Super Finding App

Chapter 1903: For you

Who hasn't met a scum man and a scum woman these days?

Even after eachother's eachother in love, there is more love, but when it ’s time to change your face, there are many things that ca n’t be recognized.

The same is true for Bai Jinglan. His best girlfriend is actually engaged with her boyfriend. This is definitely a great blow for Bai Jinglan.

She didn't have any extra thoughts about whether this thing was true or false!

Angrily filed for a break, even transferred to Jinglan and transferred to school, closing herself off, and living at two o'clock on the front line every day.

He didn't want to marry Zhao Juan and Zhao Pengfei at all, or to reason about Bai Jinglan's reason not to think about the two.

When I think of it, I have the heartbreaking pain and the humiliation of being betrayed,

Over time, slowly and suddenly one day you will find that the original damage to the past is just that.

Who will not meet a few scum men and scum women this year?

In particular, Bai Jinglan met her current husband, who married and had children in love, and had long forgotten that Zhao Pengfei and Zhao Juan had passed away, becoming a bit of memory in his life.

Now think about it. At that time, I was really naive and ridiculous. After all, things like love really have no reason to tell.

The past has long been buried in my heart as a sealed memory.

Today, this thin letter ruthlessly tears open Bai Jinglan's closed heart and the tightly sealed wooden box.


The memory of the past was revived, and tears flowed down.

Originally from beginning to end, his best girlfriend Zhao Juan and her favorite boyfriend Zhao Pengfei never betrayed her.


Even if the two of them are willing to carry various notorieties, even if they are cast aside, they still adhere to this secret.

Is it for a better future?

"Asshole, asshole, Zhao Pengfei, Zhao Juan, you two bastards! You two bastards"

Bai Jinglan suddenly yelled loudly, tears streaming down.

The granddaughter girl aside looked surprised.

He didn't know what happened to his grandmother, and he would speak swear words, something she had never seen before.

In other words, from her birth to the present, she has never heard her grandma curse a swear word, and now she has swear words!

What exactly is written on this letter?

"Bai Jinglan, what happened? What exactly is written in this letter?"

Zhang Huanlan was also confused and puzzled, watching Bai Jinglan screaming hysterically in front of him, which was really unexpected.

Reached out, took the letter in Bai Jinglan's hand, read it, and his face changed instantly.

"How could this be, how could this be, how could this happen, it's too bloody"

Zhang Baijinglan opened her mouth wide as she looked, revealing a look of consternation.

She didn't expect that such a thing would be hidden in the 30-year-old cutoff that almost completely changed three people.

For a while, the taste was mixed.

Raising his eyes, looking at tears in his face, Bai Jinglan hesitated.

"Bai Jinglan, don't be too sad. I think Zhao Juan and Zhao Pengfei are both for your good. I hope you don't be too sad."

"For me, for me! They can deceive me for me!"

Bai Jinglan raised his head fiercely, shouting hysterically

"For the sake of me they can deceive me, for the sake of me they can conceal us, for the sake of me can they make me misunderstand them?"

"Yes! Maybe as the letter said, if Zhao Pengfei told me things at the beginning, I would not leave him, maybe I will not be like this now, but how can he know that it is not the same with him A happy thing, leaving him is the most unfortunate thing "

"And Zhao Juan, she is my best friend and best girlfriend. In this case, why don't she tell me, aren't they saying that it's good for me?"

"Bastards, bastards, they are all a bunch of bastards"

Saying ten thousand and ten thousand, Bai Jinglan hated himself more!

How could she think that the incident from many years ago almost changed her mind, even changed her destiny to some extent, and gritted her teeth when she dreamed of midnight countless times.

Although time has passed, even if I think of it, there will still be a deep tingling in my heart, which is like a scar. Although it has been compounded, the pain still exists.

Now tearing this scar but found that the wound was okay at all. It was her friend, her boyfriend, her girlfriend who sucked away the sores on her wound, leaving only a small scar.

Her tears flowed down like a dyke.

"Such a thing would happen. Really, things in the real world are really more **** than novels."

After this letter was circulated in the hands of everyone, Cheng Yiping sighed quietly, stretched out his hands and rubbed his temples, opened his mouth and just wanted to speak, but all the words came to his throat and said nothing. come out.

Do you want to say that Zhao Pengfei and Zhao Juan did something wrong?

Not necessarily.

I'm afraid they are really doing it for Bai Jinglan's sake.

But are they both right?

I'm afraid you don't have to!

Looking at the hysterical Bai Jinglan who is crying now, I am afraid no one knows what is right and what is wrong.

"Zhao Juan and Zhao Pengfei are right or wrong. We have no way to evaluate it. After all, we are not the parties."

Zhang Xiaona, full of intellectual charm, shook her head gently, and the beautiful eyes showed an unusually complex look.

Even tears swirled in the eyes.

"But one thing is certain, they are really very good girlfriends and friends of Bai Jinglan, and it is precisely because they value each other that they are willing to do such things. After all, not everyone can bear their girlfriends and Girlfriends' boyfriends have such a bad reputation together. "

"It is true, especially in high school. Once this thing is transmitted in school or even among friends, it will have an extremely bad impact, but this is right or wrong, I'm afraid we really can't decide"

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, and sighed quietly.

People in the world say black or white, but many things in this world are not black or white, more gray.

Before the end of the matter, you don't know whether it is right or wrong.

There is nothing more helpless in this world.

"Asshole, asshole, Zhao Juan, Zhao Pengfei, you two are assholes"

Bai Jinglan wept loudly, and her legs fell to the ground weakly.

Miss Zhao quickly held him aside,

Bai Jinglan put the paper envelope tightly on his chest, and wept bitterly ...

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