Super Finding App

Chapter 1293: One million (two)


In an instant.

Qian Hongguang, who was lying on the bed and dying in despair, seemed to be moved and turned his head. The original numb eyes were gathered on the various publicity pages brought by Zhenmail safely on the bed. The propaganda industry is a huge one million.

1 million accidents and casualties.

1 million, 1 million, 1 million.

What is money?

For many people, money is a straw for life. Although people say that money is a bastard, the culprit and the source of all evils, it is undeniable that you can solve many difficulties in this world if you have money :

As long as you have money, you can resolve many disputes.

As long as you have money, you can solve many problems.

In the final analysis, many problems in this world are only because of money.

Many people will say that the problem that can be solved with money is not a problem, but often there are many cases where you have no money.

What happens if you have money?

Qian Hongguang doesn't know, but Qian Hongguang is very clear. If he really has the one million yuan, he can pay off the debts of Boss Deng and get rid of the current poverty.

You can make your brother live upright, live in the light, go to school, go to school, and be able to live like ordinary people, not like the day-to-day life of the modern day.

If there is really 1 million, even if he completely encountered an accident one day, his brother can live on this money.

As long as you can live as an adult, as long as you can succeed in school, you can survive on this society, and all this requires money.

"Is this accidental injury insurance really worth 1 million? It won't be all scammers like the previous insurance companies. You can say anything before you take out the insurance. After you take out the insurance, this will not work. "If so, then I'm not interested. Please leave."

Qian Hongguang himself did not find that his voice was abnormally hoarse when he began to speak, as if the hoarse had never been eaten or drank, like a dying old man.

Just talk, just talk. As long as you talk, there is hope!

Really safe eyes suddenly light up and nodded

"No problem, no problem, please rest assured that our Anping Insurance Company is not like other glamorous insurance companies. Everything is a fake. In my Anping Insurance, every one is serious, every one can guarantee I ca n’t be sure where I can say everything. Please rest assured that there is no problem at all. "

Zhenping nodded and said excitedly. He knew that as long as the customer could talk to himself, it would prove that he had the desire to talk and the interest to talk. As long as he could continue the conversation, he would have the confidence to convince the other party to make a purchase.

The most fearful thing for Zhenan is to meet the kind of guest who doesn't say anything, and then drive him away directly. When he meets such a guest, there is no way to just say something obscene.

Obviously, once this guest talks, there is hope for success.

"That being the case, tell me, what exactly is this accidental injury insurance? How can I get insurance?"

Qian Hongguang said, after a pause, he seemed afraid of the real peace in front of him, and continued.

"You have also seen that I have become disabled today, and I do n’t know what life is like in the future. Even if there is an accident, there is no excuse. It ’s better than buying insurance as you said. Giving a hope to your family can also be regarded as a way back for yourself. "

"Yeah, that ’s exactly what you said. That ’s what it means. Insurance is a way of leaving yourself behind. Many people think that insurance is useless at all. In fact, this is exactly what they said wrong. That ’s it. This insurance is really very useful. Of course, we and I can understand it. After all, some insurance companies do play tricks on the text. But please rest assured that our Anping Insurance Company will absolutely not. , Now I will explain to you this accidental injury risk "

"The accidental injury and death insurance is only 10,000 yuan per year. The maximum insurance amount is 1 million. Of course, you also know that this is accidental injury and death insurance. Naturally, it is accidental. Suicide is absolutely impossible to obtain, and it is absolutely impossible to obtain insurance. You need to pay attention to this. "

True peace is introduced in detail, especially in the case of suicide.

Really safe running insurance for such a long time, he is also very clear, some people really want to use insurance to make money, and even cheat insurance, but in general, accident insurance is not too much:

After all, accidental injuries and deaths, to put it plainly, are to die on their own. Who will commit suicide, and once it is suicide, it is absolutely impossible to insure.

Therefore, in most cases, this accidental injury risk only gives every thought every year, leaving a trail.

After all, there is a lot of traffic outside, even if you do n’t hit other people in your car, you ca n’t guarantee that no one will hit you once an accident occurs. Having insurance is a bit of comfort and consolation to the families of the deceased.

But in general, accidental injury and death is more like a long stream of water. After all, no one wants to protect themselves today and die tomorrow. For all people, their lives are only once in the end.

Cheng Yiping in the state of soul, quietly watching everything that happened on the bed, sighed quietly.

When he saw Qian Hongguang nodded and signed this accidental injury risk, Cheng Yiping understood it completely.

Qian Hong Hongguang is rich?

There is no money at all. If he had money, he would have returned it to Boss Deng.

If he had money, he would not let his younger brother sell jade pendants.

This can only explain one question. Perhaps this 10,000 yuan is Qian Qianguang's entire property, and he bought all his property for an accidental injury insurance?

Everyone knows what it is all about.

next moment

With the idea of ​​Cheng Yiping, the surrounding scenes changed again. The peace of Anping Insurance Co., wearing a suit and leather shoes, had left. Only Qian Hongguang sat on the bed blankly and stretched out. Bandaged trembling hands, took the insurance policy with difficulty, clamped it with his mouth, put it carefully into his clothes, raised his eyes and looked around, and his eyes revealed an unusually complex look ...

"Brother, older brother, older brother, older brother, I have just heard the doctor say that if you do surgery, your brother may get your hand back and you will get better."

Suddenly the door of the ward was pushed open, and Qian Hongming, anxious, ran in anxiously. As a teenager, he had become more mature in a few days ...

At this moment he was anxious with excitement.

As long as his brother has rescue hands, he is willing to do anything.

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