Super Finding App

Chapter 1774: Residential area

The third floor of the One-Eyed Temple seems to belong to a residential area. Cheng Yiping, Manager Bai, Fu Yongan, Zhou Guoqiang, and Li An and his three bodyguards are walking on the dark stairs with white lights in their hands.

Without the presence of bloodthirsty vines and Adiantum, there is not much danger for everyone.

"This third floor should be a residential area. At least there is no danger. After all, if there are nematodes and bloodthirsty vines in this residential area, there will be great danger to people. It should be safe here. We You can take off your protective clothing. "

Although it can be said that protective clothing can protect people's safety, wearing protective clothing for a long time does make people feel extremely tired, and the water loss in the body is quite serious.

Zhou Guoqiang was already panting, he was walking more slowly

"You ca n’t take it off. This is indeed a residential area, but we do n’t see A. elegans and Haemophilus vine now. This does n’t mean that this residential area is free of Haemophilus vine and A. nematode. For hundreds of years, God knows what will happen during these hundreds of years. If the second and third layers are damaged and connected in addition to the entrance, absolutely There will be occasions when the nematodes pass through to reach the third floor, but they will still be careful to sail the 10,000-year-old ship. "

Cheng Yiping shook his head and said, he always felt that things were not so simple.

"No, Cheng Yiping, you are not thinking too carefully, shouldn't you?"

Zhou Guoqiang hesitated for a moment. He really felt that his strength was constantly weakening.

"Enough. Enough. Let's take a short break. It looks like everyone is tired."

Manager Bai looked around and saw everyone panting. As a woman, she really could not hold on.

"Well, then everyone will take a break, and we will move on after 10 minutes."

Cheng Yiping turned his head and watched everyone hesitant.

They found a place to sit, took a short break, dragged down their protective clothing, and panted vigorously.

After all, although protective clothing can protect, but clunky and heavy is really very tiring and requires a lot of physical energy.

It is okay to use it for a short time, but it can be quite dangerous if it is used for a long time.

"Abominable, how far is it from the entrance to the fourth floor of this one-eyed city?"

Li An picked up the water he had brought and drank it, grunting it, replenishing the body's water, and raised his head to ask.

The silence and gloom of the environment here makes the heart tremble, and there is always an ominous feeling, as if danger comes out at any time in this darkness.

After 10 minutes, everyone took a short break and put on protective clothing again. Although the protective clothing was really clumsy and heavy, it is undeniable that it can protect people's safety here.

At least it can prevent the invasion of A. elegans.

Cheng Yiping took the road ahead. The white light in his hand had been changed by three or four. Following the instructions of the super-hunting app in his mind and the guidance of the soul clone, he went straight to the top of the third floor.

This is a large hall surrounded by pillars with tree roots, which seems to be a place of worship.

Murals are still engraved on the surrounding walls. Above the murals are one eye after another and those who are deeply worshipping.

There is a one-eyed statue in the middle, this statue is three or four meters high, almost reaching the ceiling.

"There is no road, there is no road, what is going on in Cheng Yiping? We have reached the top. Could it be that you have no way to lead the way?"

Li An, Zhou Guoqiang, Fu Yongan, and Manager Bai and the three bodyguards looked around the hall. After searching it, they did not find any entrances, showing a puzzled look, and asked puzzledly.

"Calm down, I didn't lead the wrong way. The Super Hidden App did guide me to the entrance to the fourth floor of the One-Eyed Temple, and the entrance is on the front wall."

Cheng Yiping nodded, pointing his finger at the wall behind the one-eyed statue

The wall was covered with moss.

Li An and others hurried over and rusted the moss to reveal a rusty iron door, but no matter what they did, the desperate pull did nothing.

"It's useless. It's too thick to use this iron gate. It can't be pulled up. It should not be like this. After hundreds or even thousands of years, even the hardest iron gate should be Weathered, how could it be as immobile as it is now? "

"If it really can't be opened, wouldn't we be unable to reach the fourth floor of the One-Eyed Temple."

After Zhou Guoqiang pulled desperately for a long time, it had no effect. He took a long breath and said with some frustration.

"No, no, absolutely not. We must find a way to open this door. We must open this door. We have already come here. We must not be halfway through. We must not be halfway through."

Li An's head shakes like a rattle

He absolutely didn't believe that the matter had reached this point, and the result ended up halfway through?

This is impossible!

Having said that, even if it is to be abandoned halfway, it is definitely in the case of finding an exit. Now the spring of the one-eyed temple is surrounded by bloodthirsty vines. Once no other exit can be found, everyone will be trapped Die here.

"Wait, wait, you see, this is not an iron gate. This is not an iron gate. It should be a stone, but it is covered with a layer of iron."

Suddenly, Manager Bai yelled in surprise, and everyone hurried over. Manager Bai wiped the moss on the iron door and rubbed the iron hard. With the passage of time, the rust slipped down, and the exposed inside turned out to be cold Piercing rocks.

"I see. It's no wonder this iron gate is so difficult to open. This is not an ordinary iron gate, but belongs to Broken Dragon Stone."

Fu Yongan said solemnly

"What is Broken Dragon Stone? When will there be such a thing? This seems to exist only in novels, right?"

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth, listening to the name of the broken dragon stone, it seemed quite powerful, as if it could only appear in martial arts novels.

"In fact, this broken dragon stone is a huge, very hard stone. It cannot be pulled and opened by humans. It is called a broken dragon stone because once the broken dragon stone is put down, it Will completely block the road, there is no way to enter it, named the meaning of severing their own back road "

Fu Yongan shook his head and said solemnly.


Cut off all the way back?

Doesn't it mean that this road will not work at all?

"What's going on in Cheng Yiping? Why did your super finder app guide you to the dead end? Could it be that you are lying to me?"

"Calm down, calm down, how could I lie to you, don't forget, I am trapped in this one-eyed temple just like you now"

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