Super Finding App

Chapter 1900: Dog blood plot (1)

The sun is shining, the birds are scented with flowers, and the mild sun shines on this peaceful university. From time to time, I watched the Ying Ying learning to walk through the shade, or talk to each other, or talk and laugh. There is no life pressure here. Only the thirst for knowledge.

In college, in addition to studying, most of them are hormones that emit youth.

Under the shade of a tree, a girl with long hair held textbooks in her hands and looked around, with an anxious look on her face, and from time to time she looked down at her watch and frowned slightly.

Just as he was anxious and even irritable, in the shade behind her, a hearty man rushed out, covering her eyes with a hand, and a familiar voice sounded in her ear.

"Guess who I am?"

"Don't make trouble, Zhao Pengfei, I know it's you"

A sweet silver-like voice sounded from the girl's mouth, and the man let go of his hands, revealing a helpless look

"Bai Jinglan, don't you be so smart, okay? If you do this, it will make me feel a little unfulfilled and no surprise at all."

Bai Jinglan turned his head and froze his long hair, his neck was a little red, and the man looking at him chuckled.

"What's so pleasant about this is that besides you, only my two good friends, Zhang Huanlan and Zhao Juan, can do this, but both of them are women, and their hands and height are not as tall as you, except for you. Will anyone else do this? You, when will you be more mature? "

"Hee hee, mature is an outsider, in front of you, I don't want to pretend"

The upright teenager showed a bright smile under the sun, his smile was as bright as the sun

It is a youth with a lively youthful atmosphere.

Although it is not very handsome, but the tall body and sunny smile make people seem hopeful for the future.

This is a teenager with positive energy and a smile like sunshine.

"Okay, don't be troubled. Counting the time, Zhang Huanlan and Zhao Juan will be here soon. It's not good for them to see."

Bai Jinglan reached out and stopped his boyfriend's hand, showing a bright smile.

Although he was unwilling to say it, it was undeniable that watching his boyfriend so admired him really felt sweet.

"It's okay, I can't do it. I can introduce the buddies in my dormitory to them, and when they talk about the subject, naturally they won't tell us anything."

Zhao Pengfei did a trick

"Really? Just the group of friends in your dormitory? Don't harm my good friend, my good girlfriend."

Bai Jinglan smiled and shook his head.

He has been to the dormitory of his boyfriend Zhao Pengfei. Several roommates can't say bad, but can only say that it is quite strange!

"Hey, how can it be? How can it be, in fact, if you really get along with them, you will find that they are really good, they are a bit sloppy, and they value the game very seriously."

Zhao Pengfei shrugged his shoulders, trying to protect his brother.

"Well, don't say anything, you see, they're here."

Bai Jinglan shook his head funny.

If her girlfriends Zhao Juan and Zhang Huanlan are really willing, she will never stop.

As soon as the words came to an end, the two girls in front walked together, waving their arms, exuding youthful vitality under the sun's rays.

The four gathered together to chat and walk in pairs, and the gentle sunlight shone on the four of them through the shade of the tree, pulling the shadow of the four to the elders and elders, everything was so beautiful!

A coffee shop.

"What the **** is going on with you lately? Bai Jinglan has called you several times. Every time you push three or four, and you can hang up the phone without saying a few words. Bai Jinglan is very unhappy now. Even when you went to the dormitory to find you, you avoided it. Today you shouted me out. What exactly do you want to do? Is it really like Bai Jinglan's thinking, do you empathize?

Zhao Juan with short hair frowned and looked at Zhao Pengfei, a man with a good look in front of her eyes, but found that Zhao Pengfei's complexion in front of him was somewhat bad, and she looked pale.

He coughed from time to time while drinking coffee, and frowned slightly.

She was really surprised, she continued to scold.

"What kind of thing happened, if you really have something, you can talk to Bai Jinglan. I remember that your relationship with Bai Jinglan is very good. Both Zhang Yelan and I are very optimistic about you. You guys even I have already thought about what university to go to, and then I will start a business together, even find a job, marry together, and plan the future well, but why did you suddenly change, what is going on here, do you really Are you empathic? "

"No empathy. If I really empathy, it would be fine. How could that be, Bai Jinglan is my favorite woman and my first love. I only like her in my life"

Zhao Pengfei raised his head to a bitter smile.

"Don't say these sweet words, if all you say is true, then why don't you answer Bai Jinglan's phone, why are you missing? What's going on?"

"Let ’s do this. I'll call Bai Jinglan out now. Is there anything you can do in person?"

Bai Jinglan and Zhao Pengfei can be said to be a recognized couple in their circle. The relationship between the two is also very good. Even parents who have met on both sides can say that everything is well done.

However, under these circumstances, Zhao Pengfei suddenly began to alienate Bai Jinglan one day.

If the phone is not answered, no one will see it. Even if they meet, they can turn around and leave without saying a few words. Even outsiders can clearly notice the change in Zhao Pengfei's attitude.

This is indeed very strange.

And the only obvious place for a man to alienate his girlfriend is empathy and love!

Although in Zhao Juan's view, this is simply impossible, but how many things are impossible in this world?

Is it really like what people say, graduation is facing love breaks?

"Wait, don't do this, don't do this, don't call her"

What unexpectedly happened to Zhao Juan was that Zhao Pengfei stood up as if stimulated, and hurriedly said, holding out his hand, grabbing Zhao Juan's cell phone, panting vigorously.

"What exactly do you want to do? You can negotiate specific things. While you say that you like Bai Jinglan and have no empathy, but at the same time you hide, what do you want to do?"

Zhao Pengfei gasped heavily, showing a look of bitter smile, raised his head, and said word by word.

"Zhao Juan, I know you are Bai Jinglan's best girlfriend and friend, and that's why I want to ask you for help."

"I think, can you be my girlfriend?"

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