Super Finding App

Chapter 1616: Fire brigade

Although Wang Fugui's name is very old-fashioned, Wang Fugui is a strong man in his 30s.

In the early years when he was a soldier, what he did in the army was the firefighter, and after being retired, he was directly assigned to the fire station. Although many people think that the fire station should be a very good civil servant, in fact the firefighters' work is very heavy. And quite dangerous.

Although there are so-called working hours and working hours, they will be dispatched as soon as a fire breaks out. No matter where you are, you must rush back. The most serious thing is that you must stay in the fire if there is nothing after work. In the game, because no one knows where the fire will happen, or where will something special happen?

The fire station does not just do a fire. Even ordinary people have some other difficulties that need to take the initiative. It can be said that it is definitely a type of labor.

And almost all of his time is occupied.

This is not Wang Fugui just returned to bed after work, rested for a few minutes, and immediately heard the sound of the alarm, conditioned to jump up from the bed, quickly dressed neatly and rushed out, then in the fire truck Upon receiving the mission, Yu Zishan, not far from them, coaxed her, and it is said that someone was trapped in it. "

Not only his fire brigade, Wang Fugui, but other fire brigades and even nearby troops have been deployed for rescue.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Xiaoli, I have something temporary now, so I can't accompany you for a date. I just received an urgent task. Let's go to the rescue right now, and when I'm done, I'll come back when I'm busy How about you? "

"Stop, stop, don't get angry, don't get angry. You also know that the nature of my job is here. Since it has already happened, I naturally want to focus on work, which is also an organizational discipline."

"Okay, okay, okay, you can rest assured, you can rest assured. You go shopping with your girlfriends first. If you send something when you consume it, I will pay for it for you."

On the fire truck, Wang Fugui held his mobile phone and lowered his eyebrows, carefully begging his father to tell his grandmother that the sweat on the forehead on his face flowed violently. After finally soothing his girlfriend, it became loose. Breath.

The companions on the side smiled and said

"What's wrong? Did the sister-in-law tell it again? The sister-in-law was angry again?"

Wang Fugui showed a bitter look

"It's not a sister-in-law, it's just a girlfriend. Then she should be angry. It should have been my holiday today. I wanted to take a rest in the morning, and went shopping with her in the afternoon. It was already settled. Of course, she is angry, of course. "

"It's true. After all, our work is too special. Even when it's okay, we must stay in the army and go out to report."

"No way, this is the nature of our work. Who can think of an accident that could cause us to dispatch either a fire alarm or ordinary people who have encountered various difficulties. Your girlfriend should also be able to Understand "

"If you ca n’t understand it, you should divide it early. Although it ’s more cruel to say this, it is better than having trouble in the future. Like my wife, I honestly think that I still owe her a little, and almost all of my family It's a bit unsatisfactory to rely on him for control. "

Wang Fugui's companion said,

"Every row has every sore spot"

Wang Fugui nodded and smiled bitterly

"" I understand, I understand, my girlfriend is still very reasonable, in fact, I do not want to find a job from 9 to 5, why not want to work overtime after work, why not want to have my own time, but the nature of work is There is no way here, is it because we are out of work from 9: 5 to 5 am not going to rescue? "

"Is it because it's time to get off work, and what happened to the common people comes to the task, so we won't participate and won't work overtime? How is that possible?"

"We are the protectors of the common people."

Wang Fugui said. Revealing his face is the respect for his profession, which radiates radiance.

"This is exactly the same, like a traffic policeman. If you are afraid of a traffic accident, do n’t be a traffic policeman. Just like a policeman catches a prisoner. If you are afraid of a prisoner ’s resistance, you do n’t want to be a policeman. Revenge, then don't be a drug detective. "

"Similarly, just like a teacher, if you are afraid of losing your job after you manage your students, then don't be a teacher. Every profession has its sense of responsibility and there will be dangers, even for civil servants. If we make achievements, we will get fired if we make mistakes, but our work is more important. "

"What we protect is the safety of people's lives and property."

"That's what it said. When I first came to the fire brigade, I still thought the fire brigade was very good. Now I don't think so. I just hope that this can happen less often. It is best to be able to Do nothing, so that everyone can be happy "

Wang Fugui shook his head and said something completely different.

The companion did not have any dissatisfaction, but laughed.

"Yes, yes, we have no mission. This represents Guotai Min'an. If our fire brigade is dispatched, it will either be a fire alarm, or it will be a rescue, or it will be a bad thing for the common people. Each one is definitely not a good thing. By contrast, this is best if there are no surprises every day. "

Wang Fugui and his colleagues talk to me

"Well, what is the mission this time? I heard that a landslide with Zishan has happened, which is too exaggerated."

"I only know this and Zishan. Although it is not too high, it is not possible to cause a landslide for no reason. There have been no reports of earthquakes and natural disasters recently. How can a landslide happen?" No

"It's clear, it's not clear, but according to the previous news, it seems that the landslide with Zishan this time was artificial."

"There is a way that people's hearts are always greedy. I don't understand. Even if they are going to do something, can't they consider their own safety? They just blasted the mountain casually?"

"God knows what they think, and in the case of someone, it's just kidding themselves and others' lives."

"No, mountain blasting, how is that possible? If mountain blasting or quarrying or the like should require the consent of the relevant state departments, it is impossible for you to blast and collect casually, and you can Half of the mountain with Yuzishan was bombed. How much exaggeration can this take? "

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