Super Finding App

Chapter 1858: Never simple

"Stop, Zhou Qianqian, I don't allow you to say her like that, you're right, you are younger than her, more beautiful than her, younger than her, and even your education is higher than her."

Zhu Wanjun looked at Zhou Qianqian in front of her, staring angrily, taking a deep breath, pulling out the witch behind her, holding her hand tightly, raising her head, saying word by word

"But one thing you can't compare with him is that I like her"

A black off-road vehicle was constantly bumping on the mountain road.

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly, watching Fenglong Village behind him farther and farther away, farther and farther, and gradually disappeared within the eyes.

He stretched himself, leaning his own back on the seat, and said

"Is this really worth it? I didn't expect that Zhu Wanjun would be so impulsive, and even sever the relationship with your family. It's completely utterable. Do you think it's really worth it?"

Cheng Yiping shook his head, looked through the rearview mirror, and looked at Zhu Wanjun and the witch behind the off-road vehicle.

At this moment, the witch's face was full of anxiety, but Zhu Wanjun hugged her arms tightly.

"It's worth it, of course it's all worth it"

After hearing a question from Cheng Yiping, Zhu Wanjun said

"I looked for a witch for a full ten years, and since I have found her, I will never let her go again"

"I see what you mean, but what can your parents do?"

"There is no problem. Don't look at my parents. They are so excited, but to put it bluntly, they are just foolish people after all. In the village all year round, they don't understand that the society is developing. Things like the witch can say It turns out that their concept hasn't changed, but it doesn't matter, they will accept it when raw rice is cooked into mature rice. "

"As for the people in the village ..."

Zhu Wanjun shook his head gently

"The people in the village are more concerned about my social status and support to the village. As long as my help in the village continues, the village chief and the people in the village will not worry much."

"It turns out that, it seems that you have considered everything very clearly, but can you really follow the witch ward?"

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly

Indeed, there are no parents in the world. Similarly, although Zhu Wanjun has some conflicts with his parents, I am afraid that no parents will refuse when raw rice is cooked.

As for the people in the village, although they spoke respectfully to Zhu Wanjun, in the final analysis, as Zhu Wanjun said, most people saw that Zhu Wanjun could bring benefits to the village.

As long as the interests remain the same, no one else will gossip.

In contrast, is it true that Zhu Wanjun and the witch can really defend themselves even after they meet?

"Mr. Cheng, I know what you want to say, but I believe there is no problem. When I was young, it was the witch who studied with me. I have not forgotten her for a whole ten years. Now I have found her. We will find this forgotten decade, this delayed decade! "

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and swallowed what he was about to say, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

It is not clear how Zhu Wanjun and the witch will become equal later.

But he believes that this is indeed a very successful thing, at least for now.

"Mr. Cheng really thank you very much. Thank you very much. If you have any questions in the future, you can come to me directly. I will do my best."

Back in Jiangzhen, Zhu Wanjun took a business card from his arms and handed it over.

This is a business card exuding black gloss.

"Mr. Cheng, this is my personal business card. Only my true friends will get it. If you have something later, you can find me."

"Thank you, then I'll be disrespectful, not to mention you don't need to show thanks, I just use people's money to help others."

Cheng Yiping took this personal business card and nodded, showing a bright smile.

Zhu Wanjun took a serious look at Cheng Yiping, then thanked Qiu Yuhong and pulled the witch to leave.

Maybe the difficulties are just beginning for them.

"This is really a good story, Mr. Cheng, thank you very much, and if something happens in the future, I would like to ask you a lot of care"

Qiu Yuhong looked at the distant figures of Zhu Wanjun and the witch with a complex color in her eyes and shook her head.

"No problem, it's just that I'm weird. You like Zhu Wanjun too. In this case, why do you want me to help him find a witch? According to the situation of this witch, if they don't look for it, I'm afraid they won't Together, do n’t you have a chance? ”

Cheng Yiping, you look at Qiu Yuhong. On this way, he can clearly feel that Qiu Yuhong also has a little love for Zhu Wanjun.

Qiu Yuhong shook her head, her face was filled with a sunny smile

"You are right, I like Zhu Wanjun, but it does not mean that he likes me. For me, as long as he is happy, then I will be happy, not to mention that not all people can be affectionate these days. People become dependents. "

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and looked at Qiu Yuhong who sighed quietly in front of her.

"once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking……"

Qiu Yuehong smiled and shook her head, reached out and made a goodbye gesture with Cheng Yiping, and turned to leave.

Maybe she will feel sad and sad tonight, maybe she will be drunk tonight, but when the sun shines again tomorrow, she will still be the editor-in-chief of Jiangzhen Newspaper, with Qiu Yuhong who is called Qiu Demon.

"Every adult is not easy this year"

There is never a simple word for the adult world.

Looking at the distant Qiu Yuhong, Cheng Yiping's face had a complicated look, shook his head, and turned towards Jiangzhen City TV Station.

The matter can come to an end. How exactly Qiu Yuhong, Zhu Wanjun and even the witch will be leveled is unknown.

The only thing he knows now is that he wants to see Zhang Xiaona!

Antai nursing home.

Antai Nursing Home is completely different from ordinary nursing homes. It has carers and does fine work every day. The environment is beautiful, but the price of entering Nursing Home is also quite expensive.

Elderly people who live here are either rich or expensive. Even if they have no money, they must have rich children.

And now, in a room in this nursing home, an old woman with a pale face was sitting on the bed. She was skinny, with a pipe in her nose, and seemed to be able to live on the instrument.

At this moment, she leaned on the mattress on which the bed was pulled up, and looked out through the glass window outside the window, her complexion was extremely complex.

Holding a red notebook in her hand, her fingers like dead wood gently stroked the surface of the notebook, with endless grief and memories in her eyes.

She seems to be remembering the past, as if she is remembering the past.

"Grandma, grandma, I came to see you"

A crisp, lark-like voice came from the door.

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