Super Finding App

Chapter 1798: Professor Lu

Tanaka University, teaching building.

Mild sunlight shines through the glass on this literary teaching building.

This is Tanaka University's most famous teaching building. Students and students passing by can't help raising their heads, with a respectful look on their faces.

A bronze statue stands at the entrance of the teaching building. This is the statue of the founder of Tanaka University and the first president of Tanaka University.

It is because of his existence that this famous Tanaka University has been established.

The sun is shining in the transparent glass-covered teaching building, students are learning, and many professors are working hard to prepare lessons.

They represent the highest level of knowledge and knowledge within Tanaka University.

"Professor Lu Shaofang really welcomes you. I haven't seen you for a long time and I haven't seen you for a long time. Your spirit is still very good. This time you can promise to come to Tanaka University to give a speech, not only for us, but also for students of Tanaka University. It ’s even very good news for the teachers of Tanaka University. They are all looking forward to your lecture, Professor Lu Shaofang. "

In an office on the top floor of the teaching building, the principal is a middle-aged man in his forties who is dressed in decent clothes and exudes the breath of books. He manages the teaching building all year round and also serves as a professor. In addition to having a book-like atmosphere, the principal of the grade has a touch of the temperament of a superior person unique to the administrative staff.

At this moment, he showed a bright smile, a little respectful, and gently put a cup of tea on the black coffee table in his hand.

Sitting in front of him was an old man with a garland on his face, but even though he was pale and white, his spirit was quite good. He was dressed in decent clothes, and the whole man exudes a professorial temperament.

To be precise, it is a kind of literary temperament. From a distance, it is obvious that she has a wealth of knowledge and cultivation.

Reading can really change a person's temperament.

"President Huang is really exaggerating. Do n’t forget that I am also a graduate of Tanaka University. If there was no Tanaka University at the beginning, there would not be me now, and I can now go to the lecture hall of Tanaka University as a student. It ’s my pleasure to give a speech "

Lu Shaofang shook his head with a chuckle, speaking decently.

"No matter what, I still want to thank you. Although there are many young talents coming out of Tanaka University, there are very few who can finally return to Tanaka University. It is not that they are not willing, but that they have A lot of things are busy. This time you can take time out of your busy schedule to come to Tanaka University to give a speech. We at Tanaka University are really grateful. "

"Professor Shaofang Lu, your lecture is in the Tanaka University Hall. There is still an hour before the lecture. You can take a break and prepare in this office."

Principal Huang said very kindly.

After all, Professor Lu Shaofang is 57 years old this year and has retired long ago. Although the physical functions and spirit are said to be well maintained, they are definitely not like when they were young.

Of course, be very careful.

"Principal Wang, thank you so much, rest assured, I have nothing to do, Professor Lu Shaofang nodded slightly, he did not do the kind of thing that depends on the old and sells the old, he knows exactly how his health is."

Principal Huang and Professor Shaofang Lu hummed again for a few words before turning around and leaving.

Don't think that opening a lecture in the large lecture hall is quite simple. You just need to boast about it in the lecture hall, or after writing the manuscript in advance, you can memorize the manuscript.

This is only the initial level, and for a truly knowledgeable professor, every lecture is quite important.

This is the time when they show their strength, and also the platform where they pass on their knowledge to the students and students who come to listen to the lecture.

Professor Lu Shaofang really attaches great importance to the speech.

He is very clear about his physical condition, and each speech is a new opportunity for Lu Shaofang to learn from his own experience.

After President Huang left the office, he left the office to Professor Lu Shaofang.

The mild sunlight shone in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and everything seemed so peaceful and beautiful.

Standing in front of the window and looking up at the beautiful fantasy of Tanaka University, there really is a sense of paradise.

The university all revealed youth and vitality.

Here, young students are studying hard in order to learn, and their sweat is flowing.

University is also the only paradise in this society. There is not too much competition for monetary benefits here. It is more youthful and beautiful.

Professor Lu Shaofang stood up, opened the laptop before coming to the desktop, and tapped his hands lightly on the laptop. After looking at all the required information, he was relieved.

Then he stood up and took out the book. Inside was a thick notebook. Opening the notebook, the records on it were very neat.

It can be seen that the person who wrote was very serious, and a pen was contained in the notebook.

Although this is a time of scientific prosperity, many people have become accustomed to eating notebooks for office work to record various things, but for Professor Lu Shaofang, notebooks are, after all, just a supplementary medium.

To her, the text on the notebook does not have that kind of literary texture at all, it is more like a cold machine.

He prefers to record his own experiences and his manuscripts on the notebook as before, and then read the words on the notebook, and then flip through the books gently. .

You can feel the thick sense of the text and the culture of the books.

This is the feeling that the cold machine can never give.

Books are the best friends and greatest gifts of human life.

Through books, you can learn the experience of predecessors, you can learn more, you can purify your mind, and you can even perfect your own three perspectives and life perceptions.

Therefore, Professor Lu Shaofang is very clear that in this era of rapid development of science and technology, compared with books, more mobile phones and e-books are used for reading.

But after all, e-books are just e-books. There is no such thing as the feeling of a hand touching a book, or even the texture of a fingertip rubbing against paper.

Slightly turning the sound of rustling from books, this is the feeling that e-books can never give people.

If the books on the e-book are more like a bunch of cold digital fast food, the heavy books in their hands are more like the keys that unlock the treasures of human history and civilization.

The text is alive. Only by reading the text engraved on the book can one feel the charm of the book.

This is the feeling that people in this era cannot use with electronic instruments and people who read with notebooks.

Reading is a treat.

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