Super Finding App

Chapter 1505: He will come

The cemetery of the ship is surrounded by a barren not far from the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship.

Carter of the Runaway Tribe led his mobsters in the swampy mud.

Here you can clearly feel the hardship of living in this ship's cemetery. Finding this kind of potty ship debris everywhere, it is so rare here to be able to find the existence and life of a fish, most of which are ship graves. The field did not arrive at the ship "

The film companion, as time goes by, these broken ship fragments also gradually generate rust, which will bring a deep rust taste into this swamp.

"Boss Boss, Boss Carter, would you say that Anthony would agree? Although your decision is definitely correct, but if this Anthony has not betrayed Lao Yang's ideas, then our plan wants to be fully implemented Come out, this is still quite troublesome, after all, this old Mr. Yang is really not leaking, and his prestige is quite high in this survivor tribe. "

A man with a sharp-eyed monkey cheek behind Carter said, licking his lips, a look of greed in his eyes.

Looking up at the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship not far away.

He knew he wanted to get everything that belonged to him, whether it was food or a woman.

He is very clear, as long as he can get all of this with the Carter boss, but the only thing he is worried about is the old man in the survivor tribe and the bare-headed Anthony. He can really betray the old age. ? .

"Of course you can, of course, you can betray Yang Lao. I said that anyone in this world can betray, and the ultimate cause of his not betrayal is that the price of betrayal is not enough. There is no such thing as no one in this world. Betrayed, so is Anthony. "

Carter started with a cold smile on his head, saying it word by word.

"As long as this Anthony has this ambition, as long as Anthony wants to make the survivor tribe live a better life, he will definitely agree to our requirements, and sometimes he will do more than us in the name of being good for others. Naked and more cruel, not to mention that Yang is already old, I do n’t believe that Anthony East, you will be willing to surrender to Yang under your whole life, this is simply impossible. "

Carter shook his head as he spoke, turning to look at the mobs behind him.

"What's more, don't you like the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise? Which one of the food and women on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise do you think is more important?"

With Carter's words, the thugs behind them talked violently, their faces excited and inexplicably showing a cruel look

"Do you still think about it? Of course it is food. There is a shortage of food in our ship cemetery. I can now seem to be able to smell the taste of food on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise. Rice, with this cake, with bread, this is something I have never eaten, but the food that I can only taste in dreams for a long time, of course, is food. "

"Stupid, stupid, it ’s really stupid. What is food, even if we do n’t drink milk or bread? What can we eat if we eat other foods? The most important thing is that women are women, of course. It ’s a woman, and I ’ve lived here for such a long time that I can only solve it myself every day. I want a woman, and then I will even be forced to become a person with a changed sexual orientation. ”

"That's right, that's right, woman, woman, and of course woman! There are so many waiters on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, each of them is a wonderful woman, even if you give me some age It ’s okay to be big. I do n’t want to use my male slave again in the mob tribe. Honestly, although there is not much difference, the real woman is the best. ”

"Yes, yes, that is, of course, women are important, of course women are important."

The mobs behind Carter chattered and talked endlessly.

For them, the most important food and woman on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise is the woman!

Card nodded and licked his lips, he remembered when he and Yang Lao went to negotiate on this international cruise ship on the Shuiyue. First of all, he did n’t promote the waiter-like young girls like Miaoling to make him salivate. Just the second princess Tang Xuanyu of Tiantang Kingdom on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise made him lick his lips, and Carlosanne, who has punished the country, has an exotic style, which makes it impossible for him to forget the two women!

Carter vowed that there must be a woman who follows him, and he is willing to do anything for all this

"You guys are absolutely right. The most important thing besides the real thing on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship is the woman. Because women are important to us, do you think Anthony does not want women? Anthony is also a sound Man "

Carter laughed as he said.

"My father told me in this world that in this world, men always ask for two things. The first is for money, and the second is for women. Regardless of the struggle for power and profit, the ultimate pursuit is These two things "

"Money is worthless in our ship's cemetery. Wanting money is of no use at all. Even the established so-called currency, the so-called money, just maintains the transactions in the ship's cemetery. The most important thing is women. Women are more important and non-renewable resources than money, so Anthony will definitely agree. "

Carter said with a cruel look, Carter's idea was quite simple indeed.

Although Mr. Yang built his tribe of survivors quite well, he forgot that the weak can never survive in this ship cemetery. Only beasts can survive more in harsh environments. "

"The main thing is that most people in the survivor tribe are men, and they also need women. Based on this, Anthony and the people in the survivor tribe will definitely live. Anthony 100% will betray Yang Lao. "

Carter said confidently. Suddenly one of the thugs ran over quickly, with his feet in the muddy swamp, and said excitedly, "Boss Carter, Boss Carter, come over, come over"

"I saw Anthony, I saw Anthony"

"Anthony brought the vast majority of the survivor tribe to our side not far away."

"Very good, very good, very good, this is very good, Anthony did not disappoint us"

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