Super Finding App

Chapter 1891: Win-win (two)

Zhao Xiaohui really had some overwhelming feelings, and she hadn't considered so much at all how things went.

In the beginning, I just hoped to be able to fulfill her grandmother Zhao Juan's last wish, fulfill the agreement 30 years ago, and nothing more.

As for how to deal with the painting named friendship, she never thought about it.

Cheng Yiping coughed twice, looked at Zhang Xiaona, and then took the conversation

"Zhao Xiaohui, it's very simple, it's up to you. The ownership of this painting called friendship is grandmother Zhao Juan, grandmother Bai Jinglan and Zhang Huanlan. You can bring the painting directly to your grandma Zhao Juan. Show your grandmother in front of your grave, this is also considered to be the completion of your grandmother ’s will. How to deal with the painting afterwards, it should be the three parties themselves to decide.

"And my idea is that once you find this painting called friendship, you can sell it to Mr. Zhao. Of course, the prerequisite is Zhao Xiaohui, are you willing?"


Sell ​​the painting named friendship directly to Zhao Fei?

How is this possible?

Zhao Xiaohui stood up, shaking her head like a rattle.

"Impossible, impossible, how can I sell the painting named friendship, which is impossible at all. First, on which side are you born?"

Zhao Xiaohui really couldn't understand Yiping. How could he say such a thing?

"How can it be impossible, Zhao Xiaohui, you should be very clear, you have fulfilled your grandma's last wish to fulfill your grandma's agreement. The main thing is Grandma Zhang Hualan, Bai Jinglan and your grandma Zhao Juan. But three good friends, friendship The painting is a testimony of the friendship between them. If your grandma is still alive, seeing something happening to Grandma Zhang Huanlan, do you think she will stand idly by? "

Cheng Yiping shook his head gently

"What's more, your grandma's last wish is to complete the agreement 30 years ago. The so-called agreement is this painting called friendship. The main point is the painting of friendship. In fact, your grandma did not let go of the friendship between Bai Jinglan and Zhang Huanlan."

"This friendship is more valuable than this. Of course, this is just my suggestion. If you agree, then we can go to Grandma Bai. If Grandma Bai Jinglan is willing, then things will be much easier to handle. . "

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders and spoke his own solution.

All of the atmosphere in the entire scene was frozen for a while.

Zhao Xiaohui's face became more solemn and ugly, gray and white.

In her own impression, of course, she did not want to do this, even pieced it together in the words of friendship, came to her grandma's grave and showed it to her grandma, telling her grandma Zhao Juan that she had completed her last wish Completed his unfinished agreement 30 years ago "

"And who saved this painting and how to save it is a future thing, but at least keep one of his paintings left by his grandmother Zhao Juan"

"Ke Yiping's opinion is totally equivalent to selling the painting, which really makes her unacceptable."

Zhao Xiaohui's complexion was black and white, and she raised her head to see the old look of Grandma Zhang Huanlan in front of her.

She is her grandmother Zhao Juan and Bai Jinglan and Zhang Huanlan are friends. It is precisely that the three talents will sit down and agree.

If her grandma is still alive, would she be reluctant to save a picture instead of saving her friends?

Don't you save your friends?

This is simply impossible!

Zhao Xiaohui was caught in a dilemma.

She has some overwhelming

The art businessman Zhao Fei's eyes lit up suddenly, looking into a flat thought and nodding slightly.

Now Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona are really quite smart.

If they really do what they say, they can really fulfill the three benefits, and everyone will be satisfied.

Grandma Zhang opened her mouth and tried to persuade her, but swallowed it at the throat, after all, she knew this situation and didn't know what to say.

Whether to agree or disagree is a very difficult matter for him, no matter what

Zhao Guo, Wu Juan and Zhao Gang stared at Zhao Xiaohui's eyes, as if what he said could determine their fate.

After a while

Zhao Xiaohui revealed the bitter ingredients, reached out and held up a cup of tea on the table.

"Mr. Cheng is absolutely right. He really wanted to fulfill my grandmother Zhao Juan ’s last wish. After completing the agreement 30 years ago, as long as I can find a painting named friendship, it is equivalent to completing my grandmother ’s last wish. Grandma Bai Jinglan and Grandma Zhang Hualan did not say that they must take the painting of friendship as their own. "

"If my grandma knows her painting can help Grandma Zhang Huanlan, I believe my grandma will agree too."

Zhao Xiaohui raised her head as she spoke, her original confused eyes became more resolute and said word by word

"Mr. Cheng, I am willing if we can achieve a trilateral win-win situation. Of course, the premise is that Grandma Bai Jinglan also agrees. After all, the girl under the waterfall said that Grandma Bai Jinglan was given to me, but if you sell it , I think Grandma Bai Jinglan still agrees! "

"This is of course"

Cheng Yiping was relieved, he was really afraid that Zhao Xiaohui was not willing.

If Zhao Xiaohui is not willing, then things will stalemate.

When that result is reached, Cheng Yiping will just let go. Anyway, his task is only to find a painting named friendship for Zhang Xiaona, and how to deal with this painting in the future does not matter to Cheng Yiping.

"Really? Thank you so much, thank you so much."

After hearing Zhao Xiaohui's reply, Grandma Zhang Yelan stood up in excitement, with a trace of tears in her eyes

She didn't expect to leave after more than 30 years, and Zhao Juan once again helped herself to prevent her ancestral home from being sold.

He can be considered dead without regrets

"Mr. Zhao, I think that's all right now, as long as I find a painting named friendship and give it to Zhao Xiaohui, and let her show it in front of her grandma's grave. It can be regarded as fulfilling her grandmother's wish. I think the price should be absolutely More than 100,000 yuan "

"Of course, the prerequisite is that we have to go to Grandma Bai Jinglan first. If Grandma Bai Jinglan is willing to do so, then this matter can be successful. If Grandma Bai Jinglan does not agree, then everyone will take a shot. After all, the girl under the waterfall belongs to Bai Jinglan.

Cheng Yiping stood up with a slight smile and clapped his hands gently

"Haha, no problem, no problem, of course, no problem, I didn't expect that things could really achieve a win-win situation in three areas, which is really something I didn't expect."

Zhao Fei, an art businessman, grinned and said

"I said that I am a businessman. As long as I can make money, I have nothing to do, but the flower named friendship is displayed in front of Ms. Zhao Juan. There is no problem at all!"

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