Super Finding App

Chapter 1628: hope

I do n’t know if it was because the two robbers, Zheng Rihua and Li Fanqiang, were too nervous to hold the hostages for the first time. They did n’t search and did n’t collect Ruan Xintong ’s cell phone.

This gave Ruan Xintong a glimmer of hope. She hid carefully in the corner of the dilapidated wall, her heart beating violently, her clothes were shattered, and her high heels had no idea what kind of place to throw them into, and her face was dirty , Where there are urban beauty wearing professional clothing inside the bank.

At this moment, the makeup on the face is blurred like sweaty face because of sweat and tears, so he carefully took out the mobile phone.

"Alarm, I want to call the police, I want to call the police, I definitely want to call the police"

Ruan Xintong's hand holding the phone was trembling. The original jade hand was only used to do some meticulous work. At this moment, the meridians are prominent and trembling, just like a sheep epidemic. I almost did not take the phone a few times stable.

Even so, it was difficult to hold the phone firmly, and both hands held the phone tightly.

This cell phone is not only used to watch time, it is used to communicate is the hope of all her life.

Quickly turned on the phone and dialed 110, but the phone heard a beeping sound.

No signal!

Ruan Xintong fell into despair for an instant, how could there be no signal?

How could there be no signal?

How could this be?

Suddenly there was a cold voice in his ear that made his hair cold.

"I heard the sound of the phone, I heard the sound of the phone, she was nearby, she was nearby, find her out, find her out"

Ruan Xintong was so frightened that she turned off her cell phone, her body shivered in the corner and shivered. She didn't know what she should do.

"Hell, hell, what the **** is going on? Didn't you tie her up in the first place? It was so horrible that she let her escape. If you really let her escape and lose her hostage, to At that time, we can hardly fly, the main thing is that she has seen our true face. "

Zheng Rihua scolded with anger

"How do I know? How do I know that she will hide her cell phone in her body and find her out quickly, if she calls the police, it will be troublesome."

Li Fanqiang's body was trembling, his teeth were snoring. It seemed to think that the hostage had escaped, and even called the police. His face had a panic and anxiety, and said trembling

"Let's go. Let's run away. The hostage must have called the police. It won't be long before the police will come. Let's run away."

"Shut up, shut up, you shut up for me. Why did I choose a timid guy like you to call the police and she must have a signal? You do n’t really think I found it casually This one's hiding place, is this rotten tailgate just because it's a rotten tailgate? "

Zheng Rihua sneered, using his fingers to point his head

"Please, please, even if you are stupid, please watch more police films, watch more movies, watch more film and television dramas, then you know, how can you be foolproof? There is nothing in this rotten tailgate I chose. The signal, in other words, even if she has a mobile phone, she ca n’t dial out at all, okay? Without any signal, she ca n’t call out at all, and she ca n’t call the police. All we have to do is find her out and unload it. Eight "

"No signal, is it really fake?"

Li Fanqiang quickly pulled out his mobile phone and played for a while, and found that there was really no signal. The keys to dial out were all beeping sounds, immediately showing the expression of surprise and worship.

"Brother Zheng, you are really terrific. I didn't expect that you could even figure this out clearly. This is great. As long as there is no signal on the mobile phone, the hostage ca n’t report it even if he wants to report to the police."

"Okay, okay, don't say these big words here, even if he can't report to the police, if he escapes, runs out of the rotten tail floor, and runs into the area where there is a signal, then we will be finished!"

"Find her out quickly, find her out quickly, she's just a mentally retarded girl, you won't even beat a woman."

Zheng Rihua said with a grimace

"Relax, rest assured, no problem, no problem, I will be able to find it, I will be able to find it"

"It just sounded like I heard over there. We're going now"

At first glance, there was no signal on the mobile phone, that was enough to show that the hostages could not alarm at all. Since they could not alarm, what were they afraid of?

There was a fierce light in Li Fanqiang's eyes, and he went in the direction of hearing the sound of the phone.


In the darkness, a figure stumbled and ran out, running towards the distance.

"I found it. I found it. I hid there and chased her, chased her, and chased her. I must seize her."

Zheng Rihua and Li Fanqiang followed quickly.

A life-death chase is underway in the dimly damaged rotten tail building.

"Escape, escape, I have to run, I have to run, I have to run away quickly"

Ruan Xintong is desperately running.

She didn't know at all. The only thing she knew was that the farther you could escape, the better, and the farther you could escape, the better.

I only knew that I ran down the broken staircase and ran down. As long as I was able to escape this rotten tail floor, I could be rescued if I could run to the place where the mobile phone had a signal.

However, she was barefoot on the concrete floor, her running feet had been cut by stones, her clothes were damaged, and she fell to the ground with a splash, and she was bruised all over.

In the darkness behind him, two looters were gradually approaching.

She has been almost desperate.

How to do?

How to do?

What should I do now?

Am I really unable to escape? Ruan Xintong is almost on the verge of despair, holding the phone tightly in his hand

Looking up, the mobile phone still has no signal, and the mobile phone's shiny faint light seems to guide the two robbers like a beacon.

Ruan Xintong was desperately running but could do nothing.


Ruan Xintong bowed his head with the vibration of the mobile phone.

I saw the icon of the Super Hidden App that I had not used much after downloading on the page of my mobile phone.

Then it gradually grew larger, the bright and rotating starry sky emerged, and the infinitely deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerged.

[During the launch of the Super Finding App, will the seeker launch the Super Finding App to find the escape route? 】

what 's wrong?

How is this going?

Ruan Xintong's eyes widened. With a look of aggression, she didn't know how the Super Hidden App on her mobile phone suddenly appeared, but at this moment she couldn't even care about it, staring directly at the expression on this screen Text.

Looking for escape routes?

Look for it!

Look for it!

Ruan Xintong didn't hesitate at all. He sharply raised his finger and pressed down on the search.

In an instant

The page of the bright starry sky rotated by the Super Hidden Object APP on the mobile phone screen bursts like a firework

[Super Finding App Finding Connection ...]

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