Super Finding App

Chapter 1976: Care (2)

She didn't get any lottery tickets in the lottery box at all!

But another lottery ticket appeared in her hand.

This is not normal at all.

The only explanation is that this woman is a trustee!

That's right.

This woman is care!

It can even be said that all the people who have won the second, third and fourth prizes before are all trustees!

Such thoughts appeared in Cheng Yiping's mind and instantly became abnormally angry, gritted teeth, and those with a dull face could drip water.

Looking at the host who was still talking about him, at this moment his bright smile fell into Cheng Yiping's eyes but became abnormally disgusting and disgusted.

Gaze followed the figure of the woman who won the fourth prize, and saw that she slowly turned and left after holding something, and quickly walked towards an alley full of traffic.

Followed calmly and firmly.

He wanted to know how these trusts started to work.

This point into a level really feels very curious.

He followed closely behind this woman, but saw that the woman who had redeemed the fourth prize went directly to the alley opposite Tiantang Communication, and then turned around.

Cheng Yiping follows behind him


Turned around and found a group of people in front

Cheng Yiping quickly hid in the corner, carefully looking around.

In his eyes, you can clearly see the terrain around the alley and the white figures appearing inside.

Even if you haven't watched it with your own eyes, you can see that there are white figures in the alley around the corner.

There are about four or five people. Not only are they together, but there are also two or three white figures approaching one another in the alleys. It looks like they are converging here.

Cheng Yiping carefully poked his head out

I saw someone inside a van sitting in the van's compartment. Seven or eight people were sitting together talking, and there were some men and women who looked young and old, and were talking together at the moment.

The woman who had just won the fourth prize came to the van familiarly and passed the fourth prize.

I saw that the man sitting in the van collected the fourth prize and then took out a lottery ticket and passed it.

"Good job, take a short break. This round is over. After half an hour, just go to the lottery."

"Okay, okay, I know. It ’s really a bit uncomfortable to do this for the first time, but then again, I still feel uncomfortable doing something like this, just like it is a lie. "

The woman said.

The man in the van shook his head and immediately started brainwashing

"Cheat? How could it be a fraud? We didn't lie. Look at the lottery. The first prize that was said to be good is a mobile phone, and although it costs 1,000 yuan, but the mobile phone is free, right? It ’s 1666, but it costs 666 more. Where do you say you can find such a good thing? How can you lie to them? "

"In other words, it is 1,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone plus 1666 calls. You see how good this is. If you go to the business hall of Tiantang Communication to buy a mobile phone, it is not just the price. 1,000 yuan I ca n’t buy such a good mobile phone, right? Even if the phone charge is the most, it ’s not enough to charge 1000 and get 100. It ’s 666 this time, but the price is very high. , Absolutely no lie "

"Don't have any other ideas, this is not called cheating, this is just a marketing tool"

"But, I always think there is something wrong with this."

The woman was obviously unhappy, with a tangled look on her face.

I saw it aside, the man sitting in the van had to come over and patted his hand

"Don't be overwhelmed. Now we are making money legitimately, let's talk about it. Should I say that these fooled ones have not been found by themselves? Although we said it was a trust, we didn't lie or grab it. We Didn't grab money from their pockets, nor did we force them to take part in the lottery. It was their own greed that was working, they wanted to be small and cheap, and they didn't want to see it. How could there be a 100% lottery? , 100% have gifts, when the gifts are really free

"If it was really free, it would have been snatched out. How could there be so many of them, they would just take care of themselves and pay for their own little greed. It had nothing to do with us. We didn't **** it. Forcing them, they are willing to pay for themselves, who blame? "

Obviously, some other trustees think the same way.

Even if some people didn't think so, they opened their mouths and then swallowed them.

After all, as the saying goes, it is good to use people's money to dispel disasters for others. Now that we have used other people's money to do things for others, we must naturally do things well.

Unless you turn around and leave.

Say that your mother doesn't make you money.

Obviously, the woman did not have the courage, opened her mouth, and eventually nodded, got a new lottery ticket and came aside, pulled out her phone and started playing.

After half an hour, the next round will be their turn to trust.

"That's the case, it's the case, it's the same thing, it's the same thing. I said how could there be such a good thing in this world. It turned out to be a trust for a long time. It's really abominable."

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth, and an angry emotion rushed from the back door to his forehead, and his teeth were creaking.

In Cheng Yiping's view, this is basically so-called nonsense

Since it is a lottery, it should be fair and fair, and it is not that I did n’t force them to draw, I did n’t ask them to draw, they paid for their own small bargains, which is simply ridiculous words.

After all, the background you have woven reveals a message to people, that is, there are very few first prizes in this lottery, most of them are second, third, and fourth prizes, and people are even greedy. The same is true of Cheng Yiping. It is ridiculous to use people's greed to make money.

If it is just to make money, the main thing is that all the first prizes are in this lottery.

There is no such thing as a second, third, or fourth prize. This is naked scam!

Cheng Yiping was extremely angry and smiled.

Is it true that today's people have no so-called conscience in order to make money?

"Interesting, if you want to scam, let's play with you"

"If you are a legitimate lottery, then it is another matter, but if you use such a method, then don't blame me for turning the table."

Cheng Yiping looked up and looked at the Tiantang communication tent.

At the moment in the corner of the Tiantang communication tent, two middle-aged rural couples are shaking to complete the formalities.

1,000 yuan is really very important for them!

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