Super Finding App

Chapter 1251: Solve

"Untie all this raw ore ..."

Nanyu City has the largest jade street in Tiantang Kingdom, and also has a special place to unravel jade.

After all, these so-called raw ore are only ore after all. Only by unpacking them into jade embryos can jade carving and later sales be carried out.

Nanyu City has a specialized site for raw material analysis.

"The young man is so powerful, you dare to take action on more than 20 people with Jade alone. In the end, you were even beaten. I have to say that you are amazing, it's really amazing to me."

"Come, come, come, here, here, here are the manufacturers of calcite that I am familiar with. All the calcite can be solved for you. The people who can fight with the jade are absolutely great."

"Is it him? It's that they dealt with more than twenty people by themselves. It's too good. Is it true or not? You're not kidding me. That's the jade gang, who dares to talk to us in Nanyu City?" Against the West, do you think you haven't lived long enough? Are you kidding me? "

"Really, really, of course it is true. What we saw with our own eyes, I thought that something would happen after he entered the police station. I didn't expect that everything is now safe and sound. Niubi, it seems that he is also someone behind people"

"It's really fake. Has the jade gang finally been eaten? I said that some gangs like the jade gang will come to pick him up sooner or later. It's really pleasant."

"Honestly, the last time I bought jade, I had to buy it from them. The price is more than two levels higher than before, but there is no way. I can only buy raw jade from random."

"Honestly because of the existence of the jade gang, the cost of my business has been raised by a few percent."

"That's right, not only this, it's the same for those merchants. This jade gang helped monopolize the market, and opened his mouth to make money. The alarm is useless. I thought no one could do right to them. I didn't expect it. Someone really dares to do it. "

"Taurus, taurus, all who can shoot against the jade gang are absolutely niubi, and offending the jade gang can still come out, this guy has a lot of energy."

Obviously, there are many people who hate the jade gang in Nanyu City.

But most people can only swallow it.

There is no way, after all, they all need to survive. No matter who mines or purchases raw ore, they need to live on the breath of jade.

Everyone just swallowed their breath.

And now there is a person who dares to oppose the jade gang. The most important thing is that he actually retired and spread throughout the jade street in Nanyu City in an instant.

Cheng Yiping stood in a jade stone street in Nanyu City, and watched the workers of the calcite factory unravel the purchased raw stones one by one.

Some of these mass-produced rough stones are disassembled to make money, and some of them are broken stones, but Cheng Yiping doesn't mind. He knows the batch in his mind that he found through the super-find app Of raw ore is the highest value.

"Don't say that, I'm just defending. You should believe that justice will defeat evil in this world. Although those jade gangs look abnormally outrageous, can evil be right?"

Cheng Yiping's opening was an absolute panacea, and the people on the side were stunned.

After a few hours, a cart of raw ore was completely released, and some of the expensive and expensive raw ore were directly placed in front of Cheng Yiping by Lin Luo.

"You, your luck is really good. Your batch of raw ore is the best after I solved it. I did not expect that there will be so many good raw ore. It is really good luck. "

Looking at the unprocessed raw ore, the boss said with a sigh.

There was a look of envy in his eyes, but he soon disappeared from the hospital.

The owner of Kaijie Raw Ore is very clear about his position. Today's Nanyu City is the same as the previous gold rush in Rice. Although most people come to do gold rush, some people make a lot of money, but more Man is a complete mess.

In the rice rush in this rice country, some people who sell food to open stores are making a lot of money.

Just like being the owner of these raw material ore, they may not be rich overnight after the person who bought the raw ore opens it, but as long as the raw ore exists, they can help people to unlock the raw ore for processing and make money.

There is a long stream of water, and the profit from each year is also considerable ...

"I should be lucky."

Cheng Yiping said with a light laugh.

"It's really depressing. Honestly, this No. 3 raw ore pile was originally what I valued. My vision is really good, but my price is higher than yours. I didn't expect to be snatched by you. Really. I regret it. "

Wearing a suit, the big-bellied boss looked at Cheng Yiping's raw ore and sighed.

Although the raw ore that I opened is quite good, compared with the raw ore of No. 3, it is not a star point.

Cheng Yiping felt guilty and touched his nose.

The pot-bellied boss relied on his own eyes, and he used the super-hunting app, and even peeked at the price, saying that it was no exaggeration to cheat.

However, Cheng Yiping will not give up the benefits of this because of such an idea.

The next thing is quite simple. Cheng Yiping, the raw ore released, will find a special company to transport it back to Jiangzhen City.

There is money to make ghosts grind.

Quite simply, as long as there is money in the world to transport this raw ore back to Jiangzhen City, it is a fairly simple matter.

Although this is Cheng Yiping's first time doing this business.

Fortunately, a boss with a big belly has taken the lead.

Cheng Yiping was very easy to find the way to the road. It really is that some people in the North Koreans are good at doing things. The most fearful thing is to intersect like a mountain. However, if a master brings it, it will take less detours

After handling the matter, Cheng Yiping took a long breath and stood on the street.

Evening in the sky, under the light of the sunset, the whole Nanyu City presents a strange beauty.

Cheng Yiping stretched a lazy waist and yawned. I wonder if Wang Yuting and others went to find the provider of the white cow drink. What was the result? This

The white cow drink is really quite strange.

Standing on the street of Nanyu City, Cheng Yiping lifted his eyes and saw that the advertisement on the big screen not far away still showed the white cow drink. On the streets on both sides, pedestrians walked by from time to time. It is still white cow drink.

This feeling flashed the cold light into Yiping's eyes.

Has a creepy feeling.

What exactly is going on?

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