Super Finding App

Chapter 1922: Useless at all

"Is this the faith-seeking of the super-seeking app? Is this thing really useful?"

Repertory apartment.

Du Mingyue and Wu Huihui sat on the bed, facing each other, each holding their own mobile phone in front of them.

At the moment, what is displayed on the screen of the mobile phone is the page of the super-hunting app devoted to finding things. The two looked at each other, and some were at a loss.

"Then what shall we do next? Just pray to the page of pious find things?"

Du Mingyue, as an international student who has studied abroad especially in the new era, really feels that this move is very stupid and not in line with science.

Wu Huihui carefully looked at the detailed content and introduction of the super-hunting app. The more she looked, the more she felt weird. She nodded.

"Although it looks very stupid, this page of Super Finding App's devotional finding is indeed displayed like this, as long as you click on the page of Dedicating Finding of Super Finding App and pray for it, if your If the belief is strong enough, you may summon the **** of finding things. Once the **** of finding things comes, you can find the person or item you want to find, even if it is a so-called illusory item, without consuming any faith points.

"Uncertain goals are okay. Are they real or not? Honestly, if it is not because there is no other way, I will not take a look at the introduction of a super homing app like this. There is no good thing about falling out of pie in the sky. You said that this super finder app will not be fake, right? And the so-called finder **** find it very strange. "

"Which era is it now, and who would believe in the word of God?"

Du Mingyue shook her head like a rattle, always feeling that her actions were too stupid, how could she pin her hope on this ethereal **** of find things?

"Du Mingyue, I also know that this is really nonsense, but for us now there is really no other way to find someone to rescue you out of the fire half a year ago, and half a month later you will have to go with Peng Donghai is married, I think about removing the Super Hidden App, there is really no other way to help you, unless we go to a private detective tomorrow, but can we investigate it before half a month I am afraid there will be some difficulties. "

Wu Huihuizi carefully analyzed, raised her eyes, looked at Du Mingyue word by word

"So for us now, we can try the devotion of this super-hunting app. Even if we finally find it has no effect, we have only lost two hours. Tomorrow we can Go to Peng Donghai's confrontation, or ask a private detective to re-investigate the situation of the fire six months ago, but if the faith-finding of the super-hunting app is really successful, I mean if it ’s not a lot less for us Trouble and time? "

"You're right, I have something to take for granted. In this case, try it. I still spend two hours, but I don't think the hope is too great."

Du Mingyue shook her head with a bitter smile, and his eyes fell to the page of the super-hunting app devoutly searching for the words one by one.

"Let's not mention if the **** of the finder of this super finder app really exists. Even if it does exist, I am afraid that the believers who believe in it will show up. The two of us do not believe the so-called finder at all. The **** of things, wanting it to come, I think it is quite difficult. This is the method used by the gods and souls to make a special call.

Du Mingyue shook her head with a bitter smile, a hint of irony appeared in the corners of her mouth.

"In other words, if it succeeds, it's the deity's credit. If it doesn't, it's because your heart is not sincere and has nothing to do with the immortal. This is nothing more than a treaty of overlords and foolish spirituality. There are so-called gods in this world! "

It is clear that Du Mingyue has already studied thoroughly the set of immortals, and can only say that sometimes someone buys it with peace of mind.

But it is undeniable that many people in this set eat

"Okay, okay, of course I know what you mean by Du Mingyue, anyway, now that we've all started, let's try it, should two hours be treated as a recuperation? Just two hours Yoga bar "

Wu Huihui shrugged her shoulders and began to seduce her eyes, staring directly at the devotional page of the Super Hidden Object App, and began to pray.

Although Du Mingyue did not believe it, he was really strange. Although he did not believe it, he still hoped that a miracle would happen.

After all, there is a sentence called the unknown that is the most terrifying.

The same unknown is still the most anticipated.

When Du Mingyue and Wu Huihui prayed reverently to the super-hunting app.

Neither of them found that the light beams that two mortals couldn't see at all instantly passed through their temples and fell into the page of the super-hunting app's prayerful prayer in front of them.

Followed this page and sent to Cheng Yiping's mind.

At this moment, Cheng Yiping, who is already at the door of the house, passed through the line of faith. He clearly felt the thoughts and thinking of Du Mingyue and Wu Huihui.

Then instantly fell on Du Mingyue's body, with a weird look on his face.

"No, right? It's really such a clever bar, isn't it? What's going on?"

It is Du Mingyue of the Repertory Theatre that actually observes and prays sincerely through faith, although Wu Huihui, another girl.

Cheng Yiping didn't understand it, but if you think about it, you must know that it must be Du Mingyue's girlfriend or some friends.

But if so, it really makes Cheng Yiping feel very strange.

What exactly is going on?

"I heard Du Mingyue just now at the moment when the theater company was separated. She was rescued by Peng Donghai in the fire, but now she came to pray again and again. Could it be said that Peng Donghai did not save Du Mingyue and the man in the fire, what is the relationship? "

"This is really interesting"

Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed cold, he easily analyzed the cause of the incident

But that ’s why he felt really weird.

"It's interesting, it's interesting, it's really interesting, and since that's the case, let me help you."

Time passed little by little. In the apartment of the theater, Du Mingyue and Wu Huihui were praying with reverence. Fortunately, the two had practiced yoga together before, and two hours came to them It is not very difficult to say

But even so, these two hours today have some years for Du Mingyue and Wu Huihui.

"No, no, this super-hunting app is devoutly searching for a liar, it is not possible at all, how could there be a **** of searching?"

Du Mingyue opened his eyes and said with a sigh.

Just fall

In an instant

I saw that the search page of the Super Search App in the mobile phone in front of me changed, and a paragraph of text appeared.

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