Super Finding App

Chapter 2129: Minority tribes (2)

"Gold and silver jewellery, gold and silver jewellery, there are so many gold and silver jewels. Oh my god, if we knew this, we should enter this underground labyrinth, and we should enter below this temple."

"Yes, that's right, this is exactly the right amount of gold. I didn't expect that there would be so much gold and silver jewelry hidden under this group. This is really beyond our expectations. The outside world should be counted as a human hand. "

"It may not be necessarily, this may be totally not necessarily. After all, although it is said that there is a part of the audience, we have not gone below the temple or searched for the altar. Maybe this Jingjin jewellery may be returned. It ’s not a part of us "

"No, it ’s completely wrong. Why ca n’t we have a share of it? Although we have n’t entered the underground maze, in the final analysis, we also searched Ghana City together, looking for We should have our share of the Ghanaian monuments "

"I'm afraid this is not necessarily the case. Some of you want to be men. First of all, let's not mention how dangerous the maze is below. It has a length of more than three meters and 5 kilograms. Do you think they are willing to give us gold and silver jewelry What if I do n’t give one? "

"This is not true. What we are saying is completely wrong. We are all in one. We have been participating in the archeological evidence program. Now you try to tell us that we are not one. These operating boards do not have our share. It ’s absolutely impossible. If this happens, I am the first to express dissatisfaction and I am the first to be unwilling. "

"Nothing is wrong, nothing is completely wrong, but then again, do n’t forget that there is a passerby Professor Zhang, after all, all the underground things belong to the country, all belong to us, if we take it ourselves If that is the case, it ’s very dangerous. I do n’t know if the passer-by, Professor Zhang, is willing or unwilling. If you seriously disagree, then it will be quite troublesome. After all, if things go wrong, the country will investigate them. We But I ca n’t eat it. ”

"Less nonsense, less nonsense. I do n’t even listen to what I say. If the sages in these units are considered antiques and cultural relics, we will recognize them if they are submitted to the country, but there is so much gold and silver. Jewellery also wants to be handed over to the country, why? "

Face to face the staff of the television crew, especially the staff left outside the temple in Ghana, staring at a large number of gold and silver jewelry.

It is said that Cai Bodong's name is facing so many gold and silver jewelry pokers, and no one is indifferent. Under such circumstances, everyone hopes to get a share.

Although everyone is deceived by gold and silver jewelry, and wants to greedily want a cup of tea, at least for now, everything is still deliberately constrained, and everything is still within the control of the official TV station Long Island. However, Zhang Dao, the official TV station, knows that if this matter cannot be solved quickly and economically, after all, sometimes the amount of money is quite troublesome.

"Okay, everyone, don't be entangled. It's time to eat. It's time to eat. Let's eat together. Let's eat together. Have a good rest. Today everyone is really hard."

When the members of the official television production team were talking and talking around the gold and silver jewelry, the people in the cargo room were ready for dinner, and Sun Boyuan of the ethnic tribe also took the people to group 5 Dinner was delivered to everyone's hands one by one, after all, as the saying goes, people are iron rice and steel, and they are too hungry if they do n’t eat.

What's more, in this territorial sea, although gold and silver jewelry are very valuable, just like mirrors and water in the desert, water is often more valuable than gold, and the same is true in this Ninghai, cognitive parade You can think of gold and silver jewellery only after you have eaten a meal. Otherwise, it will just give you a lot of gold and silver jewelry without a house. Then this pair of gold and silver jewelry is just a pair of broken stones, worthless.

"Mr Li An, since this intellect is also what you are looking for, what are you going to do next?"

Chen Yiping held his supper in his hand and came to Li An's side in two or three steps. He sat down and asked, his eyes were swollen and flashing. He had to ask clearly, what should he do next? Before he can take complete measures to at least keep himself from being involved in this group of disputes

"Oh, Mr. Chen, this matter has nothing to do with you at all. Now that I have found what I need to know, then I naturally have a way to get it. This god's blade now lets Professor Zhang, the passerby, will keep it for me for a while. Mr. Chen will stop here. Please rest assured that I will give you the reward after leaving here. "

Li Anqing laughed and said at the beginning that it was clear that he was also full of vigilance against Chen Yiping, and did not tell Chen Yiping what he should do next, but Chen Yiping wanted to know with his buttocks. And he did n’t do it now, he should be in the forest

In other words, you should still want to leave this Ninghai, and then do something. After all, it is very dangerous to bring the depths of the territorial sea. If you ca n’t leave this Ninghai, you can get these three eyes. Usefulness

"It's terrible, it's really pretty terrible. It seems that this woman is really not simple. It is a thankful thing for me to live, at least there will be no riots and unrest in this Ninghai, as long as Quiet people can leave a lot of people and just leave. Then, as long as I leave you, and let it all have nothing to do with me. "

Chen Yiping nodded slightly, not feeling any dissatisfaction with Li An's words, but showing a bright smile

Next, while Chen Yiping was eating and watching the surroundings, the members of the crew of the official TV station and the passers-by, Professor Zhang and the three stars, were eating their own houses and talking to each other. Gradually, Eason Chan felt that his eyelids were constantly trembling up and down, closed, a tiredness surged into his heart, and then fell unconsciously to the ground and fell asleep.

Chen Yiping really felt quite sleepy

The morning light was constantly shining on this floor, and it seemed that the Canadians from hundreds of years ago had shown their clothes, and they looked bright and opened their eyes and hit a long one. Yawning, it was quite fragrant that I slept last night, but his pupils shrank sharply the next moment.

What exactly is going on

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