Super Finding App

Chapter 1655: It's impossible to kill a ghost!

The boss of Xinglong Inn suddenly turned pale and embarrassed. He reached out and touched his back, and said awkwardly.

"Police officer, police officer, misunderstanding, misunderstanding. This is a misunderstanding. All of this is for business, for business."

Zheng Guoqiang shook his head gently

"Can you fool for business? Can you pretend to be a ghost for business?"

"Do n’t you go online and go online. You also know the haunted house I hit here. What is the first haunted house? Of course, there must be a ghost in the so-called haunted house. Although I do n’t know if there is anything in our apartment, There are no ghosts, but since the guests come to have this demand, we naturally have to meet them. Just like the haunted house outside, everyone knows that the ghosts in the haunted house are fake. Yes. These are all pediatrics. "

"I just adjusted the voltage in the apartment to make the voltage unstable, the lights flickered, and the network and specific programs were also installed in the TV. When a certain time, the recorded situation will automatically appear, remote control It does n’t have any effect. All these are just some misunderstandings. Some small services. I did n’t kill anyone, right? ”

"It should be said that this is a service, this is a service, this is a service in my Xinglong apartment!"

"Service? Speaking of deception as a service, you businessmen are really interesting. Honestly, I can tell you that it is a scam."

Zheng Guoqiang shook his head gently, took a deep breath, and said

"Even these, do you have any other so-called gadgets in Xinglong Apartment, are there any in this bathroom, are there any other places? It is best to tell them all at once."

"No, no, absolutely no, absolutely no, how can I do this, I only have lights and TV sets, if I really want them, the staff will wear ghost clothes at night and pretend in the corridor. Ghost walking is as simple as nothing else left. "


The owner of Xinglong Apartment quickly said that his face had some tangles after a while.

Zheng Guoqiang's pupils shrank sharply

"But what, you have made it clear. You have to know that two people have already died in Xinglong Apartment. Although both have the possibility of suicide, I'm afraid I can't get rid of this Xinglong Apartment. If you say If you want to be a murder suspect, I have every reason to take you to the police station for questioning slowly. "

"It doesn't matter if you go into the police station, it doesn't matter if you go into the police station, I said, I said ..."

"In fact, I really do n’t know how to tell you. Although I did make some mistakes in the Xinglong Xinglong apartment, but in fact, after I bought this Xinglong apartment, I really encountered Ghost, on the 5th floor, just on the 5th floor, the staff and I have met the ghost, it looks quite scary and creepy. "

"So I don't usually live on the 5th floor, so I said that two people died in my apartment in Xinglong. Maybe I really met a ghost, it was a ghost."

"Edit, continue editing"

Zheng Guoqiang angrily anti-smiling fingers gently point the police officer to search some of the voltage about small movements and the software into the TV said

"Police officer, what I said is true. Now that I have discovered all these gadgets, I still lied to you. I met a ghost in the Xinglong apartment and the staff. I really met a ghost on the fifth floor So, ah, all the buildings on the 5th floor didn't move, they were simply arranged according to the original decoration, just afraid to touch the ghost. "

"So if this time the case was not suicide, it should definitely be the work of a ghost!"

"Ghost, it's just nonsense"

Zheng Guoqiang shook his head and didn't believe a word.

As a policeman, he absolutely does not believe that there are ghosts in this world.

One way is to believe that there are ghosts in the world, but rather that there are no criminals in this world.

After Zheng Guoqiang thought for a moment, he turned and came to the lobby on the first floor.

At this moment, Liu Kexin, Lu Weiliang, and Li Yingjie are all very pale.

Liu Kexin's body was still shaking slightly because of fear, Lu Weiliang swallowed saliva, his teeth were shaking, and Li Yingjie's face was pale and bloodless.

A group of five of them came to explore the apartment in Xinglong, the first fierce house in Fuzhou. As a result, two people have died in a row. This is definitely not a good thing.

"There are ghosts, there are ghosts, there must be ghosts, there must be ghosts, I want to leave here, I want to leave here, I must leave here, we absolutely cannot stay in this Xinglong apartment, we cannot stay in In this Xinglong apartment, otherwise we will all die, we will all die "

Suddenly, Li Yingjie jumped up, hissing exhausted, with a look of horror on his face, pale and bloodless.

"Li Yingjie is absolutely right. Although I do n’t know what happened, why Zhao Xiaofei and Zhou Qiming died, but this first Fuzhou mansion is really weird. This Xinglong apartment ca n’t really stay here anymore. Why don't we leave now and tell the police, shall we leave now? "

Lu Weiliang said immediately, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Although he vowed to swear that there is no ghost in this world, he saw with his own eyes that Zhou Qiming was drowned in the toilet. It is impossible to say that he had no other thoughts in his heart.

"Wait, the three of you can't leave yet"


Zheng Guoqiang's voice came from the ears of the three, and when Zheng Guoqiang walked around, he looked at them as if they were looking at them.

The three men shivered all over, Zheng Guoqiang said

"I hope to have a conversation with you again. Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming are all your companions. In other words, the death of two people at the same time is absolutely abnormal. I want to know if you have any The matter is hidden from our police. I hope you can tell me more information and more information to get the key to solving the case! "

Zheng Guoqiang spoke earnestly and said, looking at the three people with similar spirits and similarities in front of him vigilantly, although the information so far integrated, whether it is Zhao Xiaotian or Zhou Qiming, the possibility of suicide is quite high.

But it was because of this that Zheng Guoqiang felt very strange and confused.

If Zhao Xiaotian was bathed in the bathroom, the heater fell into the water and died of electric shock.

After all, such unlucky things will happen in reality.

But Zhou Qiming was drowned by the toilet water when he went to the bathroom. This is an incredible thing.

Even people who want to commit suicide will not do such creepy and disgusting things.

In other words, if Zhou Qiming didn't commit suicide, it might be homicide!


It's impossible to kill a ghost!

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