Super Finding App

Chapter 1790: Taboo Mountain

Zhu Wanjun raised his head, his face under the peaked cap exhaled a bit.

As little boys, their friendship is quite naive and innocent, but at the same time there are disputes between the children.

In the eyes of grown-ups, it is nothing worth mentioning, but they take it very seriously, and there is also a sense of envy and jealousy among children.

A little boy with a peaked cap, Zhu Wanjun, said as he picked up a stone and smashed it into the water, turned his head, and showed that he was very dismissive of this game. As a result, he really couldn't play 4 The above water drift does not matter.

The other little boys were suddenly angry. For them, the water splash was very interesting, and it was still a great thing.

Now Zhu Wanjun said that it had no meaning, and looked at each other with anger.

"Zhu Wanjun, if you ca n’t get out of the water, you ca n’t get out of the water. Do n’t say that. Do you think you have the ability? If you really feel the ability, you have the ability to go to the taboo mountain, you have the ability to go Looking for Miko "

"If you dare to go into the taboo mountain and find the witch, we will believe that you have great courage, and we will believe that you are amazing."

One of the little men blurted out angrily.

The other little boys on the other side suddenly said like a chick pecking

"That is, that is, the taboo mountain economy is very horrible. If you meet a witch, it will be very unlucky. If you have the ability, go there. If you really dare to meet the witch in the taboo mountain, we I believe you are great, and you will be our boss in the future. We will listen to whatever you say. "

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, that's it. If you don't dare, then admit defeat and admit that you have nothing to do with us, and be our little brother in the future. Don't make yourself very much. Amazing look, admitting that he ca n’t beat the water, very inferior. "

Zhu Wanjun looked at his playmates and friends. You talked to me with a single word, and his face became extremely red, gritted his teeth, and raised his head sharply.

"Go and go, what are you afraid of, isn't it the taboo three mountain peaks? Isn't it just seeing the witch maiden? What's so great, I don't believe these ghostly people, it must be that the adults are lying to me, I dare to go "

Zhu Wanjun said as he turned towards the taboo mountain.

Many of the children behind him were stunned by his words, until Zhu Wanjun's voice gradually disappeared.

"No, Zhu Wanjun really want to go to the taboo mountain? There are witches there, and my parents said they would be unlucky to see the witches"

"Relax, rest assured, impossible, impossible, Zhu Wanjun, we do n’t even know that person, it ’s just timid, and we dare not go at all, if I say he must have made a circle outside and then came Lie to us that he has already gone up, he has no courage at all "

"That is, he dare not, he dare not."

Zhu Wanjun, who was said by the children to be utterly afraid, had now reached the foot of the taboo mountain and looked up at the dense jungle with a creepy fear.

Reminiscing in the mind of his teeth, he recalled various messages from his family and people in the village and the horror about the witch.

He swallowed his mouth and wanted to flinch. He could think of the sarcasm and ridicule of his companions by the brook, which he felt was more uncomfortable than killing him.

He looked up fiercely, his face looked as if he was dead, and walked towards the taboo mountain.

Jiangzhen City.

"Is work over?"

Cheng Yiping waited at the gate of Jiangzhen TV Station.

As night fell, Zhang Xiaona stepped out of the TV station and saw Cheng Yiping standing at the door with a bright smile.

No girlfriend does not want her boyfriend not to pick her up, but she also knows that Cheng Yiping has his own job.

Although both are very busy, the relationship between the two has always been very good.

Cheng Yiping showed a bright smile, stretched out his hand and took Zhang Xiaona's Bai Nen's hand, and then the two of them walked. The distance between Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona returning to the caring family in Pianshan Mountain was not too close.

Generally speaking, Zhang Xiaona will go back by car or taxi, but as long as it is a one-way pick-up, two people will press the road and walk back

For Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona, the two were just holding hands with each other. Although they were a bit tired walking on the road, time passed very quickly.

They enjoyed their time with only two people.

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona are not really spending too much time together. There is no life or death like other lovers.

But it is undeniable that the relationship between two people is endless like flowing water, maybe not every day together, but when the two are together, the warm feeling fills the body, even under pressure The road can also make two people feel very fulfilling.

This is the feeling that the hearts are interconnected.

"The time is really passing too fast. I didn't expect to arrive so soon, or should we shake it again?"

The journey of nearly an hour is quite tiring for ordinary people.

But when Cheng Yiping reacted, he was surprised to find that he and Zhang Xiaona had returned to the loving home in Pianshan Avenue.

Looking at the familiar caring family, Cheng Yiping turned his head and looked at Zhang Xiaona. There was really some reluctance.

"No, no, I still have a job tomorrow. That's it for today. You go back first. We can see you tomorrow. After a few days it will be a rest day. Then we can go out for a date."

Zhang Xiaona shook her with a slight smile, her head showed a bright smile, and her face was somewhat shy

Although Cheng Yiping really wanted to stay in the caring family, but remembered the existence of many children in the caring family, as well as grandma and aunt Zhang, I also knew with my buttocks, this is unlikely, it scratched my head

"Okay, I see. You can rest early, too."

Cheng Yiping watched Zhang Xiaona return to her loving home. Then she let out a long breath and looked at it. It seems that the comrade revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

Watching Zhang Xiaona return to her room, she waved her hand, Cheng Yiping turned around and left, rest assured, she must find an opportunity to enter the room in the future.

A moment later a car was driven towards the house.

The taxi drove to the community in front of the house. Cheng Yiping got out of the taxi and raised his head. The moon was already shining in the night sky. He took a long breath and just prepared to walk home. The mobile phone vibrated.

"How could anyone come to me at this time?"

Cheng Yiping lowered his head. It was a strange number of phone numbers. It was just connected and there was a clear voice inside.

"Hi Mr. Cheng, this is Qiu Yuhong."

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