Super Finding App

Chapter 1533: long time no see

In the meeting room of the International Cruise Ship Shuiyue, Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, George Ender of the country, and Caro Robin and the second princess Caroshan, and many of the relatives of the royal family looked at each other with light. Tan Xueqing and Secretary Wang showed a surprised look.

To them, Tan Xueqing and Secretary Wang are their Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"Tan Xueqing, Secretary Wang. Thank you very much for coming to the rescue. I didn't expect you to find this ship cemetery. You are really quite hard."

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, said that she naturally knew how difficult it was to enter the ship's cemetery.

"His Royal Highness Princess II, all this is worth it. Now all countries on this Aquamarine Star are preparing for and looking for the disappearance of your Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship. We are just lucky."

Tan Xueqing said

The second princess Tang Xuanyu, who looked at the eyes, knew through a simple narrative that Her Royal Highness Princess No. 2 had nothing to do. Then she was relieved, and the secretary Wang Wang gritted her teeth and said

"We came a little late. Just now, the original inhabitants of the ship cemetery raided the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship. We should have come in advance, although we learned from the mouth of Yang Lao that the original residents attacked Shuiyue. The luxury international cruise ship did not expect to arrive late, but fortunately, everyone in the Shuiyue international luxury cruise ship has defeated the original residents in the ship cemetery, otherwise, if it lasts for a few days, God knows what will happen It ’s really all good, everything is good. "

Secretary Wang wiped the sweat from her forehead and said that she was really afraid of the misfortune that Princess Xuanyu suffered, and that would be troublesome.

Soon, the atmosphere culminated with Tan Xueqing and the many soldiers on the Secretary Wang's warship and the crowds of the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship.

Of course, all the grievances and disputes between the staff and service staff on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship and the service staff and others are of course no existence.

Everyone knows that now that the rescue team has arrived, will it be far from leaving the ship's cemetery?

"Wait, wait, guys, although we did meet Tang Guo's rescue team now, but don't forget that Tang Guo's rescue team was also trapped in this ship's cemetery. Do you say if they Way out of here? "

"No, no, don't frighten me. Since the rescue team of Tiantang Kingdom has arrived, they will definitely know how to enter the ship's cemetery, and they also have methods to leave the ship's cemetery."

"Don't you frighten me, don't you say they are all involved in the storm of ghosts like us. Can only enter, can make up?"

"It is possible, it is certainly possible, do not forget that this is the ship's cemetery. There are indigenous people who have not left the ship's cemetery for more than two decades. You said that the Tang Dynasty rescue team came to this ship's cemetery. Could it really take us out of here? "

"Yeah, yeah, how can we forget this. If the rescue team of Tiantang Kingdom can't take us out of the ship cemetery, it means they are also trapped in the ship cemetery, so what use is it?"

"Don't scare me, don't scare me, but don't scare me, there won't be such a thing happening, if this is the case, then we still can't leave this ship cemetery"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited. I believe the nobles on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruises must have also discussed this issue, there will be results, there will be results."

"No matter what happens, we will keep this grain warehouse as before. If the rescue team of Tianganguo really can't leave the ship's cemetery, food is very important."

"It shouldn't, it shouldn't."

After a brief excitement, everyone on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship began to suffer. After all, everyone knows that the arrival of the rescue team in Tiantang Kingdom is indeed a good thing.

But if they cannot be removed from the ship's cemetery, it is tantamount to nothing.

Taking this issue into consideration, there is also Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty.

At the moment in the conference room of the International Cruise Ship Shuiyue, Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, raised her head and looked at Secretary Wang and Tan Xueqing.

"Do you know how to leave the ship's cemetery?"

With the words of Princess Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, the other people in the conference room and the royal nobles suddenly breathed quickly, staring at Tang Xueqing and Secretary Wang, for fear of hearing something bad from their mouth Message.

Only saw Secretary Wang taking a deep breath and showing a bright smile, looking over to Cheng Yiping and saying

"His Royal Highness Princess II, we were able to come to this ship's cemetery, thanks to this Mr. Cheng, and Mr. Cheng also said that he knew how to leave this ship's cemetery."

Mr. Cheng.

Cheng Yiping!

The eyes of Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, fell on Cheng Yiping's face instantly. After a little hesitation, she shouted in surprise.

She knew Yiping.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Miss Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, didn't expect to meet in this place. To be honest, you are really very leisurely and elegant. You can even go to this place where the birds do not **** on a steamer parade. , I have to say that you rich people really play. "

Cheng Yiping laughed lightly.

The second princess of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanyu, was speechless.

Is it called to play?

Is it called to play?

This is called death at all, okay?

We came here very unexpectedly!

Of course, Tang Xuanyu, the second son of the Tang Dynasty, naturally would not say it, and took a deep breath.

"It turned out to be Mr. Cheng. Thank you so much. I don't know how Mr. Cheng can leave this ship cemetery."

"Stop, stop. You don't need to give me a lot of thanks. Honestly, if it wasn't for Doudou begging me, I wouldn't have promised to help."

Cheng Yiping shrugged and said directly

"You should know that I have the Super Hidden Object App. I also found the way to enter the ship cemetery through the Super Hidden Object App. Only then did you find your Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship. Similarly, I must also use the Super Hidden Object App. Can find a way out of the ship cemetery! "

"What? Super Finding aPP"

"It's possible, it's possible, it's really possible, I know the Super Hidden Object App is really amazing"

"Yeah, yeah, Super Finding App, why didn't we think of using the Super Finding App to find a way to leave the ship's cemetery? Why didn't we think of it?"

"What did not think of it, we thought about it, but the Super Hidden App to find a way to leave the ship's cemetery needs a lot of faith points, and our faith points are simply not enough."

"Is this Mr. Cheng's faith worthy enough?"

"Whether it's enough or not, as long as you can find a way to leave the ship's grave, it's all worth it!"

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