Super Finding App

Chapter 1078: Lead the way (1)

"The seeker's search request is being accepted ,,,,,"

"Super Sense Link ,,,"

"Super Sense Links succeeded!"

"Item Selection-Mr. Qiao's Vehicle"

"Faith Finder Begins ..."

next moment

Cheng Yiping's consciousness seemed to withdraw his body again, passed endless colorful channels, and instantly appeared in a luxurious house. Looking up, this is a villa with elegant and noble decoration. A black premium car in front of the villa stopped quietly, and two figures stood in front of the car.

"Do you really want to do this? Is there any danger? You need to know that it would be troublesome if the police were to detect it."

"Trouble, what trouble, George, think about it yourself. If you don't do this, your company will go out of business, you will go bankrupt because of a lack of public funds, and you will be caught in jail because of a lack of public funds. It ’s all for you. If it were n’t for you, do you think I would come up with such a risky way? In a word, do or not do it yourself. ”

"No, no, I know, I know He Tianming, I know that you are just for me, but you do n’t want to be so upright about what you are saying, He Tianming, if you are not gambling and owe money outside, you are not You think of this method, and you expect to make a fortune with my method, right? "

"It's true. I owed gambling debts outside, but I can still repay my bankruptcy, but your George is not the same. If you don't have money, you will be taken directly to jail. You have to think about it. What's more, this is a win-win situation for cooperation. As long as the compensation is down, it will reach more than one million. By then, we will add five to one, and one person will get 500,000. Although 500,000 is not much, it should be enough. Your company is back to life, and I've repaid usury enough. This is the result of our win-win situation, so what are you thinking about George? "

"I know, I know, He Tianming, you're right, but I always think that cheating is very dangerous. If we get caught, both of us will go to jail."

"What you are afraid of, what you are afraid of, all are in the wealth insurance. If you think about it, let alone everything we are now is the formal process of a claims company. As long as you do as I do, the vehicle will be handled. OK, then go to the police directly, as long as the police ca n’t find the lost vehicle, you can go to the company to make a claim with confidence. If there is no accident, your claim file will fall into my hands. Give your case file casually to an intern who has just interned, and let him settle claims according to the normal process. There will be no problem at all. Even if the investigation is performed by a large number of people in the claims company, there is no problem at all. Because all the procedures and procedures are in line with the company's regulations, as long as we cannot find the lost vehicle, we cannot be regarded as fraud insurance, so even the police have no evidence. This is completely assured ! "

"So, George, I do n’t want to force you right now, think about it yourself, do you want to do this with me, if you have 500,000 you can ease the company's plight, and I have 50 Wan can also repay usury. We have a win-win cooperation. If you don't want to, it doesn't matter. You just wait for the company to go down and go to jail yourself. "

"Wait, wait, I did n’t say no, I did n’t say no, I was just a little worried, but since He Tianming, you are a business manager of a vehicle claims company, you are quite familiar with this process and have Your company has responded. I believe that our operation will be successful this time. Is n’t it just a vehicle? Can I bury, can I bury it? ”

"That being the case, then don't hurry up."

Under the dim light, two people in suits and leather suits with low-faced interlocutors looked at each other quickly, and the two boarded the car and the car drove away.

However, it was not found that Cheng Yiping, the soul avatar in the rear driver's seat, had sat on the rear seat, with a complex look in his eyes, and his mouth slightly raised.

It turned out that, after a long time, it was really a case of fraud. If this George did not have an accident, it should be the owner of the Joe in the Honglin file, and you, the other He Tianming, did not know who it was.

But listening to their conversation seems to belong to the claims company, which is a collusion between inside and outside.

It's no wonder that Hong Lin will find a Super Hidden Object Studio for help, and the vehicle compensation has reached more than one million, which is really amazing.

Insured 100,000, ten times the compensation is more than one million, powerful, powerful, really too great, and sure enough this year, people have no money, no horses, no weeds and fat.

The state of soul fell into the back seat quietly, watching Mr. Qiao who was driving the car and He Tianming sitting in the front passenger seat, the two talked eloquently, saying that after making it, they would make money. How much money is taken, and even this method can cheat the amount of the car insurance company, and it can also be seamless.

Cheng Yiping, who is in a state of soul, sits in the back of the driver's seat, listening to some intrigues, and suddenly finds that he can't make money in reality. It is understandable. All the methods of getting rich this year are written in the criminal law.

The car came to a wild jungle under the driving of Mr. Qiao. I saw Mr. Qiao and He Tianming getting out of the car and went straight to the trunk of the car to open it. I saw that they had already I prepared tools such as a shovel, and saw that the state of soul jumped up into a flat eyebrow. It seems that the two men really have a plan, not a blind impulse.

The state of soul looked at it all quietly.

next moment.

Sitting in the quiet pavilion of the small park, Cheng Yiping opened his pupils fiercely, watching the success of the object finding displayed by the super object finding app on the mobile phone, the corner of his mouth slightly tilted up, his eyes lifted, his face tense. Honglin Lin is watching him nervously.

"The Super Hidden Object app is truly extraordinary. It has found out where Mr. Qiao's lost vehicle ..."

"Really? Really found, great, great, Mr. Cheng, please tell me where is this missing vehicle ... Mr. Cheng, please hurry up and tell me exactly where this lost vehicle is. where……"

Hong Lin asked urgently.

"You also know that the super-hunting app only provides road signs. We just need to follow the search, but since you are a stolen vehicle, I think we should report it to the police, and follow the police. Even if something goes wrong, you can tell clearly, otherwise, if someone is beaten up and said that we are car thieves, that would be bad ... "

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