Super Finding App

Chapter 1913: Take a walk

Jiangzhen City is starry.

"It's really exhausting. I didn't expect to watch the drama is also a very difficult thing. I think the two of us are really interesting. Either we don't have time to date, or we just watch the drama when we go out. After two games, it is estimated that Granny Ma should have fallen asleep already. "

On the quiet road, Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona walked side by side.

The hands of the two did not know when they were holding each other, walking quietly on this seemingly endless road.

"It's true. The two of us are really quite weird. Even when traveling, we will encounter different things, but I don't think this is a bad thing."

There is a way of knowing the face and knowing what to do.

Many couples are very good before they get married, and they will show their true colors after they get married, whether they meet the scum men or the so-called scum women.

After all, there are so many people who are ghosts these days, and no one knows whether the other half of them is a person or a ghost.

Just like scratching the lottery, at the moment when the lottery is not drawn, you never know whether the prize you are hanging out is thank you for your patronage. Once again, the super jackpot is still a fake lottery.

How can you tell whether the person you are talking to is a scum man or a good person, a legendary scum girl or a real good wife and mother? The best is to prove with time!

The so-called time is the triggering event. Only when two people have encountered a variety of different events can human nature be seen in a critical moment.

Obviously, Zhang Xiaona knows clearly that even after going through so many ups and downs with Cheng Yiping, Cheng Yiping can be clearly seen.

Cheng Yiping can also see Zhang Xiaona as a person. After suffering and various incidents, the relationship between the two will be firm.

Even if the two places are separated, even if the faces are not common, the hearts of the two people are close together.

But this is also extremely dangerous. After all, at some critical moment, if someone retreats or escapes, it may break their relationship completely.

Feelings have always been a double-edged sword that can hurt itself as well as others, depending on what choice the person holding the knife has to make.

"But then again, today's drama is really pretty. I didn't expect that even the drama has already used special effects."

Thinking back to the two plays often seen in the Repertory Theatre, Zhang Xiaona spoke with admiration.

The tastes and visions of modern people are really getting more and more stubborn. Even if they are doing drama, they now have to work on special effects in addition to their acting skills.

"It's true. To be honest, I have seen many movies in Tiangong and TV series, but without this time I have a shocking feeling. I thought the stage shows were very boring. , But now it seems that this is not the case at all, I am really ignorant "

Cheng Yiping shook his head funny.

He has only seen drama once before, or talking drama has not attracted much attention to Cheng Yiping.

But now it seems that I used to have some prejudices and paused.

"But then again, Zhang Xiaona, compared to the larger scene, I still feel that the fierce fire hero is more exciting, with flesh and blood, especially the final scene, people who really watched were in tears, never thought that the original firefighters were so The heroic power is also so dangerous. It is with them that we can rely on us in times of danger. "

Thinking of the fire scenes performed by the Repertory Theatre, Cheng Yiping's pupils contracted slightly.

He has also experienced fires and saved people before. He knows better than anyone that people are desperate when they encounter a fire.

At that time, your so-called status, so-called identity, and so-called money were worthless. At that time, only firefighters could save you from fire and water.

“It ’s true. If it ’s just special effects, it ’s really exciting. It ’s a classic after all. The reason why classics are called classics is a lot of patience, especially in the case of this special effect. Is lingering "

Zhang Xiaona looked up, looking at the empty road in front of her, and looked unusually quiet under the light, chuckled.

"But if the storytelling is touching and the story is wonderful, the blaze hero is even more wonderful, maybe because it is something that happened to us"

"It's true, so Xiao Na, are you going to return to Jiangzhen City TV to promote the troupe of the drama company?"

Cheng Yiping nodded and asked

"This is of course. After returning to the TV station in Jiangzhen City, I will immediately contact the advertising department. In fact, they directly contact the advertising department of the TV station in Jiangzhen City. It is also no problem, but they are just afraid of spending more Or maybe there will be something like a joint joint, after all, you also know that the people in the Tang Dynasty are most fond of human feelings. "

Zhang Xiaona shook her head funny

"Understand. Understand that the so-called North Koreans have something to do. That's the truth. But then again, Peng Donghai and Du Mingyue of this troupe are really quite talented women. They did not believe that Jin Tongyu daughter said that today. I've seen some of them. "

"Is Jintong Yunv? So Du Mingyue is your favorite type?"


Zhang Xiaona twisted her head slightly, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, holding her flat hand slightly tighter.

Cheng Yiping's instant cold hair burst instantly opened a powerful survival skill path

"No, no, how could it happen? There is only one of my favorite people, and that is you, Zhang Xiaona."

"Slip Adjustment of Oil Chamber"

Zhang Xiaona snorted slightly, turned her head, and her face turned slightly red.

Repertory Theatre Room

"Today ’s rehearsal about the hero of the fire is quite satisfactory, but there are also many shortcomings and omissions. Although you may not see it as an audience, everyone is a professional drama actor, so what we have to do is to keep improving "

"Especially now that we have strong special effects support, we are very rigorous and cautious about positioning. After all, if the positioning is wrong and it is not matched with the special effects, then the viewing effect can be greatly reduced. I hope that everyone can continue to figure out and research after returning. The fiery heroes will be the next major drama of our Repertory Theatre. Our Repertory Theatre will also exhaust all the resources to advertise. I hope everyone can make persistent efforts "

"If there are no problems, we will adjourn today. I hope everyone can go home and take a good bath and take a good rest. We will continue to work hard tomorrow."

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