Super Finding App

Chapter 1935: reality

"Du Mingyue!"

Du Qiu's frightened soul was scattered. He never expected that Du Mingyue would appear at the door of this room.

There was some weakness all over his body, he sat on the bed with a butt, and sweat had appeared on his forehead.

Wu Huihui sighed quietly, stood up, walked to Du Mingyue and said

"Du Mingyue, Du Qiu has completely told me the truth of the matter. You should have heard it just outside. It was Du Qiu and not Peng Donghai who saved you in the fire six months ago."

Du Mingyue's expression was extremely complicated, and his face was tangled.

Look up

Looking at Du Qiu in front of his eyes, he opened his mouth, his voice hoarse.

"Is it worth it? In order to stay in the Repertory Theatre, you can give away the credit for saving me to Peng Donghai. Do you think it's worth it?"

Du Mingyue really has some incomprehensibility. Since it is Du Qiu who saved his life and death to save himself, why did he give up the credit? So as to stay in this theater company?

Is it really so important?

Du Qiu's face was red and white, his face was pale, his head was raised, and he bit his teeth gently.

"Miss Du, I know that you may think that I did something very wrong. Since you were rescued in the fire scene half a year ago, why did you give up this credit to Peng Donghai, just like I just told Wu? The lady said the same thing, yes, I really like Miss Du. I have always liked you since you came here, but it ’s one thing to like you, can I stay with you? Is another matter "

Du Qiu's words made Du Mingyue look very surprised, opened his mouth, just ready to talk, Du Qiu shook his head gently, and continued to say

"I know the gap between you and me. You are an overseas Chinese returning home and have a high degree, but I am just a miscellaneous graduate of a technical secondary school. Do you think you will like me? Even if I am I was rescued from the fire, told you, what will happen in the end, you are just thank you. "

Du Qiu smiled bitterly, and finally said the most hidden secret in his heart.

"Miss Du, I really like you, but I know my status more clearly. It is impossible for you to like me. Even if you like it, it is only because I am grateful to save you, but when everything returns For life, it will fall apart, just like this fairy tale, why the end of each time is that the prince and princess live a happy life and will end, because life is basically chai rice salt and vinegar tea, there are many contradictions. "

"Even if the princess in the fairy tale prince kisses the frog, it is because the frog can turn into a prince, so they can be together, but if the frog is only a frog in the end, how could it be killed by the princess, even if it is Finally, the familiar Cinderella, her father also has a knighthood, and the ugly duckling became a swan not because of how hard the ugly duckling was, but because the ugly duckling itself was a swan. Understand, Miss Du is me. Tell you what I can do to save you? For me, my life will not have any impact, and it will even become worse. "

"Head Peng may be against me because of this. Others are even more dissatisfied with me, but if I give credit to Peng for this matter, I will be able to stay in the theater company and even have the opportunity to log in. On the stage of the drama, this is the most important thing for me, or this is the best choice for us. "

"No, no, read Qiu, you said it was not right at all"

Du Mingyue's head shook like a rattle and looked at Du Qiu, who he really realized for the first time, and said

As soon as the words fell, Du Qiu stood up, came to Du Mingyue in two or three steps, and looked at her word by word.

"Miss Du, now I tell you that I rescued you in the fire scene half a year ago. What would you do? Will you marry me?"

Du Qiu's words split into his head like a lightning bolt. He opened his mouth and tried to say that, but he couldn't really say it.

Perhaps, as Du Qiu said, he only has the gratitude to Du Qiu to save her in water and fire, but there is no such thing as love.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became quite tense and depressing.

Du Qiu smiled bitterly and shook his head, sitting on his own bed with his buttocks, reaching out and making a hand-off gesture.

"Miss Du, Miss Wu, you already know everything you want to know, please leave now"

Du Mingyue opened her mouth, and just ready to talk, Wu Huihui on the side pulled it, shook her head gently, and then left the same.

Du Qiu was alone in the room again. He sighed sighingly, his face became extremely complicated and ugly, turned to the bedside table, gently opened the bedside table, and gave a photo to He held it in his hand and stroked his finger lightly on the photo.

This is a very ordinary photo. On the photo, Du Qiu is working hard to clean, but if you look closely, you can see that in the upper right corner of Du Qiu, the picture shows Du Mingyue walking by.

At that moment, Du Mingyue's smile was extremely bright.

This is the only photo of Du Mingyue and himself owned by Du Qiu.

The fragments were just a coincidence, but for Du Qiu, this photo is quite precious. The tears in his eyes flowed violently, shaking his head gently.

"That ’s all right, this is all right. Now that you know it ’s an air tower and unrealistic fantasies, you should stifle it in the bud. It ’s best for me, for Du Mingyue, and I just A miscellaneous person who can have a place in the theater company in the future, it is already very good to be able to perform on stage. Don't talk about those unrealistic things. Fairy tales are only fairy tales after all. There is never a fairy tale in the adult world. The same adult world also has no miracle. "

Du Qiu didn't know what kind of influence he had on Du Mingyue if he told the truth?

Maybe he will stay in this drama, maybe he will really offend the leader of Peng, and will leave the theater completely.

But Du Qiu knew that he didn't have too many choices. This was the sorrow of the weak. Even if he rescued Du Mingyue in water and fire, he could be involved. He didn't have the right to decide his own destiny after all.

After all, reality is reality, not a fairy tale.

The morning sun shining through the window onto the bed, Cheng Yiping yawned, and slowly got out of bed. He slept quite well last night.

"Sure enough, if you want to sleep, it is most comfortable to start sleeping at home."

Cheng Yiping yawned while getting up, he hasn't slept so well in a long time

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