Super Finding App

Chapter 1927: fire

Li Lei feels that his recent days have been quite chic.

In this drama troupe, the thigh of the new head Peng Donghai was climbed. It can be said that each time in the drama, he can play one or two roles.

Compared with the passers-by who can only play some passers-by and passers-by B, at least one or two supporting actors can be played in it, and there are several rival plays with the protagonist.

This has become quite remarkable for Li Lei.

Therefore, he can be said to be extremely strong about throwing the East China Sea, and it is precisely by virtue of this, that Peng Donghai has a force and network of his own within the theater company.

After all, once a emperor and a courtier, after a drama appeared, in addition to the protagonist, there are naturally supporting actors and so-called dragon sets.

As long as the members of the drama want everyone to be the protagonist, the protagonist can not play, then it is perfectly possible to play several supporting roles with important roles.

As for the dragon suit, although everyone has grown up from the running dragon suit stage, it does not mean that anyone wants to be a dragon suit forever and forever.

And Li Lei is very clear that Peng Donghai likes to drink, or that he did n’t drink before the performance, but after the show, he will drink some wine to celebrate. Therefore, Li Lei, who is in his best position, will stab Peng Donghai every time , And attended a celebration party with him.

Drinking a glass of wine, even though he was drunk, he thought it was all worth it.

And it is the same today.

After a while of fainting, nausea and awakened Li Lei, he jumped up from the sofa all of a sudden, he felt some strange temperature around, the room seemed to be quite hot.

Could it be that the air conditioner is not on?

Li Lei felt very weird, but his body didn't give him too much time to react. A nauseous gush came from his stomach, and his throat vomited instantly.

Li Leifeng rushed into the bathroom and vomited while lying on the toilet. It seemed that even the dishes I had eaten last night and the food from the previous few days were spit out, and there was still an abnormality in my mouth. Numbness and odor.

Although it feels very bad after getting drunk, it is strange that many people just like to drink.

I especially like to feel drunk, I do n’t know if it is good or bad.

It was difficult to spit out almost all of his stomach, even Li Lei, who even spit out the gastric juice, took a long breath and stood up, pressed the flush toilet, and washed all the filth out.

Later, when I got to the sink, I turned on the faucet, washed my head with cold tap water, and drank a few mouthfuls of tap water at the same time, but I didn't swallow it. I rinsed my mouth water and spit it out It seemed that he had understood a lot of his intellect, and came a little sober.


His wrinkled nose smelled a burnt smell, and he seemed to have blocked it even when drunk.

Now Li Lei, who is awake slightly, smells a scorching smell and crackling sound, and even the temperature around him is constantly rising.

what happened?

How could the surrounding environment be so warm?

Li Lei felt very strange and walked out of the bathroom, his pupils shrinking sharply.


On the side of Peng Donghai's lying sofa, a cigarette fell on the carpet, and then continued to burn the flame, spreading along the carpet little by little, and finally burned to the window curtain.

"It's a fire, it's a fire, it's a fire, it's a fire"

Li Lei shivered instantly, and shouted immediately.

"Hurry up, hurry up, there was a fire, there was a fire, there was a fire in the room"

But unfortunately, a few other people, led by Peng Donghai, slept soundly and made a snoring noise.

Obviously, they are drunk, and they belong to the drunk and unconscious.

Li Lei gritted his teeth, with a tangled look on his face.

Now he has two choices: to extinguish the flame immediately, or to move Peng Donghai and other members out of the room one by one.

Thinking of this, he immediately rushed into the bathroom, finished a pot of water, took it out and poured it on the curtains.

The flames on the curtains had been extinguished instantly, and the flames at the bottom were still burning a little bit.

Just as Li Lei was about to turn around to continue fighting the flames, he suddenly stopped and turned to watch him fall asleep in bed. Du Penghai didn't seem to find the fire and was still sleeping.

Suddenly Li Lei suddenly thought

"Wait, if I put out the fire now, it can only be regarded as a small fire. It is useless at all. Even if Peng Donghai and others wake up, they will only think that I have done something trivial. Things, but if I move them all out now and let the fire in this room burn, I believe the time will be more intense, I will use water to extinguish it to that time, I am equal to Peng Donghai, etc. Human life benefactor, I believe that with this kind of affection, my status in the theater company will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. "

The more Li Lei thinks, the more he feels right, the more he thinks that his plan is completely feasible.

As for what is afraid of fire?

Anyway, as long as you shout a fire, someone will definitely come out to help, and it will only be a matter of minutes to put out the fire.

But if you can use this fire to make yourself a life-saving benefactor for Peng Donghai, it would be better.

What's more, the fire was originally the cigarette that Peng Donghai smoked fell on the carpet and burned.

The more Li Lei thought, the more he felt right, and the more useful he felt, the more immediately he lived, he threw the basin aside instantly, and let the flames continue to spread through the curtains to the surrounding walls and furniture.

Li Lei looked coldly, and immediately saw the bright smile after seeing the flames, and then moved Peng Donghai and others out of the room one by one and came to the national road. Then he took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

"Coming soon, fire, fire, coming fire, fire"

He rushed in, preparing to put out the fire, but he just stepped into the house, and a clicking sound was made above his head. A large amount of wood fell down, and Li Lei raised his head in fright, showing his panic. look.

Then he realized that the so-called fire was not just the curtain, but when it was unknown, even the beams of the house were already covered with flames.

The flames were burning wildly, and the small fire had become a big fire.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Fire, there was a fire, run, run"

Li Lei's face was pooping. Looking at the burning room, it has even spread to other rooms. I only have one idea in my mind, that is, run away!

Carrying Peng Dong's wolf howling, shouting at the same time

"Fire, fire ..."

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