Super Finding App

Chapter 1545: Testament


The short two words instantly fell into the ears of Cheng Yiping, Yang Zi and others.

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth wide, and some did not respond.

"What's so important about a testament, let alone you are not dead now"

Yang Zi aside said

"Dad, what are you talking about? What's so important about the testament? You are not dead now, why do you want a testament? Don't even say it, don't say it's so bad?"

"What the **** are you doing? Even if the testament is gone, isn't it important that we write another testament? Can we wait for us to leave here first? Okay, shall we leave the ship cemetery first?"

Zheng Yingying stood and bit her teeth and shook her head.

"Sister Yang, you are wrong. The last testament that Lao Yang said was not his testament, but the testament of the dead who died in the ship cemetery. It is the testament of many old uncles and uncles of Yang Lao."


Not Yang Lao's testament, but the testament of those who died in the ship's cemetery!

As the same lightning struck Cheng Yiping and Yang Zi's minds, the two of them understood it instantly.

Yang Lao raised his head and his face was lonely and sad.

"This is their testament. You know that I have been in the ship's cemetery for 20 years. How many people came to the ship's cemetery and died, except for those who died in the ship's cemetery. Those colleagues from our research institute, they stayed with me in this steamship cemetery and struggled to survive. All of them thought that they could leave this steamship cemetery, they could leave here to reunite with their family, and return to In the outside world, but none of them survived, all died. "

"Whenever they die, they write a testament before they die. The testament will be written by all the dead in the ship's cemetery. It contains their love for their families and their hope for their lives. With their unfulfilled wishes, this is proof that they remain in this world, is proof that they have survived, and this is the hope they gave me. "

"I have made up my mind that whoever leaves the ship's cemetery, I must take these testaments out, to the outside world, to the hands of their family members, to the hands of their loved ones, as a comfort Their families and loved ones told them that even in this ship cemetery, they have never forgotten their family. "

"This is their thoughts, which is proof that they have survived, but now these testaments are gone, and these testaments are gone. Why is this? Why is this?"

"I have kept these testaments very well. I have kept these testaments. Why did they disappear? Who took them and who took them?"

One way is that the man does not cry easily with tears, but he has not reached the sad spot.

In Cheng Yiping's view, Yang Lao has always been very strong. Tears were flowing, and he fell weakly and fell to his knees, crying, and the tears flowed, as if he had lost the most precious thing.

All of a sudden, everyone in the room was silent.

Will the testament, the testament, be the testament of many dead people in this survivor camp?

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly.

This is indeed the case. If you change yourself, then you will enter or leave the ship cemetery. I am afraid that there will be a testament before death. In this testament, you will have your own love for life and death, for family, friends and even It is the incomparable miss of his wife and children.

This is the proof that they have survived in this world, that is, their last memorial to their loved ones and to the living.

I hope someone can take this testament out after death, hand it over to my family, friends and family, to the person I love, and tell them that I have never forgotten them from beginning to end.

This is proof that they have survived in this world and the only thing these trapped people can do

A small testament may not have many words, or it may be a long story. But within each word, the living person ’s hope for life and the family ’s aspirations may be worthless, but in some cases In the hands of people, it is more precious than gold in the hands of relatives and friends of the victims.

And this life was stolen.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping's anger and rushing to the crown instantly here, gritted his teeth and his face with a cold look, his fists made a crunching sound, his heart beating fiercely.

He can accept that anyone steals anything for money, which is understandable, but why is something worthless such as a testament stolen?

This one illustrates the problem, that is, stealing this testament to know the importance of this testament to Yang Lao.

Even so, he should do such a heart-breaking thing. This is simply annihilation of human nature, which is simply heart-breaking.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping taking a deep breath, he pulled Yang Lao up and said

"Enough, calm down. Now that the testament has been stolen, there is no use in crying even if you cry here. I now ask you if you remember what the testament looks like?"

Remember what this posthumous book looked like?

"Remember, remember"

Yang Lao opened his mouth. Nodded, tears on his face

"Remember, remember I certainly remember, although I have never read these testaments, after all, they are written to their relatives and friends to their families, but I still remember what you said about the testament."

Yang's head is wavy.

Cheng Yiping took a deep breath and said

"Since you remember, it's easy"

Talking about taking out the phone from his arms, playing a few times in his hand,

"Don't forget what I did, I was looking for someone to find things. Since your testament was stolen, then I will help you find it back."

"I want to see who stole the testament, so heartbroken?"


Can you find someone?

Can I get the testament back?

true or false.

Yang Lao's aggressive face couldn't believe it.

For 20 years in this survivor's tribe, he didn't even know that the outside world was changing, and he didn't even know the aggressiveness of the so-called Super Hidden Object APP.

I saw Yang Zi speak quickly beside her

"Dad, dad, it's true, it's true, Mr. Cheng is really great. The reason why we can find this ship cemetery, we can enter the ship cemetery thanks to Mr. Cheng"

"Mr. Cheng's super-hunting app will definitely help you find your suicide note, and he will definitely help you find it."

Yang Lao's face was aggressive, and some were at a loss, and opened his mouth and said

"Really, really? Can you really help me find my testament?"

Cheng Yiping chuckled and showed a confident smile, playing with the phone in his hand.

"Of course, don't you know that? Super Find App is your best find assistant."

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