Super Finding App

Chapter 1315: Imperative

"No, no, I did n’t say that. As the saying goes, meals can be eaten freely, but they ca n’t be freely spoken. I just want you to think about it. After all, sometimes people have done strenuous exercise. It is possible that the brain's memory has some deviations. Maybe you can't remember it. This is also entirely possible, right? "

"If you can really be sure that your watch was not lost in the lounge, but somewhere, it is naturally a joy, but if you must be sure that you lost it in the lounge, you will find it. Watch, I'm afraid you need to give us an account "

Cheng Yiping is very clear that Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui will never do such things, but they will not cause trouble, but they will never be afraid of it. Looking at the angry Zhang Zhe and Jiang Wenxin in front of them, they brought a large group of people. When this Xiaona came here to find Zhou Hui and others to confess their crimes, Cheng Yiping wanted to say that he was not angry. It was simply impossible.

However, before the use of the Super Hidden App, before Zhang Zhe's lost watch was not found, Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui, who became Yiping with absolute confidence and trust, had no use.

After all, catching thieves and stolen goods, and arresting and arresting doubles, there is no evidence to be the scene, saying that everything is false.

Now Cheng Yiping has absolutely abundant evidence, just trying to give the two people in front of him a chance.

Although it is not known whether Zhang Zhe and Jiang Wenxin are intentional or unintentional, at least Cheng Yiping will give them a chance.

Of course, the opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared. If they give up, they will definitely not be damned by the Virgin.

"Enough, don't say these devious words here. I know you are Zhang Xiaona's boyfriend. Even if you want to protect Zhang Xiaona, it is useless. Mr. Zhang Ze is our annual celebration in Jiangzhen City. Invited guests over here, but he is wearing a limited edition watch of the Tang Dynasty, which is worth nearly one million. If you report to the police, it is definitely a major case. You ca n’t solve it with just a few words. Since you say You have found Mr. Zhang Zhe's lost watch with the Super Find App, so please lead the way ... "

"Otherwise, it wouldn't be of any use to just talk about it."

The tall and charming Jiang Wenxin looked at Cheng Yiping and said word by word that she would never let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

No matter what is true or not, if it is said that Zhou Zhe's lost watch was stolen by Zhou Hui, this is a wonderful opportunity for Jiang Wenxin to drop Zhou Hui and Zhang Xiaona into the dust.

It is believed that as soon as this matter is actually hammered, Zhang Xiaona's position in the TV station in Jiangzhen City will certainly plummet, and she can no longer compete with her.

Such an opportunity, Jiang Wenxin will never give up.

"Well, if that's the case, then everyone will follow me. According to the search of the Super Finding App, Mr. Zhang's lost watch is not too far away from here, just within the TV station of Jiangzhen City."

Since you are going to die, I will not stop ...

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders, turned and walked forward. The deputy director's face behind him was ugly, followed by Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui. Zhang Zhe and Jiang Wenxin looked at each other, their faces were a little ugly, but Followed up.

"Well, let's see where is my watch?"

Zhang Ze said coldly, to be honest, although he is a big star, but this Tiantang limited edition watch is worth nearly one million, but it is the most expensive ornament on him.

Every time I only go outside, I will wear it on my own hand.

When staying at home, Zhang Zhe carefully put it up. After all, wearing nearly a million watches on his body, no one was paralyzed.

And now these millions of watches will be lost?

For Zhang Zhe, this is definitely a big deal.

"Relax, brother Zhang shouldn't be so worried. I want to say that this watch must have been stolen by Zhou Hui, and I will definitely find it for you. They must be envious, jealous and hateful."

The charming Jiang Wenxin gritted her teeth and said, although she would also have a bit of suspicion about this matter, after all, Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui's character is obvious to all in the TV station in Jiangzhen City. It should not be done like this .

But at this moment, Jiang Wenxin has completely permeated her eyes with her desire and greed.

Jiang Wenxin is very clear that although he did steal the power of Zhang Xiaona Jiangzhen's once-a-year celebration of the town this time, it was only a victory.

After all, Zhang Xiaona has a very high reputation in the TV station in Jiangzhen City. It is said that a camel is thinner than a horse. A sister of the TV station in Jiangzhen City cannot be defeated by only one failure.

Jiang Wenxin was also not sure that she would still be able to step Zhang Xiaona under her feet in the following days.

And once a sister like Zhang Xiaona flies back, it will be a thunder blow. At least Jiang Wenxin is confident that if he was originally the master plan of the annual celebration of Jiangzhen City TV Station, when he was busy for a long time and was about to complete, it was Others stepped in, and would absolutely hysterically growl, even crying and scolding very unwilling, and would never be as calm and watery as Zhang Xiaona.

I have always been preparing for follow-up actions, as if they were hit in cotton, and they have no effect at all. This is called cognition in the eyes of others, but in the view of Jiang Wenxin, this is definitely a man with a city People who can tolerate this kind of shame and shame are either those who are incompetent or those who are extremely capable.

And Zhang Xiaona is definitely not an incompetent person from any aspect. In other words, what will be waiting for Jiang Wenxin will be Zhang Xiaona's Thunder's counterattack.

Under this thunderous thunder attack, Jiang Wenxin was not sure that he would continue to win Zhang Xiaona, or even retreat.

After all, she can only rely on the deputy director in Jiangzhen TV Station.

And now a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity appears

Zhang Zhe's watch worth nearly one million was stolen, and only those who could have doubts were Zhou Hui!

Therefore, in Jiang Wenxin's view, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even if there are all kinds of doubts in it, Jiang Wenxin must identify and affirm that Zhou Hui stole Zhang Zhe's watch.

Only in this way can Zhou Hui and Zhang Xiaona be involved. Once things can be done, Zhang Xiaona will completely lose all the status and connections that Jiangzhen City TV Station has previously obtained ...

At that time, Jiang Wenxin had absolute confidence to be able to completely knock Zhang Xiaona off the dust and never turn over.

And her Jiang Wenxin will replace Zhang Xiaona as a sister in Jiangzhen City TV Station, and set off on the road of fame she has planned ...

No one can stop her!

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