Super Finding App

Chapter 1303: Dagger

"Why, guys, don't any of you have such self-confidence? If that's the case, it would really hurt me. Is the employee in Jiangzhen TV station so unconfident?"

"Or do you think you can't do it at all, is it so difficult to invite a first- and second-tier star? If so, you are really disappointed."

The deputy director frowned and said coldly, his face with a righteous expression.

If ordinary people heard it, they would really feel quite scared, but at the moment in the meeting room, except Jiang Wenxin, everyone else is left ear in and right ear out, with a sorry look on his face. , But my heart is sniffing.

Everyone knows very clearly that what the deputy director said in front of him was nothing but sounding words.

In fact, only this matter has been rumored throughout the town and city television stations, well known.

"Deputy director, if everyone is not confident, I can go on this matter. Although I just joined the TV station in Jiangzhen City for a short time, I still have this confidence, but I feel that It is possible to complete the task this time, and I hope the Deputy Director can give me a chance. "

Sure enough, Jiang Wenxin couldn't wait to speak after watching the crowd around him, with an excited look on his face, and staring at Zhang Xiaona, who was full of intellectual charm, but was madly joyful inside.

Success, success, and finally success, even if you have a very high reputation in the TV station in Jiangzhen City?

Now, the location of the general planning of Jiangzhen City Festival is still my property!

With this plan, it won't be long for me, Jiang Wenxin, will soon have more prestige and fame in Jiangzhen City TV station than your Zhang Xiaona.

It won't be long before I, Jiang Wenxin, can definitely replace you and become the status of Jiangzhen TV Station.

"Okay, okay, it seems that not all of us here are incompetent people. Although Jiang Wenxin is a newcomer, but since you can have such confidence, this is a very good thing. If so, If you do n’t have any opinions, then the general planning of the celebration of Jiangzhen TV Station will be handed over to Jiang Wenxin. I think you should have no problems. ”

The deputy director did, as they said, with a bright smile on his face.

As soon as the words fell, I saw Zhou Huiqi's dissatisfaction.

"No, not at all. If the deputy director said that you took Zhang Xiaona, Sister Zhang and us down because we didn't invite the first-line or second-line stars to participate in the annual celebration of Jiangzhen TV Station, then Jiang Wenxin also You must invite first- or second-tier stars to participate in the celebration of our TV station in Jiangzhen City, otherwise this is simply not fair. "

The deputy director's face changed instantly, and it was difficult to see. Although all this was expected by him and Jiang Wenxin, watching Zhou Hui in this conference room so openly questioned his decision and still felt very unhappy. , Pi Xiaorou said without a smile

"This is of course. Comrade Zhou Hui's consideration is very good. Of course, as leaders, we must treat them equally. Jiang Wenxin, you must be able to invite a first-line or second-line star to participate in the celebration of our TV station in Jiangzhen City. It should n’t be a problem for you. I do n’t know if you can do it. If you can, then the position of the annual celebration plan of Jiangzhen TV Station is yours. If you ca n’t, then Only please be smart.

"Deputy director please rest assured that I can say this, it must show that I have such confidence, I don't know Miss Zhou, do you think Zhang Zhe can be regarded as a star?"

Zhang Zhe.

Jiang Wenxin's words just fell. The people in the conference room suddenly talked, they whispered, and they talked to each other, one after another showing a look of astonishment.

"Zhang Zhe, do you mean that front-line singer Zhang Zhe?"

Zhou Hui's mouth widened, her face was incredible. Zhang Zhe also passed the invitation through the contact method, but I don't know if it was for any reason. Zhang Zhe's contact method has always been unattended, so Zhou Hui et al did not contact Zhang Zhe, but it is undeniable that Zhang Zhe is indeed a front-line star.

Although with this period of time the fame fell and vaguely fell from first-tier stars to second-tier stars.

But it is undeniable that Zhang Zhe is indeed between the first line and the second line, which fully meets the deputy director's requirements for the celebration of Jiangzhen TV Station.

"Yes, exactly what you call Zhang Zhe, I still have some friendship with him, so I'm sorry, Zhang Zhe has completely agreed. As long as I become the general planner of Jiangzhen TV Station, I would like to be us Guests of the Jiangzhen TV station celebration, participate in our Jiangzhen TV station annual celebration.

Jiang Wenxin said proudly, with a surprised look on her face.

She has planned for all this for a long time, and now no one can stop her. With this opportunity, Jiang will completely become the true story of Zhejiang, a sister on TV. "

That's it.

Is all this planned?

The cold light in Zhang Xiaor's eyes, full of intellectuality, flashed, because Anfu Town, who was constantly breathing fast and full of breasts, lifted his eyes and said coldly.

"That's what it says, but can Jiang Wenxin be sure? Zhang Zhe will definitely come to participate in the celebration of Jiangzhen TV Station. Don't be happy at that time, that's not good."

"Miss Zhang, please rest assured that I will not fight unprepared, not to mention I have already invited Zhang Zhe to our TV station this time. If nothing else, he should be on TV station now. Here, as long as the deputy director agrees, I can now sign a contract with the person and let him participate in the celebration event of the official TV station and become a guest of Dazhou celebration. "

Poor picture is now available.

In just one sentence, Jiang Wenxin shrank Zhang Xiaona's pupils, and everyone in the conference room also discussed one by one, with a look of surprise on her face.

It can be seen that Jiang Wenxin has not leaked in the video area, and it is still ring by ring, even Zhang Zhe has invited him.

Could it be that. This Jiang Wenxin is so confident that today's meeting will definitely pull Zhang Xiaona from the position of Jiang Zhenshi's general planning for the celebration and replace it.

Too anxious, too anxious, Jiang Wenxin's heart is really anxious. Such a move is to all people, although in the face of it is completely telling everyone that she and the deputy director are in a group.

The two jointly planned to take Zhang Xiaona out of the celebration of Jiangzhen TV Station as the general planner.

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