effective.

Day 2

Chen Yiping took a big foot, yawned, and yawned to open the door. Parents have already gone to work. It seems to parents that even if they do n’t go home for a few days, they are not worried. The Chen Yi channel has some embarrassing glances at his temples. I wonder if this is good or bad?

I ate 15 meals at the door of my house at random. After breakfast, Chen Yiping touched his mouth and drove his car toward Anhuai City.

The car curtains purchased by Chen Yiping were placed in his own home, that is, when the official time was opened, the navigation system was opened. According to the location of the prayer search in his mind, the corresponding navigation system will It searched and determined, then opened the navigation line

"Well, if you look at this navigation route, it only takes three or four hours to drive. Although there are some factories, it is also more convenient. If time is enough, you should be able to pray this one day. Task to complete "

Teresa Teng nodded as he looked at the kilometers displayed on the navigation system, then clicked on the throttle and rattled. The throttle made a sound of the machine and galloped away.

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