Super Finding App

Chapter 1635: Fate

As the saying goes, don't die.

Although there are not necessarily so-called ghosts in this world, there are so-called demons and ghosts, but it is not certain that they are not.

Things like even the Super Hidden App exist today, even the so-called new gods can exist, and they have encountered such magical things as mirages. If there is a ghost, it is not incomprehensible.

If there really is such a ghost in this world and a fierce house, then Zhang Xiao would be in trouble.

Cheng Yiping took a sip of air-conditioning, feeling a bit annoyed. Looking at the information on the fierce house of Xinglong Apartment in Fuzhou, which he found on his mobile phone, he really felt a little bit frightened, and continued to search:

Looking at the line drawn below the screen of the phone, there was a weird face.

[Special price, special price Fuzhou's first fierce house in Xinglong Apartment Special price, original price 599, current price 288]

[The first fierce house in Fuzhou, Xinglong Apartment launched a fierce house suite to enjoy the evil attack. Couples who enjoy a horrible atmosphere.

[Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou City, launched the fierce house room, which completely simulates the brutal place of the door-out tragedy 20 years ago, allowing you to experience the horror of the fierce house first-hand. 】

What exactly is going on?

Is this true or false?

Isn't Xinglong Apartment the first fierce house in Fuzhou?

It should be inaccessible. How could there be so many news about Xinglong apartment accommodation on the Internet?

What exactly is going on?

Cheng Yiping watched the aggressiveness of the message found on the phone and thought about it and clicked quickly.

After a while his face became strangely weird.

I saw a dilapidated apartment appearing inside the mobile phone, apparently as if it was burned by the flames. The word "Xinglong Apartment" above the apartment was clearly visible

Unlike the bright signboards of other apartments, these four words look like shabby, but they are still tenacious and strong, giving a terrifying atmosphere.

And on the Xinglong apartment, there is an electronic banner. The information on the Xinglong apartment and the information of recruiting employees are printed on it.

That's right!

Cheng Yiping really read that right, this Xinglong apartment is in business, and it is also a distinctive apartment hotel!

What exactly is going on?

Could it be said that some people dare to go in and live in the fierce house? Cheng Yiping really felt stranger and more confused the more he looked.

In his impression, it was really the murder house where the door-out tragedy happened. Ordinary people must be afraid to avoid it. Even if there is no real ghost, it will feel very obscure. Who will somehow enter this murder house? ?

The problem is that Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, is definitely in a state of business.

What makes Cheng Yiping feel strange is that the business is quite good. You must make an appointment in advance if you want to move in!

After looking at a lot of information on the Internet, Cheng Yiping finally understood it, his face became ugly, and he took a long breath.

"It's really undead, there is nothing strange in the world. It turns out that this Xinglong apartment has indeed been abandoned for some time since the door-out tragedy happened more than 20 years ago, but I don't know when it will be opened. The hand of a businessman turned into an apartment, and the main thing was a fierce house, and the fun was excitement. "

"Originally, so many people think that no one wants to live in this haunted house. Is it okay to accompany a ghost? Isn't it just to die? But I didn't expect that people now like the haunted house very much. I lived there for one night and felt the horror. There were even many so-called ghosts and peculiar lovers and adventurous teams, or a continuous stream of people revealing secrets. The business of Xinglong Apartment became booming. If you want to live in the room where the door-breaking tragedy happened, you must make an appointment in advance, otherwise you wo n’t be able to enter if you have money. "

"Hell, hell, it's really a world of thousands, there are all kinds of wonders. People who have met ghosts before are afraid to avoid it. People nowadays are better not to be a haunted house and not to live in. This is not to die."

Cheng Yiping scratched his temples with a headache, especially after the beginning of the past 10 years, he will die a person every year, which makes the reputation of the fierce house more solid.

Generally speaking, once a dead person is found in the apartment, who is willing to live in the apartment where the person died, are they not afraid of danger?

But the problem is that the first fierce house in Fuzhou, Xinglong Apartment was originally a fierce house. In the concept of people, a person who dies each year not only does not let Xinglong Apartment be closed, but you become more and more prosperous. Adding to the horrible and strange atmosphere of Xinglong Apartment, it became the first fierce house in Fuzhou.

Cheng Yiping looked at the news collected on the Internet and was really crying. I have to say that people's thinking has been completely different this year. Even the ghost can't avoid it from everyone before, and now to find a ghost, I can only say Do not die.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he sighed sighily, or opened the special APP software in his mobile phone and started to look for Xinglong apartment in Fuzhou.

I have to say that although Xinglong Apartment is the first fierce house in Fuzhou, it really keeps up with the trend, it is really available on the special hotel app, and its sales are quite good.

Cheng Yiping thought for a while, and then set up a room, this room is still the cheapest kind, even so, Cheng Yiping 299, some heartache.

"Hell, hell, if I had changed to the past, I would never have believed that I would spend 300 yuan to live in a fierce house!"

After Cheng Yiping settled in Xinglong Apartment, he threw the mobile phone into the bed with amusement, and slammed into the bed with his eyes closed slightly.

Since Zhang Xiaona is in trouble, I will go to the Xinglong apartment complex in Fuzhou to shoot a recorded program tomorrow. I do n’t have time to stay in Jiangzhen City. Then Cheng Yiping will follow him by himself.

The so-called fate, the so-called fate, also need to fight for themselves.

The fate of this fate is incredible, but it is also difficult to see and touch, so in many cases it is better to believe in fate than to believe in this fate!

In this world, humans will always prevail.

Many people just rely on fate and luck, thinking that they ca n’t meet today and can meet tomorrow, but some people miss something once they miss it.

But if you take the initiative and work hard, create fate without fate, create opportunity without fate, and grasp that it may change from 0 to 1, then all the results will be completely different.

This shook his head into a flat, and set aside the cranky thoughts in his mind.

Suddenly remembered that if you meet Zhang Xiaona at Xinglong Apartment in Fuzhou tomorrow, Zhang Xiaona's expression will be very exciting.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, a bright smile appeared.

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