Super Finding App

Chapter 1672: Interrogation (1)

"No, Zhang Xiaona, did you really decide? You still have to stay in the first fierce house in Fuzhou to shoot the show. If I remember correctly, you already told me just now. That's enough, why do you need to stay here? "

Cheng Yiping looked at Zhang Xiaona, who was playing with the instrument, touched her head, walked over and asked.

He always feels weird about this Xinglong apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou.

Zhang Xiaona raised her head and showed a delicate face, smiled gently, and shook her head.

"Cheng Yiping, I know what you are worried about, but there is no way. The program we shot this time is a ghost in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou. There isn't really a ghost, originally we thought it was Liu Kexin, but the owner of the first fierce house in Fuzhou, Xinglong Apartment, said exactly the same thing. After all, Liu Kexin took advantage of this decoration a year ago. An instrument that can project ghosts is installed in Xinglong Apartment, a fierce house in Fuzhou. That is to say, even if the ghost is caused by Liu Kexin's instrument, it is only a year, but in Fuzhou, the first fierce house is a ghost. The legend has appeared as early as 20 years ago. The ghost that appeared should have nothing to do with Liu Kexin. "

"And this time, the program that our TV station in Jiangzhen City did is to completely decrypt it. Although I do n’t know if it can really be decrypted, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will never give up. This is me Job responsibilities. This is my job responsibility. "

Cheng Yiping opened her mouth and looked at Zhang Xiaona, who understood it completely.

Compared with other people, she can still persuade her, but Zhang Xiaona is very serious in her work. Similarly, Zhang Xiaona is able to go to her current position step by step with her serious work.

How could Cheng Yiping be able to pull Zhang Xiaona down, nodded

"I understand, I understand, but I still say that, if I really want to find out what happened to Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou 20 years ago, I think there are really some creepy and incredible, after all No one knew exactly what happened 20 years ago. "

Zhou Hui came over and nodded

"Mr. Cheng is absolutely right. Mr. Cheng is right. We really do n’t know what happened to the tragic massacre 20 years ago, but we also did a lot of work to make the weirdest apartment in Xinglong apartment, the first murder house in Fuzhou, All the circumstances are recorded, and most of them are on this fifth floor. Otherwise, we would not live in the room of room 503. "

"Okay, okay, I get it"

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and said

"In short, if you have a need, then tell me, I will definitely help you. The main thing is to run away immediately if there is danger. I do n’t want you to be in danger, although I do n’t believe there are ghosts in this world. Existence, but the Tao is a world of thousands, there are all kinds of wonders, this is no one can be sure of things. "

Cheng Yiping nodded and said, hesitated, and felt his chin.

He was thinking, if this is the case, should he also use the Super Find App, and find out if there are any real ghosts in this Xinglong apartment. In other words, is it possible to find the so-called ghost in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, by using the super-sense search of the super-hunting app?

What happened to the massacre that happened 20 years ago?

Although Cheng Yiping thought so, he shook his head. He just spent more than 100 points of faith just after looking for Liu Kexin, and finally got only three points of faith.

Lost trousers are basically gone.

If you look for what happened 20 years ago, don't think about anything else, but at least one thing is certain, that is, the belief points must be quite expensive.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, now I have very few faith points, not too much, not to mention me. Besides, I need to save my faith points to find a super-find app The other two pieces of faith seek things "

Cheng Yiping touched his chin, but from the beginning to the end he hadn't forgotten that he was looking for the other two pieces. This is a very important thing.

After all, after looking for the other two fragments, he was able to become the so-called new god, and what is the purpose of his so-called new god, Cheng Yiping did not know, but he knew very well that if he found it, he would be able to know this. What exactly is the so-called new god.

At the same time, Liu Kexin, Li Yingjie and Lu Weiliang stayed in the Fuzhou City Public Security Bureau.

It's just that Lu Weiliang and Li Yingjie belong to the investigation and cooperation, which can be said to be quite free, however.

Liu Kexin was a guarded person in the police station, while Lu Weiliang and Li Yingjie were investigated.

However, the two were relatively under investigation and they were worried about Liu Kexin.

Even in the police station, after simply making a transcript, the two people communicated with each other, speaking loudly, it seemed very dissatisfied and worried about the current situation

"Police, police, what the **** are you doing? What the **** are you doing? Isn't it a joke to break the law this year? Liu Kexin is just joking. This is originally an event held by our club, which is nothing like killing. relationship"

Lu Weiliang slammed his hands on the table with a crackling hand, making a loud voice, shouting angrily and desperately.

"Yes, yes, even if you say you want to kill, there should always be evidence. The monitoring above shows very clearly. When Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming died, Liu Kexin was not on the scene. Can you just do it casually? Framing people, even if Liu Kexin summoned ghosts with the so-called instruments, scared Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming, but that can only be called a joke at most, and he died accidentally. How can you say that it is murder? This is simply not true , This is simply not right. "

"That's enough. Both of you calmed me down a bit. This is the police station. It's not in the vegetable market. It's not a place where you can just yell!"

A voice came from behind, scaring Lv Weiliang and Li Yingjie, staring at their pockets and turning their heads, when Police Officer Zheng walked up with a long walk, his face showed a firm identity, eyes straight Gou stared at Lu Weiliang and Li Yingjie:

Obviously for Police Officer Zheng, this is not the first time such a situation has happened. After all, such a thing often happens in this police station. Zheng Guoqiang knows how to deal with such a situation now.

It is necessary to suppress them in momentum, in exchange for initiative.

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