Super Finding App

Chapter 1991: Overnight (1)

Zhao Zhou said a bright smile as he spoke. At this moment, he had reached out his hand and knocked on his legs. Although he was really tired, he looked at Yang Juan on the side and he Still gritted his teeth.

He will take this opportunity to soak up Yang Juaner, but if Yang Juaner is known to have such a weak constitution, I am afraid it will be more troublesome later.

On the contrary, Wang Yaner, who came aside, came by three to five. At this moment, he already had a glass of water in his hand and handed it to Zhaozhou's hands. It looked like he had a bright smile on his face, and he said from time to time

"It's true. I think what Zhao Shao said is correct. Although we girls feel very hard when we go outside, but compared with safety, I think everything is worth it. We just work harder but At least it can be safe at night. I strongly agree with what Zhao Zhou said. It does n’t matter if we go back a little bit. It ’s okay if we work hard. Safety is the first. ”

Zhaozhou listened to Wang Xier's support, a look of satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

Although he was vigilant, he didn't know whether the real Wang Wanger was really satisfied or he was like some other second- and third-rate stars who saw their own identity, and just wanted to nod themselves.

But it is undeniable that at least for now Wang Yinger has spoken in support of his words, which makes him quite satisfied.

It would be impossible to give her a little benefit at that time.

After all, Zhao Chuan, the third prince who has the title of the four Grand Princes in the entertainment industry and even among the imperial capitals, is very clear that people are more in the exchange of interests.

You give me benefits, I give you benefits so that everyone can be good together.

Otherwise, why should someone bother you with your heart?

Why support you?

This is simply impossible.

"Zhaozhou is absolutely right. I think Zhaozhou is right. It ’s not half an hour. Let ’s go back and walk around. Now I think about the area that was half an hour ago. I ’m in favor of camping. ”

Shen Xiangrui also said aside, raising her hand, her face was a little pale.

Heaven and earth conscience, if he wants, he really doesn't want to go back for another half an hour, but compared with Zhaozhou, everything is worth it. As long as Zhaozhou leaves a little oil and water, it is enough for him Popular and spicy, Fei Huang Tengda is just around the corner.

Obviously, everyone in the star camp is supporting Zhaozhou.

"Hey, it seems that everyone's spirits are still very good, but, sorry, some of you are wrong. Although it doesn't matter if you walk for half an hour, after all, everyone is tired, and there is no such thing at all Necessary "

Li An grinned, his eyes were like a dove in Xiao Zhou, Duan Ri, Duan Yue, and the stars Yang Juaner, Wang Yaner, Shen Xiangrui, and Zhao. After passing by, they showed bright smiles, and pointed their fingers at Man wearing a few costumes behind him

"Everyone, let me introduce you. This is Sun Boyuan. He is also the owner of the minority tribes in Linhai. They have lived in this forest from an early age. No one in this forest is clearer than Sun Baiyuan. I believe As long as there is Sun Boyuan's presence, sleep in the forest at night and set up camp, there is absolutely no problem. "

"Sun Boyuan is quite familiar with Lin Hai."

"What? How is it possible that you are kidding me, how could this happen?"

Li An's voice has just fallen

In an instant

All the people fixed their eyes on Sun Baiyuan, who was wearing a minority costume. Even the man who had followed Li An quietly without too much words also said

"You are joking. How could there be a tribe in the forest, this is simply impossible. You are joking."

"That's true. What age is it now, and how can there be tribes? And it is impossible in this territorial sea."

"No, no, this is unlikely. How could there be a tribe in the forest? Is it a joke?"

"It shouldn't be a joke, you see, he is really wearing clothes belonging to ethnic minorities. Does he really belong to the ethnic minority living in this forest?"

"It's not possible, even if there are ethnic minorities, how could it be possible to live in the forest, how to think this is a very strange thing, and I think it should be impossible."

"No, no, no one should be kidding me about this."

The members of the Jiangzhen TV station's filming group listened to Li An's words and talked.

Both Zhang Dao and assistant Huang Mei set their eyes on Sun Boyuan, who was wearing ethnic costumes, and looked up and down.

Zhao Zhou, Xiao Zhou and others also set their sights on this Sun Boyuan's face.

The surviving expert Yang Li's face changed slightly, and he looked at Sun Boyuanqiang in front of his eyes and smiled.

"If this Sun Boyuan really belongs to the Lin Hai minority, then of course I will listen to his opinions. Based on my experience of survival in the wild, I will go to a strange place and follow the words of the locals. This is the most foolproof after all. Local People know what is dangerous and what is safe "

Obviously, Yang Li is not a person with strong self-esteem and dissatisfaction with others. On the contrary, he is very humble.

I heard that Sun Boyuan turned out to be a 360-degree change in the attitude of the local indigenous people in Linhai.

Obviously it is also with this idea that he can become a survival expert in the wild!

"Well, if this is the case, then I have no opinion. After all, you can not go back for another half an hour. This is a very good thing for everyone."

Zhaozhou said immediately when he heard it.

After all, he really couldn't move.

Li An nodded, seeing the approval of the crowd, looking at Sun Boyuan, who was dressed in a minority, with a flash of light in his eyes

"Sun Boyuan, then I can trouble you. Set up camp and settle things at night. You have to pay more attention to it."

"no problem"

Sun Boyuan's voice was unusually hoarse, and he nodded heavily, then looked up at Lin Hai, who could not see the edge, showing a complex look!

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