Super Finding App

Chapter 1221: Legal (one)

This is a very humble office:

Wang Yuting and Murphy, Group 6, of the serious case, walked into this office and could clearly feel the simplicity in this office.

There was a slight smell of paint on the surrounding walls.

A variety of office equipment, exquisitely laid aside.

Obviously this is a newly formed office.

From the decoration here and the layout of the office, it can be seen that the establishment of the White Bull Group Jiangzhen Branch is very hasty.

It can be seen that the White Bull Group Jiangzhen City Branch is indeed just established. .

"Two police officers please sit, please. Two police officers please sit. Please rest assured. Our White Bull Group is a good law-abiding group. We are also law-abiding citizens. No matter what you want to ask police officers, we must know No words, no words. "

A man in a business suit with a humble smile on his face.

Even if he is full of passion in front of his employees, he is fighting chicken blood and driving the employees to work hard.

However, the two policemen, Wang Yuting and Murphy, who faced the six serious cases, were still flustered slightly. Within the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty, the police brought their own prestige.

"Hello, this is your tea ..."

The secretary in the professional suit had some frighteningly brought tea on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

The man in a suit and leather shoes nodded, and a look motioned to leave.

The secretary had a strange look on her face, she was really very strange.

The White Bull Group's Jiangzhen Branch has just been established and has not yet entered the normal operation. Why are there police officers coming over?

Could it be said that what happened?

The thought of the secretary burst into thought.

Many employees who have just stepped out of the office door will come over and chat

"Why did you say that there would be a policeman here, and nothing would happen to the White Bull Group?"

"Don't scare me, don't scare me, I finally found this job, and the atmosphere of this job is also quite good, I will be the same as the one who beat the chicken blood. If something goes wrong, it will be over "

"Don't talk nonsense, don't think nonsense, maybe it's just asking something, and we just have to do our job well."

The employees of the White Bull Group's Jiangzhen Branch talked wildly.

In today's difficult employment situation, it is quite difficult to find a job of your own choosing.

The manager of the suit and leather shoes of Jiangzhen Bainiu Group is a good MLM expert.

Meeting with them every day is like being beaten up one after another. This kind of atmosphere makes them not want anything to happen to the company. .

"Two police officers, I don't know what happened to you when you came to me. Please be assured that I will know everything and talk endlessly. Introduce yourself. My name is Zheng Kai."

Zheng Kai, in a suit and leather shoes, unconsciously sat up slightly.

Wearing a manager's unique smile on his face, this smile feels very kind, but with a kind touch, he has a temperament that is thousands of miles away.

"Hello, Mr. Zheng, this time we came here to inquire about White Bull Beverage. We want to check the ingredients and qualification certificate of White Bull Beverage. Why does your White Bull Beverage have such amazing effects? Will it cause some kind of harm to the human body? "

The handsome and handsome Wang Yuting picked up a cup of tea on the coffee table, took a sip, then put it down, looked up at Zheng Kai and said in a word

"Oh, of course there is, of course, all our legal procedures for white cow beverages are completely there, and they have also passed the safety inspection and identification. As for why there is such an effect, it has been said at the time of publicity. Is because we have added special ingredients that can stimulate people's metabolism. You also know that this is a matter of the research department, we are only responsible for sales. "

Zheng Kai stood up and took out the certificate of compliance of the white cow drink and put a series of documents on the coffee table.

"It is indeed qualified, but we have received other cases. It is said that after drinking white wine, it caused physical discomfort. It is exactly the same. I will come to you for advice. Your white cow drink is really good. Is it just a sports drink? Are there any undesirable factors in it? You should know that food safety is very important. "

The cold light in Wang Yuting's eyes flashed, she could never say directly that someone had died of a liquor drink.

One viscera burns, but one dies off.

This kind of thing seems very weird even now.

And as the police want evidence, in the absence of absolute evidence, speak with caution.

"Someone who drank our white bull drink would be uncomfortable! No, how could this be the case? Our white bull drink has been well received since it was released, otherwise it will never be, Zaijiang The town and city are officially selling, and all of our legal procedures and security checks have passed, and there is definitely no problem. "

Zheng Kaiyi said eloquently that the documents taken out of the paper showed that the White Bull Group's White Bull Beverages were in compliance with any rules and regulations and safety procedures.

indeed so!

The heroic Wang Yuting and Murphy glanced at each other and looked at the various documents Zheng Kai took out on the coffee table in front of them.

All the procedures are complete. It can be seen from the above that the White Bull Beverage Group has everything from safe production to sales, and is a company that sells complete production certificates.

"Well, since that's the case, that's bothering. There may be counterfeit and shoddy products of your white cow drink on the market. If you think of anything, you can call us directly and you should know that white cow drink It is your company's product. If it is a fake and shoddy product, I am afraid it will also affect the image of your company. I hope you can cooperate. "

Wang Yuting nodded, lowered the documents in his hand, raised his head and said, the light in his eyes flashed.

For Wang Yuting and Murphy, they have no evidence at all.

The only thing that was left was what Wei Fang said. White Cow Beverage now has all the legal procedures and is complete, and can't find any flaws at all.

"Okay, okay, I know, our White Bull Group is a good group that cooperates with the police and the public. We will also cooperate very strongly. If it is true as the two police said, it must be a fake counterfeit of our White Bull on the market This is a huge reputational damage for our White Bull Company, and we will certainly follow up. If there is any news, we will definitely report it in time. "

Zheng Kai glanced down and said righteously.

"Fake and shoddy products like this must be resolutely resisted. It is precisely because of these fake and shoddy products that it makes our authentic business difficult to do!"

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