Super Finding App

Chapter 1682: 20 years ago

Thinking of this possibility, it became a bang, and stood up with some dignity and ugliness.

If it's really the same as you guessed, then there is really some creepiness, or there is some atmosphere of relationship in it.

Looking at Cheng Yiping who stood up, Zhang Xiaona, who was busy working, lifted up her face with a look of doubt on her intellectual face, and looked strangely into Yiping Road.

"What's wrong? Cheng Yiping, has anything happened?"

Cheng Yiping shook his head, walked in front of Zhang Xiaona two or three steps and asked.

"Yes, Zhang Xiaona, since this is the case of the ghost in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, should you also know the tragic massacre that happened 20 years ago? Is there any detailed information? Situation, I want to know what is going on "

Although Zhang Xiaona felt very strange, she nodded and said

"This is of course. According to the information we have now, Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, was only rumored by ghosts after the tragic massacre that happened 20 years ago. Haunted house, what do you want to know? "

Sure enough, there was a flash of light in Chengping's eyes, and he said

"I want to know what happened in the first murder house in Fuzhou 20 years ago, and what kind of massacre happened. Is there any detailed information?"

Zhang Xiaona heard it and thought about it. She opened one of the files in the laptop and handed it to Cheng Yiping. She said,

"Here it is."

Cheng Yiping put his head together and saw that the document recorded that the family living in the Xinglong apartment of room 503 20 years ago was a family of four, a father and a mother plus a boy and a girl.

Originally, it was fun, but I didn't know that one day the house would start to be haunted, and the father, the child and even the mother would see the existence of the ghost, and made people nervous.

But 20 years ago, no one believed them, and there was no use in trying to find someone to exorcise them:

Until one day, my father, Wang Gang, was so nervous that he picked up an axe and madly killed all his wife and children at home, and finally committed suicide by himself.

The 503 room became a murderous house.

"It's too cruel. The family of four was killed. If they were killed by outsiders, it would have been said that they would be killed by their father, Wang Gang, who killed his wife and his children. This is too horrible. Could it be said that something happened, forcing him to do such a thing? "

Cheng Yiping took a sigh of cold air, and a creepy horror went straight from his back to his forehead.

Zhang Xiaona shook her head gently, her face became dignified and said

"When this case first came out, many people analyzed it, discussed it, and thought about many possibilities. There is murder, hatred, or intimidation, but it turns out that this is not the case at all."

"This father, Wang Gang, was originally able to do the work of it. There was no gambling, no drug use, and no debt to the buttocks. Therefore, there was no hardship in life. Suicides did not exist at all. His wife did not There is no situation, that is to say, it is impossible to kill love. If the only thing that can be said is strange, that is that they have said that ghosts will appear in this 503 house, so they will be considered to be possibly ghosts. I did something like this madness at the time, but it was quite a sensation at the time. There is no reason until now, and I can only identify it as a ghost. "

"And this time we lived on 503 to find out the reason for the ghosts in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, and solve the tragedy that happened 20 years ago."

"I see, I understand, neither gambling nor drug use, nor emotional killing, nor emotional breakdown. One day Wang Gang suddenly picked up his axe and chopped off his wife and children. It seems that there is no other than neurosis Other explanations. "

Cheng Yiping took a sigh of cold air, revealing a bitter smile.

Although it is a neuropathy, Cheng Yiping knows that it is impossible to be a neuropathy. .

If it was really neurotic, then things would not have developed into the present. Thinking of this, he thought for a moment and handed the file to Zhang Xiaona, and his face became abnormally solemn.

Zhang Xiaona noticed something wrong and said

"Cheng Yiping, did you think of something or something wrong?"

"It's okay, no? I just have some ideas, but I'm not sure yet. I'll tell you when I'm sure."

Cheng Yiping nodded and turned to leave. He returned to the sofa and closed his eyes without saying a word. He immediately clicked on the Super Find App in his mind.

There is no hesitation at any time to launch the Super Find App.

next moment

I saw the bright and rotating starry sky. A deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerged.

[Starting Super Finding App ...]

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Connection ...]

[Please seekers tell the target ...]

"The murderer of the first murder house in Fuzhou, Xinglong Apartment, which was killed 520 years ago"

Cheng Yiping didn't hesitate at all, and immediately chose his own object-hunting target in his mind.

next moment

I saw the rotating picture in my head slamming like a firework, and the incarnation became a colorful channel.

The soul clone walked slowly through the colorful channels.

next moment

A boom appeared straight on the edge of the universe, and a blue planet appeared in the eye.

The attractiveness emanating from the azure planet instantly attracted the soul avatar screaming out, a gurgling sound passed through the sea of ​​clouds, falling into the earth, and a booming sound falling into an abandoned cemetery.

There are countless graves, among them a red object hunting target flashes red light.

The soul clone walked in front of the grave like a walk in the court, and passed it all into a flat head, making him frown.

"Grave? Grave? That is to say, was the murderer who killed this genocide 20 years ago already dead? Is it really the father Wang Gang of room 503 of this genocide?"

Thinking of Cheng Yiping involuntarily looking at the tombstone here, his pupils shrank sharply.

I saw the name of the owner on the tombstone is Zhou Jian!



Not right at all!

This is simply not true!

The owner's name in the massacre 20 years ago was called Wang Gang, not Zhou Jian at all.

What the **** is going on?

What's going on?

Cheng Yiping's pupils shrank sharply and noticed a huge problem.

next moment

With Cheng Yiping's thought, the soul stood silently, and the surrounding scenes turned into ashes like foam, and then continued to reorganize.

Super Finder App believes in finder, not only has the ability to find the target, but also has the ability to go back in time.

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