Super Finding App

Chapter 1080: found it

right here?

The intern Hong Lin was aggressive, and he looked around blankly. This was a wild country, there was desolation and weeds everywhere.

It can be said that if they did not have Cheng Yiping's command, they would not have come to this wild country. The main thing is that there is no road in front of this wild country. In other words, the car moves forward. You can't move when you open it.

"No, Mr. Cheng. Is this really the place designated by the Super Hidden App? I haven't seen any vehicles at all. Where is the missing vehicle?"

Hong Lin couldn't wait to look around, but found that the wilderness was endless, and there were no traces of vehicles being hidden at all. After all, the vehicles are quite large. If it is in the wilderness, it should be covered by branches. You will be able to see it, but you can lift your eyes and look, there is no obstruction at all.

Where is this Mr. Joe's lost vehicle?

Hong Linzai looked around carefully, there was no vehicle at all, and he frowned and asked in doubt.

Did the Super Vortex app fail?

Is this impossible at all?

Although he failed to use the Super Hidden App because he did not have enough faith points, as long as anyone who has used it on the Internet knows that the Super Hidden App cannot fail.

"Hong Lin, don't worry, Mr. Qiao's lost vehicle must be here. Honestly, I am really curious that they can think of such a method. I have to say that this thief is really amazing ..."

Cheng Yiping shook his head funnyly. What emerged in his mind was the state of the avatar of the soul. Cheng Yiping saw the situation when George and He Tianming were handling the vehicle.

I have to say that if he didn't use the Super Hidden App, he would never have dreamed that the two would handle the vehicle like this.

It can really be regarded as a cover-up and foolproof.

"Although the Super Hidden App has not been officially certified, but its magical effect is quite clear to me. If Mr. Cheng used the Super Hidden App to find Mr. Qiao's stolen vehicle, the vehicle would definitely be in Here, if I guessed right, the vehicle is here. "

Zhang Daozhong's policeman grinned, and a keen light shot from the pupils. As a policeman, he had already trained a golden eye, carefully looked around, and then came to the front of the train with a lot of cars. On the mound of traces, point the mound road with your fingers.

"Police Officer Zhang deserves to be Police Officer Zhang, yes, according to the instructions given to me by the Super Vortex App, Mr. Qiao's lost vehicle is under this mound."

Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed brightly. He didn't expect Officer Zhang to be a golden eye, but after looking around, he knew where the vehicle was buried.

"It's right below. Although I'm not a special administrative detective, anyone with a good eye can see that everything around here is a wilderness, and only this one is obviously a trace of artificial excavation, and then applied to On the vehicle that the super finder app is looking for, then it can be inferred that the vehicle was buried under this mound. I really did not expect that it would be buried in the soil. No wonder our police could not find it for a long time. It turned out to be They can bury the car in the soil, but they still want to figure it out! "

Zhang Daozhong policeman shook his head funnyly. When he received the case of Mr. Qiao's stolen vehicle, he always thought that this was a simple theft incident, but now he really did not expect that the stolen vehicle would be buried in it. It's so strange in the soil.

Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed

"That's true, Officer Zhang, Hong Lin. In this case, let's dig here, I think, even the people who buried the car can't dig this pit deep, we just need to dig to the top of the car To know if the vehicle is buried here "


"Let's do it now"

It soon became Yiping. Police Officer Zhang Daozhong and (• ̀⌄ • ́) Hong Lin and three found tools in the trunk of the vehicle and dug hard. After a while, as the three men continued to dig the soil, they slowly showed up. A vehicle ...

"Find it, find it, really here, really here"

Hong Lin, who had dug sweaty eyes, shone his eyes, ecstatic.

"I didn't expect a thief to bury this vehicle in the soil. What do you say to the police, even if you find the vehicle stolen by the gentleman next year?"

"Of course, I said Hong Lin, you wouldn't really think that a thief would come over and steal the car and bury it in this mound. How brain-dead is it to make such a move?"

Cheng Yiping rolled his eyes and seemed to say it unintentionally.

"Yeah, how is this possible? If it is a thief's vehicle, it is really impossible to drive it to other towns to sell it. How can it be possible to dig a pit to bury it? What exactly is going on?"

Until this moment, Hong Lin still didn't understand why someone would bury the vehicle, and asked puzzled.

"Hong Lin, if you remember correctly, Mr. Hong, you must be the person who claims compensation for the vehicle. How much is Mr. Qiao's vehicle insurance covered?"

In the eyes of Zhang Daozhong's police, Jingguang flashed through, his eyes shot a brilliant brilliance, seemed to understand something, turned around, Wang Honglin asked seriously.

The intern Hong Lin froze, only to respond after a while, and nodded sharply.

"It's 1 million. Mr. Qiao reported 100,000 insurance for his vehicle. Once lost, he will pay 1 million. Officer Zhang, do you mean ..."

"Yes, it seems that it is. If it is a thief, the car must be sold or stolen after it is stolen. It is absolutely impossible to bury it underground, and the only possibility is to bury it underground. Do not let the police find the stolen vehicle here, in other words, it seems that this case of stealing a vehicle is a fraud case! "

Police Officer Zhang Daozhong gave a final word.

"Police Officer Zhang deserves to be Police Officer Zhang, and he is really careful. Indeed, if a simple vehicle is stolen, it cannot be buried in the mounds outside this wilderness, but whether it is a fraud case or a lost case It doesn't matter if the vehicle is with me, Hong Lin, I have used the Super Hidden App to help you find Mr. Qiao's lost vehicle. "

Cheng Yiping laughed lightly and shrugged his shoulders. Now that Mr. Qiao's lost vehicle has been found with the Super Hidden App, the next one has nothing to do with him.

What's more, there is this Daozhong policeman. This case of scams is a ruthless one. The plan of George and He Tianming seen under the status of soul avatar during the process of faith-seeking seems to be doomed.

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