Super Finding App

Chapter 2115: altar

Within the dim underground passage, Cheng Yiping, the director of Li Anjiang Town TV Station and the crew members of the Jiangzhen City TV Station crew, led by Professor Lu Renzhang, carefully searched within the maze.

They were holding a map in their hands, and according to the directions of the map, Tsai groped slowly and carefully.

Of course, not all people enter the underground maze with their brains. This is a brainless behavior, and many people are left on the platform.

Among them, the depreciation of the staff controlling the aerial camera is protected, and it is controlled at the center of the platform. The aerial camera is hovering in the sky, following an equal person in the maze below, and contacting it from time to time.

If you find that you have gone the wrong way, or that there is a dangerous situation, you will be notified in advance.

Cheng Yiping walked carefully inside the underground passage. The walls of the labyrinth of the surrounding underground passage were mottled, covered with various vines and even some rock crystals, which made it hard to see any of them. The main thing about the road is that some of the maze walls are almost identical

I can feel it at the beginning, I can identify the direction, but after a lot of trouble, I can quickly feel a sense of dizziness. If I do n’t have a map in my hand, I will be trapped in it soon.

"Did you find out? Are we really walking? Are we really on the right path? Why do you feel like you've been here?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I said. I also feel that way. It feels like we've been here before, have we gone the wrong way?"

"Impossible, impossible, how could we go the wrong way, don't forget, the paths we have taken are all maps, and we should not go wrong"

"Is it true? Really can't go wrong? Since there is a map, why do I feel like I've been here before?"

"Yes, yes, weren't we already here when we turned? Did we get lost?"

"No, no, it should not, is it our illusion? How could illusion be an illusion? Is it really lost? If we are really lost, we will You have to know that it is most correct to use the aerial camera to contact the people on the platform. Otherwise, if you really fall into it, it will be a very dangerous thing. "

I talked with Zhang Dao from the TV station in Jiangzhen City and a few staff members, and my face became a little ugly. Why did they feel walking in this maze as if they had been turned around?

Because the walls of this labyrinth are really very similar, coupled with the green vines and crystals, if you do n’t look closely, you ca n’t see where there are flaws, what ’s different, and feel everywhere. Is exactly the same

"Calm down, calm down, this is the most commonly used method in underground mazes, or underground mausoleums, also known as illusions!"

After Professor Lu Renzhang heard the statements from the members of the Jiangzhen TV station behind him, he said, shook his head, and looked around warily, word by word.

"This kind of situation is often found in underground tombs, and one of them is very complicated. In ancient times, people could clearly use the environment and architecture to gradually form an illusion to make people I feel that I am deeply trapped, constantly wandering and getting lost, but in fact this is just because the surrounding buildings are very similar, and the similarity creates an illusion. "

"So in such a situation, we cannot paralyze or worry too much. Don't forget that we have a map and an aerial camera in the sky, so we will never get lost."

After hearing the words of Professor Lu Renzhang, many staff members of the TV station were at ease, and relaxed a little.

After all, what happened to them really made them hesitate. After entering the maze, they found that the maze was really very large. It was beyond their expectation. If not, The right line is really very dangerous

"Is it an illusion? This is indeed the past. If it was an illusion, this would indeed happen."

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, although he was not a special archeologist, but he was also very clear about what was said by Professor Lu Renzhang.

In ancient times, do n’t underestimate the ancients. In fact, ancient people are also very smart. If they are not smart, they will not build this underground maze. The illusion caused by the similar surroundings is indeed true. Can give the illusion of getting lost

"Everyone calm down, Professor Lu Renzhang said nothing wrong. We have maps in our hands, so we don't need to worry too much, just go straight forward. If we are careful, we can clearly see the surrounding environment. In fact, it is still The difference is not that there is no difference. It is just that we usually do n’t understand it at all, so we feel that there is no difference. Please calm down and believe that it won't be long before we should reach the end. "

Cheng Yiping took a deep breath and said loudly, struggling everyone

Although everyone had some uneasiness and anxiety, in the end, he nodded heavily and carefully followed Professor Landing Renzhang walking forward. At the same time, Professor Lu Renzhang contacted the aerial camera from time to time to determine his position.

Cheng Yiping didn't know how long he had walked. He just knew that East, West, and West were walking in the same labyrinth.

To be honest, if you are not sure that you are not lost, ordinary people will really feel crazy when they walk here.

Because no matter if you turn left and right, as if all the scenes are exactly the same as if you were trapped in them and never left!

"Exit, exit, we found the exit, we finally found the exit, you see, here is the center of the maze, this is the center of the maze"

When the crowd walked with some anxiety, and even some madness, even Chengping had a feeling of being lost, Professor Lu Renzhang in front of him made a surprise sound.

Everyone just felt that the eyes in front of them suddenly lighted up, and a huge open space appeared.

"Come out, come out, we finally come out, we finally come out, and if I go on, I feel like I'm going crazy."

"Yes, that's right. It's really like going crazy. All the scenes and the maze are exactly the same, which makes us completely confused."

The staff of the Jiangzhen TV station filming team sat on the ground with their butts, panting, and Cheng Yiping did the same.

It ’s just that he raised his head more, in the open space in front, there is an altar

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