Super Finding App

Chapter 1784: go Ape

Jiang Wei carefully filled a bowl of water from the pot lid above the fire. He poured the water into the bowl and shook it gently, his eyes widened.

Seems to want to see if there is debris in this water.

After looking at it for a long time, he was sure that there was really no debris visible in the water, so he relaxed slightly, and then carefully held the bowl with his right hand and passed it to his mouth little by little. .

Slowly lifted the bowl up, and the slightly hot water went down his throat into his body.

Jiang Wei's eyes lit up.

"Yes, yes, although the swamp is full of acrid taste, but after three times of high temperature boiling, this acrid taste has gradually dissipated, and there is still some fresh fragrance."

Jiang Wei drank the water little by little into his stomach. Jiang Yan and Jiang Ting looked at Jiang Wei nervously, and they couldn't breathe.

"Nothing, nothing, I really have nothing"

"Haha, yes, yes, it is true. Even if the eggs of A. elegans are so powerful, they will be killed after three more times of boiling. This water can drink, this water can drink.

Jiang Wei shouted excitedly, feeling no discomfort in his stomach.

"It really works. It really works. Sister really works. Jiang Wei drank the boiling swamp water without any reaction. His method really worked."

Jiang Ting's eyes opened wide, revealing a look of surprise.

Obviously, as long as the swamp water can be taken, they have a source of life that they can live on.

"Calm down, calm down, now this is just a guess. Whether Jiang Wei drank the water is really no problem. We still have to wait for time to verify. After all, it should take a while for the nematodes to hatch from the body. Time, so do n’t be too happy first, we still have to pay close attention "

Jiang Yan said quickly, watching Jiang Wei hesitated.

"Neither of us want to sleep tonight. Even if we are going to sleep, one in the middle of the night and the other in the middle of the night, we must closely monitor Jiang Wei. Once Jiang Weizhen's illness breaks out, we must know the first time, even if it is impossible Controlling Jiang Wei can at least be far away from him. If Jiang Wei has no problems after tomorrow, then we can consider whether the swamp water can be taken after boiling for several times. "

Jiang Yan considered it very carefully. She knew that any virus had its incubation period, and the eggs of A. elegans also had an incubation period.

There is no problem now, it does not mean that there are no problems in the future.

Jiang Wei drank excitedly, drank a lot of boiled water and boiled the boiled water completely, and then took a long breath, and he felt that he was alive again.

Turned his head and looked at Jiang Ting and Jiang Yan, his eyes flashed inexplicable brilliance.

The night came and the stars were.

Jiang Wei stood up slowly, and staggered towards the jeep.

Jiang Yan, who was watching the jeep departed from sleep, and sitting on the side of the jeep, looked around carefully. Jiang Ting, who was dozing, fell on Jiang Yan who was sleeping.

The bright moonlight shined through Jiang Jieyan's body through the jeep, showing a charming beauty.

Jiang Wei swallowed droolily, exposing fierce light.

Jiang Yan didn't sleep too much.

In this vast swamp, it is simply unrealistic to want to sleep until dawn.

After all, here is a wild swamp full of danger.


Jiang Yan felt a terrifying shout coming from her ear, and the sound was so terrible that she woke her up.

Opening his eyes, under the light of the moonlight, wherever he went, I saw Jiang Wei pressing her sister Jiang Ting under the bed and pulling her clothes desperately, her expression was like a demon.

"Release Jiang Ting, let go of Jiang Ting, what exactly do you want to do? Hurry up and let go of Jiang Ting"

All Jiang Yan's drowsiness disappeared, pushing Jiang Wei away, trying to push him away from Jiang Ting, but in response to Jiang Wei's angry arm, knocked her directly on On the ground, a sloppy look appeared on his face.

"Don't worry, don't worry, neither of you will let me go, hee hee, but you are sister flowers, I have never thought of having sister flowers, I will serve you two well"

"Stop, stop, what's wrong with you? Jiang Wei, you're awake, awake, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

Jiang Yan's head shook like a rattle, with a look of horror, as if Jiang Wei had gradually become crazy in front of her.

"What happened to me? All of us will die here, we will all die here"

Jiang Wei gritted his teeth and said

"Don't understand? What if the water in this swamp can be drunk? In this wild swamp land, we can't survive at all. Since we can't survive, why don't we enjoy it well, why not enjoy it What time is it down? "

"You are women, and I am a man. Do you think that men and women should have a good time? Don't struggle, don't resist, this is the best for you."



Jiang Wei went completely crazy.

Jiang Yan's face was extremely pale. Jiang Wei had completely gone crazy. Under the pressure of survival in this wild swamp, he had completely collapsed, and even started to inspire his bestiality.

Every human body has a devil and a beast, but in ordinary times, the devil and the beast are bound by rationality and morals and even the law, and never appear in the body.

But the negative influence of people is constantly nourishing this beast, making it more terrifying and terrible, and in most cases it is bound by itself.

But when it is on the verge of despair, the beast within the human body will be awakened and become a demon.

Now Jiang Wei's deep-seated evil desire has become an evil demon.

"Hurry up and let go of my sister. Hurry up and let go of my sister."

Jiang Yan struggled to get up, rushed to Jiang Wei, and suddenly bumped Jiang Wei out of the jeep and fell heavily to the ground.

Jiang Wei face, who was knocked out of the jeep, had a sloppy look. The pain not only did not make him feel any fear, but made him more wild and violent. He slowly stood up and picked up a The brick said coldly

"Don't toast or eat or drink. You are obedient. The three of us will be very comfortable, but if you refuse, it doesn't matter. Don't blame me for being cruel."

"Or do you both like to play tough?"

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